We would find it very hard if not impossible to stop - once the toothpaste is out the tube it ain't going back in.
Never had an ex so I'd better feck off out of this thread :sad:
Best put us down for this one.
Sad and shocking news. RIP
Even 50 years ago I would have thought they were able to fill a plane up. I don't suppose evolution has eradicated human error in the last 50 years.
The original argument was that planes taking off or landing over heavily built up areas (central London) was an accident waiting to happen. A less skillful pilot might well have landed on the city rather than the river after he lost both engines in 2009.
As an aside, I'm not really frightened of a plane falling on my head - I can run fast.
Stockport 1967, who'd have thought they wouldn't put enough juice in - just as well Stockport was still a wasteland so there was open land to crash on.
New York 2009 - hooray for the Hudson River.
I work under the Ringway flight path and I'm always pleased to see the tail of a plane - it means it's missed me again.
It will happen one day.
Don't be in too much of a rush for them to go down on you.
It's been going on for years. Google 'ammyy scam'. My record is 4 calls in a day, they sound like they're from the sub-continent but called John or Wayne. I've not had one for months now but it seems as if they are about to start again. I play with them, keep them talking and just bash random keys so they can hear me typing when they tell me to go to the ammyy site to install the remote control. When I get bored I tell them I've not got the internet or I've got an Apple. As an aside one of mrs nw friends did part with money to have her pc 'fixed' - I don't think anything bad happened apart from losing £70.
That's fecked up the TV listings for the next couple of weeks.
I've been searching the net for an Irish SS Battalion but I'm only able to find sources that suggest there were no Irish SS. I'm surprised that if there were enough to form a Battalion that that information isn't more readily found. There is a suggestion that a handful of Irish POWs joined the BFC but it seems there were never more than 27 British and Commonwealth members at any one time and the total number of members was less than 100.
Certainly there were very many non-German Waffen SS from the occupied countries of western and eastern Europe but Irish seem to be in short supply. I know it's Wikipedia but this link gives the nationalities, numbers and units of foreign SS.
I'm interested because I had never heard of an Irish Battalion in the SS although I'm well aware of the number of Irish that fought and died fighting Hitler.
Are you referring to the British Free Corps when you say an Irish Battalion. How many men, never mind Irishmen, served in it and for how long?