Hijack - sorry
LC - where is your lovely piccie gone .......
Quote by marmalaid
Sorry, don't have a telly these days...
but I have the DVD (both versions, Clooney and co & the Rat Pack (Sinatra and co) version) and know what you mean, great film I think... anyone any comments on Oceans 12 yet?
Quote by Debbiewebs
yes, please warwick, over here............................ xxxx
Quote by steveg_nw
Armageddon. Not because it was sad, it wasn't, but because it was bad. Very, very bad. I weep for the loss of 2 hours of my life. I also weep at the continued existence of Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer.
Quote by Scandal
Are you a newly-resigned Labour MP, by any chance? :shock:
Quote by 2_Dissidentz
We're pretty lucky in that most of our friends know about what we get up to. To be honest we wave it in there faces a wee bi
thank christ were not politictians.
Quote by lucyweebaps
I would
Quote by wildwilly
All politically incorrect words and phrases should now be changed to the following:
Dirty Old Man: Sexually focused chronologically gifted individual.
Perverted: Sexually dysfunctional.
Serial Killer: Person with difficult-to-meet needs.
Lazy: Motivationally deficient.
Fat: Horizontally challenged.
Dwarf: Vertically challenged
Fail: Achieve a deficiency.
Dishonest: Ethically disoriented.
Bald: Follicularly challenged.
Clumsy: Uniquely coordinated.
Body Odor: Nondiscretionary fragrance.
Alive: Temporarily metabolically abled.
Worst: Least best.
Wrong: Differently logical.
Ugly: Cosmetically different.
Unemployed: Involuntarily leisured.
Dead: Living impaired.
Vagrant: Nonspecifically destinationed individual.
Drunk: Chemically inconvenienced.
Pregnant: Parasitically oppressed.
Ignorant: Knowledge-based non-possessor.
Quote by redstilletto
Their version of Creep was outstanding.