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6 hours ago
Bi-curious Male, 59
0 miles · Derbyshire


second, hang fire on the bill. BT are under a lot of pressure from regulators on this, and have pretty much been instructed to look into it, and start blocking numbers known to be used for dialler scamming. it's unlikely they'll back down, cos the diallers just keep changing numbers to avoid the blocking, but always worth kicking up a stink just in case.
third, stop looking at porn you perv! :P ;)
neil x x x ;)

Hi Neil
Too late already paid the bill - couldnt be bothered for 35 quid, already spent a couple of hours tracking down the numbers etc.
Jeez, do these things come from porn sites??? I must have bloody hundreds on my computer then!!!!
A few months back, I had a problem where my computer kept dropping its internet connection. It immediately re-dialled afterwards and reconnected.
Now I suspected that something was suspicious about this, so at first I logged off after a couple of minutes, and then when it kept happening I pulled the plug out of the phone line every time the connection dropped.
Anyway, the phone bill arrives - and guess what??? yep, extra charges for dialling premium rate numbers.
I checked out the numbers and got the addresses of 2 companies in Panama and Delaware (currently under investigation), and armed with this information ring BT to get something done about the bill. BT told me that there is nothing they can do and they only make a small percentage of the cost of premium rate numbers and I would still have to pay the bill. evil
Well it felt like being mugged and writing the f*****g mugger a cheque.
So, best advice I can give if you have a dial up connection is to ring up BT and get a bar on premium rate numbers.
I just thank my lucky stars that I suspected and it only ended up costing me £35. I've since heard of peoples bills coming in at £500 and more. So beware people. Its not just the burglars we have to worry about.
Anybody else had a similar experience?
Hello Marky and all,
I was well aware of the answer, I just posted it to see how many people it would flumox
Casanova, Drunk and Dogger of this Parish. hump drinkies :borg:

Yes, its definately a funny one - depends which way you look at it. I thought I had it a few times and then talked myself out of it. Nice one though.
Hi Silky
Have you tried ?
Some funny pics and jokes but also some gross ones so beware.
Hope it fills in some minutes.
Look into my eyes Look into my eyes - Dont look around they eyes, the eyes - The cashier gave the boy back £5 and he kept 2 for himself and gave 3 back to the men.
Three Two One - You're back in the room.
I was trying to find Ebay - honest Guv !!!!
Well, dont you just find that, whatever you type into a search engine, it ALWAYS comes up with Ebay on the first page.
Hey up Lazeeboy
Crackin' idea about beer delivery. Whats the betting that theres some law against it though?
That's a deal foxy. I'll send on to you if I get a pic by mistake.
Feel like I owe you one anyway for your fantastic avatar...... nice ass!!!
Sorry to hear your friends let you down Mancbabe.
It'd be better if the buggers said they werent going in the first place rather than string you along and then cancel last minute so you cant arrange anything else. banghead
Pity you're not in Sheffield, could have come round for a consolation hug kiss
Wish someone would make that mistake with me :shock:

biggrin be carefull what you wish for :shock:
Cheeky sod, what are you implying?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
:D he might get some hairy arsed bloke instead of a hot chick like you wink
Didnt think of it from that angle John...... Good point
There's a lot to be said for a bit of 'computer housekeeping'.
Rather than keeping your naughty pics in the MY DOCUMENTS folder, it'd be better to create a new folder with an unrelated name (and maybe subfolders within it) and keep all your pics in there. It's a bit more of a pain to get to them, but at least they wont 'pop up' by accident.
Triple edged sword too:
1. The embarrassment by you or whoever saw the pic
2. The possibility of 'coffee'
and 3. The possibility that they'll gossip.
Anyway, if you'd like to send me the pic by accident I really wouldnt be offended. lol
I used to have a good friend who turned into a bit of a user. I dont know why this happened, it just got to the stage where he only rang when he wanted a favour.
All people are different. Theres the people who you know you can rely on, and the people who you'd never ask if you needed help because you know they'd lt you down.
It's one of the worst feelings, when you're in a fix and you need help and a 'friend' isnt there for you.
I used to always give people the benefit of the doubt, although I'm a little less tolerant lately. I know who my true friends are - but I have been 'unpleasantly surprised' in the past by friends who have changed to be just out for themselves.
Hi Cathy
Glad to see you've taken the initiative on this.
You can count me in.
Wibblywobbly has made a good suggestion that the pub should be situated close to the M1 for those travelling from outta town. I have a suggestion for this if you'd like to PM me.
Chat soon
You got me thinking... why don't we Sheffielders/South Yorkshire folk meet up soon for a drink - mid week would be fine by us! A quiet pub me thinks where we can sit in a corner and chin wag! smile
If there is a favourable response maybe some kind Mod could move this to let's meet up?

This sounds like a good idea. How do these things get organised though? Do we throw a date into the hat and see how many people are interested?
If so, how does Wednesday 3rd February sound at a pub to be decided nearer the time and only discussed between those attending?
Has anyone else got any ideas?
Quote by Lazeeboy

What Am I Doing Here?
Oh yay!
(probably a question we often ask ourselves)
I'm staying away from hairy-assed chicks :shock:

I think we should all stay away from hairy-assed chicks...... Dont want to be fighting the Klingons do we?
WLTM = White Lazy Tall Man
OHAC = Only Hairy Arsed Chicks
Accom = After Cock Comes Out Male (loses interest and falls asleep)
Has anyone got any suggestions for different abbreviations we could use in various situations?
I was thinking of getting the ball rolling with:
BJ = Broken Jaw (A guy asked my wife for sex so she gave him a BJ)
NSA = No Spanking Asses (Sign in BDSM club)
10"+ = In Your Dreams
Any other suggestions?
Right who did it?? :eeek: :eeek: :eeek:
Don't look at me all innocent-like. Someone did it and I aim to get to the bottom of it :shock: :shock: :shock:
Someone has sneaked into my wardrobe and taken an inch off the waist of all my trousers!!
It was done sometime over the Christmas Period because they all fitted fine before then.
Has anyone else been a casualty of the Phantom Trouser Waist Decliner???? confused :? :? :?

The same bloke has broken into my house too!!!!!
I'm sure you got a decimal point in the wrong place there. Cant find my calculator though.
Quote by Mizz-Amerika
Hey. I'm kinda new. Not sure what I'm doin'... I hear ya'll friendly dudes here, so iz anyone willin' 2 msg me and explain the whole thing?
P.J. (MizzAmerika)

I guess you've had enough replies now to work out what's going on
Probably a bit too noisy and busy for a first meet.
I have had some good nights in the casino, but dont really think they're places where you have a decent conversation.
Having said that, it'd probably be a great place for future nights out.
What a great thread this has turned out to be.
Looks like Smashem has got a couple of offers out of a thread that might not normally get any relies, due to a heated debate.
Hope it all goes well for you matey and you get what you want.
Same old thing of women and men being total opposites.
Its good for a man to have big equipment,,,,, but no for a woman.
And a woman is ok to have big boobs,,,,,,, but not for a man
Are you lot good at pullin then? wink

:laughabove: You kill me man.
EVEN if you know them well ... they may not know it! redface

This is a good point. The AIDS virus can lie dormant for a long time. You can still have it 3 months after having a test.
I had all the tests done about a year ago because an ex claimed to have chlamydia so I got checked out for everything. I was crapping myself even though I'd been safe and 'thought I knew' my ex well enough.
Although its a pain wearing condoms, it only takes one time to catch something undesireable, so the inconvenience and trouble of wearing a condom is a small price to pay.