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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Staffordshire


I was up in the attic the other day and when I was climbing down again I misjudged the last step and stubbed my toe, how long does it take for the toenail to go black?
Thanks for your help. biggrin
Quote by neilinleeds
hiya vicky,
dunno if gem's confirmed for us, but will deffo be there! biggrin
neil x x x ;)

Ditto :D
See y'all soon.
Yeah, I know Dreamer Helen is sick, I could have told you that ages ago, I've even got pm's to prove it.
The things she wants me to do would make a whore blush!
Get well soon and see you next week kiss
Quote by steph
Sorry but I agree with Marms
I find the thought of just shooting someone totally abhorrant - and the thread distasteful as it advocates MURDER.

Wouldn't go that quite far Steph, it's obviously a 'light-hearted' thread, just the thought of enjoying the imagined death of someone I find distasteful.
Quote by bi_the_sea
Ok, here's a question to get you thinking....
If you could put one politician up against the wall and give them both barrels who would it be? And why? ]No limits (ie they can be dead already....)
I'll start it off.....

Dick Cheney because of Iraq, Halliburton scandals, oil interests, the fact that he controls the robot that sits in the Oval Office etc....
Come on, your turn....

No one, I'm against capital punishment and corporal punishment in general. Wishing harm on another really doesn't get me off.
Quote by da69ve
What do you mean, like I do anal? Did I miss something?

May be wink
You stalking me again! I've a good mind to take you in hand, and sort you out once and for all!
I'll hold him down!
Woo hoo!
Let's Par-tay!
Quote by 34fun
you do not have to be bi or afraid of another mans bits, just adventurous.
when i did it the lady in question called a halt after a few mins cos she found it too painful, but the other guy did think he was a friggin jack hammer !!!!

A bit of sensitivity is called for, you are correct there, dude.
Quote by Bloke2005
What do you mean, like I do anal? Did I miss something?

May be wink
You stalking me again! I've a good mind to take you in hand, and sort you out once and for all!
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Ohhh hello marmalaid, long time no speak! hehehe
TY for that info, real good to know that straight guys would be up for this :twisted:
so the position your just saying do it like you would anal really ?
Shaz x
oh P.S Tony said to say hi back! lol and yes his lungs are stronger now! lol
we will have a house soon and you might just get an invite to our house warming party if your intrested marmalaid hehehe

:bounce: Woo hoo, I'm first on the list biggrin
What do you mean, like I do anal? Did I miss something?
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
Tony has a bit of a fantasy watching me get DP and i seem to like the idea :twisted:
But not the DP as one would normally expect...
As i don't like anal we was thinking about 2 in the same hole but we have a few questions?
As the 2 guys would be going in the same hole, would they need to be bisexual?
Just that if we did have to get bisexual guys to do it then we would rather not try it...Don't want them end up forgetting i am there and leave me out :shock: and also not really in to watching 2 men doing things together smile
So have any of you lovely ladies tried DP this way and if you have....
Is it possible ?
what was it like?
what position did you find best?
and most of all, would you do it again?
Shaz x

It's possible, I can attest to that...
What was it like? I guess it's a personal thing, so you'll just have to find out for yourself! biggrin
The position that seems easiest is for the two guys to have their legs interlocked, one over, one under.
Would i do it again? Is that an offer :twisted:
Do the guys have to be bi? Nah, just not frightened of another guys bits.
Say Hi to Tony for me.
Quote by dambuster
Ah - those little tray things that Chicken Balti come in ????

:thumbup: you got it!
Quote by dambuster
Roll on bbq weather rolleyes
So tomorrow, Noel - I'll have a full English please (no tomatoes or fried bread)

Did I hear BBQ and tomorrow in the same sentence? No? Consequtive sentences? Close enough!
Rather unimaginative, I know, but I usually say no and walk on.
I feign interest for a short time, ask for their name and number and tell them that my phone is registered with the TPS (Telephone Preference Service) and that I'll be reporting them, don't get to do this very often, only about twice per year.
If they are contacting me via work phone I ask them if they are reading from a script, "No sir!", if they obviously are I tell them to stop readign from the script or I'll hang up, and I do biggrin
Quote by Lilmiss
Well..... Id like to thank the ops for allowing me to take the gullable bit off my name...
Im now once again known as ....
Lilmiss biggrin
I'm glad you had that bit removed from your name, it was a little strange, as the word gullible was taken out of the Chambers dictionary in 1997, naive is used throughout now.
PS I've got some toenail clipping that you need to see! (sorry, I meant to say would you like to see some kittens?)
Bugger! And I've just been out to get my own, I have chips and gravy.
BLT (with mayo) for me tomorow please Noel!
Quote by dambuster
if this is the age of teknologie - why hasn't someone come up with an electric/mechanikal cheese grater thing ?????

They did, it's called a food processor, Kenwood do/did a grate (did you see what I did there biggrin ) one called the Kenwood Chef.
Quote by dambuster
And while I'm on the subject - How the fLuck do you know when to stop grating ???

Simple, when there is no cheese left, depends on how much you get through in a week really. Grate loads and keep it in the fridge in a Tupper/Better/Genericware tub, then it's always ready for you at a seconds notice. Unless, of course, it's parmesan, that has to be done fresh over your food.
Quote by dambuster
I now have a grated cheese mountain in my kitchen that the EC would be proud of and pay subsidies for :shock:

Time for a betterware mountain!
Quote by Rich_and_dee
sorry Chris, it all started by me asking why i could hear funny noises online. Wasnt chatting on at the time and im useless at MSN. I may only be 5ft tall but I cause mayhem wherever i go :embarrased2:

Have you resolved it, or do you still want to sort it? (Other than by switching off your speakers!) kiss
PS Is that 5 foot, or 4 foot 11 and 3 quarters biggrin
Quote by Rich_and_dee
says nuthin about cos you lot might find me at least i know im safe in there lol

Were you looking for help here or not? With that non-ansewr I guess not.
Quote by Rich_and_dee
Some people can be sooooooooooooooooo cruel sad
Offers to get you fitted with a str8 jacket

Where are you talking about? In MSN/ ? On SH?
Quote by Clare and Steve
Thanks guys kiss
And there was I expecting some kind of nick name for having to cancel stuff redface
Hope to be back on top soon (gotta keep wishful thinking )
Take care all and thanks again :kiss:

Hugs to the King and Queen of Cancellation wink
Here's something that was interesting.

These shapes are called Booba and the other Kiki. Which is which?
(Well, I thought it was interesting, so see if I care if you don't :P )
95 to 98% call the orange one Kiki.
This is a phenomenon known Synaesthesia, mixing the senses, some people, for instance, see particular colours when they hear certain words.
You can read all about it .
Quote by kazswallows
hey we brought your clothes back, you seemed a tad underdressed to me ;) lol

Do you think I should have 'left my hat on'?
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Chris you still haven't explained yourself - why were you dressed normally and why didn't you change clothes? Were you ill?

I am so glad we didn't go to this munch.... I would have been sooooooo disappointed if we had gone all that way and Chris hadn't taken his clothes off lol :lol: :lol: wink
You sweet talker, you!
You really shouldn't encourage me. In fact many people asked when I was going to disrobe. Debbiewebs put a neckerchief type thing on me and people asked where my woggle was, Tatty took off my tie and unbuttoned my shirt and then, a little later Mistress Sassy did it back up :shock: you see, not everyone apreciates my body as you do :lol:
Quote by freckledbird
Chris you still haven't explained yourself - why were you dressed normally and why didn't you change clothes? Were you ill?

And whilst I'm thinking about it, it had nothing, absolutely nothing to do with EagerSlut usurping my position as the attention seeker as was suggested by one impertinent! lol
Quote by freckledbird
I didn't even try to touch it! :shock: redface

I know you didn't, I never said you did, I know just how much of a lady you really are.
Nice to see you both again, anyway. kiss
Quote by freckledbird
Chris you still haven't explained yourself - why were you dressed normally and why didn't you change clothes? Were you ill?

Erm, no reason, just thought it was the thing to do this time wink
and it made it harder for you to reach my cock!
Quote by EagerSlut
Ooooooh! And does anyone know if we converted any of the bar staff? :P :twisted: :twisted:

Right at the end of the night I said to the manageress/owner/whatever
"Good night?" she replied
"It always is with you lot."
So you never know, we might have a chance yet!
Every venue that I've asked I always get that sort of response, you are all fab and it's always great to see you!
Hugs and kisses to all!
Quote by naughtynymphos1
mafia? :shock:
you talking about me blonde bit? lol

I sure am, here's what I'm talking about.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
sleazy, give me a shout when you're done and i come and collect me stuff biggrin

But will you stop for a coffee this time?
nah he wouldn't come in was scared i'd set him on with the cleaning up i think lol
he just kinds wound the window down and threw the stuff out while passing confused
i make a good cuppa n all don't i marm's? wink

Quote by meat2pleaseu
think NN was planning on a marmite snack dunno

are you being rude? poke
Coffee is just fine, and Mafia is very chatty too!