His name is Wayne,
well he is a Roo that hops from one rough animal to another.
we have just had a look and a read of the Clubs page on this site.
There are 60 clubs featured: So we have set ourselves a challenge for the next few months and wondered if any one elsewants to play.
Club 60 is there for anyone who gets to every club on the page, all 60. You need proof that you went, and the game is to see who can get to 60 first.
We will think of a prize at a later stage.
We have just been emailed this, it is really funny, have a click and a giggle, you need you sound on to enjoy it.
Hi Bluexxx,
Your wish to visit every club has given us an idea:
In football there is something called the 92 Club, P is a member. It is for fans that have been to every 92 clubs in the country. So perhaps we should launch the SH Club, where by you have to visit and play in every swingers club on the list in SH clus page.
The one rule is that someone else from the board has to meet you in each venue.
Now heres a challenge.
Or are all the most interesting and genuine people on this site from "up north" ?
We are a London couple, and all the good profiles seem to be from people from the other end of the country,
Ce la Vie................
Guys as another "newbie" we too are finding it hard to fully understand the ways of the world in here. There seems to be some very genuine people in here, mainly the girls, but also some very very strange ones.
When you first come on here it is like walking into a new local, the regulars are friendly enough but also a little reserved, they want to know who you are at first, which is understandable.
As another newbie, our advice would be take it easy, get a feel for the place, and always remember: good things come to those deserve it.
Hi guys we went to the toucan club on tuday, our first dip in the water.
Was anyone else from this madhouse there? We ask because we were wondering if it was a normal night, a busy night, a quite night?
To be honest we had a great night, but mainly because we we just played with each other, which is always great.
But before we go again, we just wanted some feedback from others.......
Well what can we say? except thank you for your warm and tender welcome to ts wonderful board.
In the main we have no idea just what it is you are all talking about, but maybe one day we will learn this secret swinging code, or maybe we just need to get so shagged that or minds are blown and we too talk complete bollocks!
Maybe it because we are Irish, but what tfeck are you all talking about ???
Hello we are a new couple to this forum, infact we are a new couple to "swinging", and last night went to the Toucan for the first time.
So we just wanted to say hello and see where this takes us.