Quote by PamelaD
Okay so this week's, 'it's Sunday morning and I'm bored' topic is:;
Have single men become lazy?
Until recently I have not been truely active in the swinging scene.
As with anything important and new in my life I have deliberately sat back for 6 months, tempered the flow, poked in and out a little and absorbed as much information as possible before I have made any real moves.
After talking to many people openly over this time, guys, gals, couples; I have noticed a general consensus is that most single guys are lazy even when it comes to casual sex!
Sooooo many dont turn up for meets when offered it, dont meet up for socials to get 'in' with the scene and network with genuine sexy people, many hang about like a bad smell in clubs voyeurising, just waiting to be approached instead of interacting and chatting.
If I had a pound for every time I've heard a Single guy say he fantastises about a three some etc... but when questioned has done nothing to make it happen apart from keep telling every random woman he talks to about it, as if she will 'magic' one up for him and bring it to his door lol
Do you think this 'laziness' is because:
They are inept at social interaction and unable to make friends with people?
They are unable to be emotionally detached if they get to know someone?
They are just downright lazy and cant be asked to go the extra mile to have regular great sex instead of sporadic mediocre?
Please give any other reasons you think this may be..............
This is not a 'beat men over the head' thread, but more to get opinions on the subject and maybe enlighten others as to why couples and single ladies have so many let downs.
We keep hearing the 'poor me' cry from single guys about how tough it is, but when we try to open up to them and bring them into the scene we find that alot of them dont want to make the minimal efforts required.
Pam xx
Dont think it lazyness all the time, i think its nerves, first times always scary, just being honest, been a member of this site now for a few years, not a hardcore scene swinger but met a few couples and have had a great time, that first time though, boy was i scared, all worked out in the end though, were all still friends now:-)