Hi Ewen
It sounds like you wont have too much difficulty finishing with this girl. If you stop calling her, she sounds like she's the type not to make the effort to get in touch with you. The 30 mile gap between you means you're not going to bump into her down the shops either.
I was in a similar situation a few years ago, paying for nights out / holidays / doing all the running around. I didnt mind this, but when she started saying that I didnt do enough for her, it was too much.
If I were you I'd forget about the cash and just move on. I'm sure you'll find someone you're happier with.
Good luck
My favourite smell (bit weird this one) is a mixture of creosote, petrol and chemical toilet in a hot shed. - Reminds me of childhood summers at the caravan with my dad.
He obviously had a great time. As he paid you afterwards you should take it as a gift and a compliment.
Wouldnt mind a lady paying me £50. It'd be a big compliment and ego boost - dont think it works the same way for women though does it?
IZAL toilet paper. WTF was that all about????
You might want to try the photo ads section, as about 40% of the advertisers on there are looking for VWE / 8+ etc.
Saw it last night. Real piss take out of the Americans.
Was in stitches at the two puppets having sex.
:laughabove: What they said
Hey Wibbly,,, you seem well informed on the subject. I often wandered what the slogan on road bridges was all about.
You have enriched my evening with your knowledge and wisdom (as well as your fine avatar)
I wish I was a hedge hopper
Life would be a farce
I'd climb up all the highest trees
And slide down on my hands and knees
I'm not sure, but do PMs stay in your 'Outbox' until it has been read by the recipient and then goes into your 'Sent' box.
I thought this thread had been locked. I'd have put good money on a bet that it would have had 30+ replies by now. Guess I'd have lost :shock:
I guess it must be fantastic for the woman if she likes anal anyway - although one gf I had enjoyed anal but didnt like a vibe in the front door at the same time, so I suppose everyone is different.
Anyway, hope you get your fantasy soon.
Hi Jules
Glad to hear that you've been feeling a bit more on form. I've read your other thread and it sounds like you've had a bit of a crappy time of late.
Just hang in there and time should do its work.
I'll be at the munch on Wednesday so hope we get time for a little chat then.
Take care and keep looking after yourself.
Some of the best erotic art I saw was on a wall in a pub toilet.
I know it sounds naff but this stuff was really well done by a proper artist . It showed retro war-era ladies in skimpy underwear.
It didnt look much when close up taking a leak, but it looked fantastic when yu stepped back.
Nice one Silky.
Theres a few of those that reminds me of people IVe met.
Brian to crowd : You're all individuals
Crowd : We are all individuals
Individual : I'm not
Always look on the bright side of life
I once had to work in Florida for a month (bummer eh?) and while in the canteen, one of the guys burst out laughing as he was reading the problem page in the newspaper.
The problem belonged to a young farmer from Alabama who asked "If I divorce my wife, Will she still be my cousin?"
Only in the deep south eh.