Hi Silky
Have you tried ?
Some funny pics and jokes but also some gross ones so beware.
Hope it fills in some minutes.
Look into my eyes Look into my eyes - Dont look around they eyes, the eyes - The cashier gave the boy back £5 and he kept 2 for himself and gave 3 back to the men.
Three Two One - You're back in the room.
I was trying to find Ebay - honest Guv !!!!
Well, dont you just find that, whatever you type into a search engine, it ALWAYS comes up with Ebay on the first page.
Hey up Lazeeboy
Crackin' idea about beer delivery. Whats the betting that theres some law against it though?
That's a deal foxy. I'll send on to you if I get a pic by mistake.
Feel like I owe you one anyway for your fantastic avatar...... nice ass!!!
Wish someone would make that mistake with me :shock:
I used to have a good friend who turned into a bit of a user. I dont know why this happened, it just got to the stage where he only rang when he wanted a favour.
All people are different. Theres the people who you know you can rely on, and the people who you'd never ask if you needed help because you know they'd lt you down.
It's one of the worst feelings, when you're in a fix and you need help and a 'friend' isnt there for you.
I used to always give people the benefit of the doubt, although I'm a little less tolerant lately. I know who my true friends are - but I have been 'unpleasantly surprised' in the past by friends who have changed to be just out for themselves.
Hi Cathy
Glad to see you've taken the initiative on this.
You can count me in.
Wibblywobbly has made a good suggestion that the pub should be situated close to the M1 for those travelling from outta town. I have a suggestion for this if you'd like to PM me.
Chat soon
WLTM = White Lazy Tall Man
OHAC = Only Hairy Arsed Chicks
Accom = After Cock Comes Out Male (loses interest and falls asleep)
Has anyone got any suggestions for different abbreviations we could use in various situations?
I was thinking of getting the ball rolling with:
BJ = Broken Jaw (A guy asked my wife for sex so she gave him a BJ)
NSA = No Spanking Asses (Sign in BDSM club)
10"+ = In Your Dreams
Any other suggestions?
I'm sure you got a decimal point in the wrong place there. Cant find my calculator though.
Probably a bit too noisy and busy for a first meet.
I have had some good nights in the casino, but dont really think they're places where you have a decent conversation.
Having said that, it'd probably be a great place for future nights out.
What a great thread this has turned out to be.
Looks like Smashem has got a couple of offers out of a thread that might not normally get any relies, due to a heated debate.
Hope it all goes well for you matey and you get what you want.
Same old thing of women and men being total opposites.
Its good for a man to have big equipment,,,,, but no for a woman.
And a woman is ok to have big boobs,,,,,,, but not for a man