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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 52
0 miles · Staffordshire


Quote by playinglady69
cool IT CANNOT BE THAT HARD can it to fidn the right person to swing with if you are honest and open from the start why do most guys think every woman looking for mr right why cannot we ladys single that is find a good honest single swing buddie am i looking in the wrong places ?????????????/ confused:

Well, has I havnte red ur poefile i might not rearly have a right to coment, but as I'm hear I mite has weel...
Fancy a drink? Can I fuck you haftearwards?
Well my mum is 58 & my oldest daughter is as yet unborn, so far I've managed to stay within that criteria, admittedly probably more by luck than by judgement...
Quote by LadyFeeBee
Fee promises not to wear lip balm if Marms is anywhere in the vacinity so she can get a sensational snog like last time! biggrin :twisted:
Erm.....what was this thread about again?? :shock: lol

Suddenly it's all about us, sweet-child-o-mine!
Quote by seasider
I've slept with the number of women who have wanted to sleep with me! smile

I haven't, the number of women I have slept with bear no relation to the number of women who wanted to sleep with me, although it's possible that some of my number never really wanted to, or at least regretted it in the morning surprised
Quote by Sarah
Lip balm should be issued at parties as well to certain females!!! :twisted:

Lip balm is a Chris repellant! I hate the feel of second hand lip balm, so I've never used it on myself.
PS wave hello Sarah kiss
Quote by Medic_1
Give Marms my best wishes hun.
Phredd :love:

Do it yourself, ya lazy get!
Quote by westerross
Is this man confused? Maybe - maybe not?? wink Not quite how I recall it..!

Recall it however you wish, my friend, I'll make any corrections next time I see you a-munching, oh and I owe you a pint biggrin
Quote by westerross
Good to see you matey. Angelica says hi!

Hello to you both biggrin Hugs and kisses to you, hugs and handshakes to Angelica, or something like that cool
Quote by louise_and_joe
Thanks for that , i still havent worked out how to quote off site yet. redface Any advice warmly welcomed. confused
Louise xx

Easiest thing to do is to quote this post and have a look at it, you will see [url=http:// is the important bit, here's something easier [url= ]Clicking this takes you to Google[/url] would give you
Hope this helps.
Da69ve - you say that as though I've been away biggrin
, for those of you, like me, that just has to have a source for credance;
The scare has come to light just weeks after the South London Press revealed that one in 135 people in Lambeth has treatment for HIV.
The picture in Southwark is not much better,with one person in every 165 diagnosed with the virus.

Oh and is this enough information to answer your question, DuncanLondon?
Scientists from the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) have tested them and say they cannot be sure of their safety.

Condom bosses are trying to get the imitation sheaths out of the shops that have been there since May 2005.
Will Nutland, head of health promotion at Terrence Higgins Trust, said the fake condoms were potentially very dangerous.
Quote by Vix
Still no takers, then.

Maybe one, can I come and join your contest, or is it one entry per contestant? cool
Quote by dambuster
Thank you Marmalaid for the gorgeous flowers. We're fighting over who they were actually for - so we've claimed them as "ours" - And thanks for the ride home :thumbup:

That's exactly it, my friends, they are for the both of you, you are fantastic and I love you both :rose: I'm happy to drive you, either driving you home, or around the twist. Thanks for inviting me and letting me be there to enjoy it.
Thanks to those thatbought, or offered to buy me drinks, thanks to those that kissed me, fed me sandwiches, played music for me (thanks a million Alex), danced with me or swapped items of clothing biggrin
You all made it a blast :thumbup:
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
I've said it before and I'll say it again, something very strange happens when you two are in the same room. loon

It's all his fault, he started it by telling me he liked my shirt. cool
Quote by jayne-jeff4fun
thanks lads, was never keen on vanilla
like something a bit more SPICEY! lol

Vanilla is the most popular flavour of ice cream for men I'll have you know. Never seen any chilli flavoured ice cream, have you?
Quote by jayne-jeff4fun
Think I know what a MUNCH is now.
But what the hell is a VANILLA PARTY?
Please advise a newbie x

Just a party that you wouldn't mind your mother knowing about, just a normal, plain party.
I'd be relatively virginal compared to most of you at 523, but at least that puts me somewhere between Mal and Making Cocoa so that'll do me smile
Quote by neilinleeds

*neilinleeds wishes to make it clear, that what he should have said, in a vague and roundabout way, was that Her Majesties Government are a complete set of :insertrudewordhere: who seem to have forgotten who elected them in the first place?!*

FFS NIL, I I come back after a while working instead of posting and what do I find? You making posts like this! I guess it shouldn't surprise me really, I've known you long enough and a couple of weeks couldn't dull your ability to offend me!
Let's get one thing straight shal we? Let's leave no doubt or 'wiggle room' here. I'm going to be blunt and to the point and I'm going to start being blunt and to the point in just a minute after I've berated and belittled you just a small amount more!
The fundamentals here are simple enough even for you (or even DaveJ to understand). Right, here I go, setting it straight.... Her Majesty is one, not two, not more, it should be Her Majesty's, not Her Majesties. It could be Their Majesties, but it isn't Their Majesties Government. If you can restructure the sentence so that it reads 'the x of y' (the government of Her Majesty' then it deserves the possessive apostrophe.
I hope we understand each other here!
Quote by dambuster
*sneaks in very queitly and sits in the corner with a glass of orange and lemonade

I seem to have picked up this Caffrey's from somewhere, wanna swap? Oooh, and do you like my new shirt wink
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
So does that mean you certifited me Marms, can I be a Munch Micro Tart?
Go on, please say yes, say yes, please, pretty please :giggle:

Oooh no, I'm no certificatifier. That's Sarah's job.
I'll call you a tart though from behind in your left ear if you'd like wink
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Can I have a title too please? Munch SuperTart sounds just fine!

:cry: :cry: sod the super bit, I just want to be a tart :cry: :cry:
Ooh you are, you are wink
I would, of course, also be more than happy with Munch Micro-Tart biggrin
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde

bloody cheek, i ended up babysitting bi-pissed minx even though i was the munch virgin.

And seeing as you did such a grand job - you've now been volunteered as a munch chaperone lol
More like a munch cheap-one!
Can I have a title too please? Munch SuperTart sounds just fine!
Quote by dalesboy
been on this site for a few weeks has got my attention is how many good looking girls there are on are all ages,sizes etc.i don`t care much for lots of silicone and plastic surgery,which there isn`t much/any on here,just good looking natural women.i`d like to know what others think about the subject
which brings me onto the amateur pics know of any decent sites showing british fact is there anyone out there who sends their own pics in to sites like this.i would be interested to know.

This ain't a site for pic collectors, it's a site for swingers, does that help?
We'll start with Unacceptable Use of this site
Any posts that are only put up in order to exchange pictures, videos or offer photography services or some such - go elsewhere to do this, we don't want it here cluttering this site up.
Quote by PoloLady
Looks like you have your very own live-in angel - does he want to go to the 'special' health spa yet? lol

Indeed, he's fab. He's gonna move out one day, I'll miss him like hell then, it's bad enough when he's on nights and I don't see him.
No, he's still not even remotely interested in the health giving properties therein.
Quote by warwick
I was just looking at the davej avatar challenge thread again. (still cracks me up) and it occured to me that we must all have an all time favourite thread , either serious , daft or poigniant
You can shoot me down in flames if you like but I was wondering what everyones fave was confused:
Mine has to be the aforementioned avatar challenge lol

Didn't this thread appear once before? It was highjacked and held to ransom?
I think the DaveJ Avatar Challenge does it for me too.
That or the verific............................ation thread. :shock:
Quote by PoloLady
Sorry Chris, it wa a bit obvious smackbottom
Appart from that - the way you get in and out of he loft it would more likely be a broken neck than a stubbed toe! Spiderman wink

My brother bought some step ladders, bless his little cotton socks cool
Quote by redpantherman
It don't always go black

Dosent it!!!
Awww... what a shame! :giggle:
Oh, and bollocks you! wink
Quote by dambuster
Oh c'mon ! ! ! ! !
Give him a break.
The guy needs to live rolleyes
P.S. Chris - I hope it hurt like fLuck when you did it.

And you flipa
Is it now that I actually own up to not having damaged my toe, but just imagined Bilko spotting the post and thinking "Bastard, I've just locked two threads with Steph in the title and 'beasted' someone for starting a second thread after the first one has been locked."
I imagined him running to the kitchen to his key cupboard, grabbing the keys to his 'little green tank' ready to speed over to the control tower to lock yet another thread then hearing "Come back to bed, stud muffin, he's yanking your chain!" from Jags or Dawnie in the the other room.
Sorry for causing the sudden outpouring of misdirected grief redface
Lardi wink see you at the NW
Quote by the_Laird
(tell me you weren't ACTUALLY at Glasgow.............I was a bit pre-occupied that night!! wink )

Always one to do as he is told;
I wasn't ACTUALLY at Glasgow....
I wasn't, really, well, only in spirit!
Quote by corriefem
Not that long Marms but as already said may not go black. Mine didnt when I broke my toes a couple of months ago so and that was from stubbing them. Lost nail once though and it didnt seem that lon until it grew back. Cut out a bit of a plaster and paint a smilie face on it if it happens and then you have a talking, sympathy point in conversation ??????? whatever..... hope it wasnt too painful - know mine was and I walked around for a week before I knew they were broken doh!!!!!!!!!

Good to see you about, Corrie, we really should catch up some time soon, I have a new job and everything biggrin
Quote by Shaz_n_Tony
It don't always go black
Tony did just the same a while back and it went poison...
He had to have an injection under his nail and one either side of his toe then have it pulled out, wasn't very nice but it grew back though smile
Shaz xx
P.S good luck lol lol

Was that on one of your fetish nights then? lol
Quote by the_Laird
but in a good way!!

Nice to know I'm appreciated. Still a bit gutted at not meeting you at Glasgow sad there'll be another time biggrin