More trivia:
If you laid all the women in Newcastle end to end, you'd be exhausted...
Quote by bluexxx
I think that what you said in the latter part of your post was honest (perhaps brutally so) and one that is contraversial for more reasons than you probably realised when you wrote it.
Anyway, I meant no offence to you, I was just responding in a factual way to a post that could have offended some people.
Quote by bluexxx
Mfromr, your opinion is misguided at best, or at least mis-educated. Many men do take out their anger on women by beating them up - take domestic violent as a good example. Further, studies show that both men and women take their frustrations out on members of both sexes by using physical aggression (in a variety of situations).
As Mandy1964 says, isn't so much about sex, it's a about violence.
Quote by mattmoleman
You may need to add onto the poll though. What about women who use two fingers? Don't penetrate but rub?
I'd like to know the results on this one.
Quote by Mandy_1964
Indeed. isn't about sex at all, it's about violence and non-consensuality.
Quote by sandie
Interesting point though where is Rachel? she appears to have given up and gone away and is not fighting for her documentary.
She has made no valid counter argument at all.
This I fear proves we are correct.
Quote by sandie
If Rachel wants to investigate she should be clever and mingle into
swinger society then she will not be seen as the outsider.
Go on Rachel have the guts and go to a swingers club and a dogger
location and see for yourself.
I though they called this Investigative undercover journalism.
Quote by KitKat
Daughters wedding, other daughter is bridesmaid; 'hi dad, this is my boyfriend from uni', 'umm, we have already met!'