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3 days ago
Bisexual Female, 68
Bisexual Male, 69


Quote by Happy Cats
as long as the beans dont touch the egg.

yer big jessy - it's all mixed up in yer stomach anyway.confused
Dear oh dear, where to begin?
One doesnt put ketchup on caviar does one? One might have ketchup on ones chips immediately after the caviar but the fact it all ends up in ones stomach is irrelevant. You pheasant!!
Why would you put ketchup on caviar - it's fish, salt n vinegar would be the condiments of choice.
Pheasant!!! Are you insinuating I'm well hung, or that I should be well hung?
Quote by Happy Cats
as long as the beans dont touch the egg.

yer big jessy - it's all mixed up in yer stomach anyway.confused
Quote by Happy Cats
We would find it very hard if not impossible to stop - once the toothpaste is out the tube it ain't going back in.

You've got teeth??? :shock::shock::shock:
I got em off the National Health - you should try it, they would even make you extra large ones to suit lol
I think it's certainly a life-changing thing and needs a bit of thought and agreement before you start. Although we've made lots of true friends through the club scene it's the sex that will keep us in it. There is only so much you can do at home and definitely nothing that needs another 10 people. lol
We would find it very hard if not impossible to stop - once the toothpaste is out the tube it ain't going back in.
Quote by Dirtygirly
I always knew you were a keeper! :therethere:

No, I've never worked in a zoo.
Pah!! Shatter my illusions why don't you?! flipa
I've met a few animals if that helps.
Quote by Lizaleanrob
I thought it was a blanket ban on porn via the Internet provider, with households needing to contact the Internet provider to opt out as such to get access to pornographic content

It is. The reason for the blanket ban is to stop children accessing porn rather than to stop child porn. I doubt it will work but it's a good sound-bite.
Quote by Mr-Powers
So, if there is a choice, how will it actually stop people accessing child porn? dunno

The blocking isn't to stop child porn - it's to stop children accessing porn.
He wants search engines to not show the results of searches with dodgy terms as a means of stopping child porn. That's Pete Townsend's book research fecked.
Quote by Dirtygirly
All we need now is Markz... bet he turns up simply to say... You want me don't you. rolleyes

Is he on broadband or dial up?
Quote by Happy Cats
I was hounded out, humiliated and abused as a fool. Women hated me and men didn't want to be me.

I see nowt's changed then.
And this fucker was my only friend
Less of the friend you MCB wink
Quote by Happy Cats
I was hounded out, humiliated and abused as a fool. Women hated me and men didn't want to be me.

I see nowt's changed then.
Quote by starlightcouple

Also including idiots who think it's acceptable to drive at 30 mph above the speed limit and by morons driving aggressively trying to force other motorists to move over rather than just overtake as any sensible driver would.

So these are the correct procedures Max.

Amazing how many people do not understand the Highway Code and it's contents.
Was this the part of the Highway Code you were drawing our attention to?
Quote by Part of Section 163
* move quickly past the vehicle you are overtaking, once you have started to overtake. Allow plenty of room. Move back to the left as soon as you can but do not cut in

If so, I agree that some people do not understand the Highway Code and it's contents.
Even 50 years ago I would have thought they were able to fill a plane up. I don't suppose evolution has eradicated human error in the last 50 years.
The original argument was that planes taking off or landing over heavily built up areas (central London) was an accident waiting to happen. A less skillful pilot might well have landed on the city rather than the river after he lost both engines in 2009.
As an aside, I'm not really frightened of a plane falling on my head - I can run fast.
Stockport 1967, who'd have thought they wouldn't put enough juice in - just as well Stockport was still a wasteland so there was open land to crash on.
New York 2009 - hooray for the Hudson River.
I work under the Ringway flight path and I'm always pleased to see the tail of a plane - it means it's missed me again.
It will happen one day.
Sad news today in the aftermath of the cup final.
Quote by bbc news
A man has been found floating in the Thames wearing a thong, stockings, knee high boots and a Man City shirt with a cucumber up his arse. Police removed the Man City shirt to save his family any embarrassment...
Quote by deancannock
I guess it shows....there is a demand...even in mainstream websites like Wowcher. Maybe our little secret is out....and is a secret no more !!!

There goes the neighbourhood.
96 sold now. I hope they can find enough special event and party free weekends to book before the end of July or their en-suite room might be a portacabin lol
It's been going on for years. Google 'ammyy scam'. My record is 4 calls in a day, they sound like they're from the sub-continent but called John or Wayne. I've not had one for months now but it seems as if they are about to start again. I play with them, keep them talking and just bash random keys so they can hear me typing when they tell me to go to the ammyy site to install the remote control. When I get bored I tell them I've not got the internet or I've got an Apple. As an aside one of mrs nw friends did part with money to have her pc 'fixed' - I don't think anything bad happened apart from losing £70.
Quote by Too Hot
You should investigate taking a free Nuero Linguistic Programming course Star. The two day event will change your life - well, with a bit of luck, it might change the way you think.

And if that don't work, chain letters used to be a popular way of trying to change your life, maybe give that a go.
Quote by Too Hot
as Tax Credits have equalised payments between University graduated employees and High School leavers; thus removing ambition and motivation to be better qualified.

Really? Tax Credits will only come into play where they are both doing jobs that are so ill paid that the worker requires state benefit to achieve a level of income that surely should come from the employer in the first place.
If there is equality of pay above the Tax Credit level then that would suggest that the education system is producing high calibre High School leavers or the calibre of University graduates isn't what it used to be.
And as to removing incentive to be better qualified, aren't there far more school leavers entering university now than there were a generation ago?
If I am going to be cast adrift in a leaky rowing boat I want the captain and first class passengers to row as well. At the moment it's down to the stokers and steerage passengers to make headway while the quality have their feet up shouting "Row harder you lazy bastards!"
"We're all in it together" - my arse.
Quote by Too Hot
Either way - if 92% of working people are being paid a top up benefit on top of what they earn - the system is very clearly badly in need of overhaul.

I quite agree. Maybe the first thing we should do is increase the minimum wage so that working people don't need benefit top-ups.
Quote by VoyeurJ
Hey Star, lets try this again but ill try and use even smaller words this time ... Di Canio played for Lazio ... Romes Left wing team that Mussolini supported and have struggled to shake it off even to this day.
Roma are Romes left wing team who Di Canio never played for or would have the balls to do a Roman salute in the Lazio v Roma derby.
You got it this time, Lazio, Right wing, Crowd, Salute to Lazio fans that night ... Yes? At least you can count though lol

A typo? dunno But if you're going throw insults around it's always best to check before you press enter.
I've been searching the net for an Irish SS Battalion but I'm only able to find sources that suggest there were no Irish SS. I'm surprised that if there were enough to form a Battalion that that information isn't more readily found. There is a suggestion that a handful of Irish POWs joined the BFC but it seems there were never more than 27 British and Commonwealth members at any one time and the total number of members was less than 100.
Certainly there were very many non-German Waffen SS from the occupied countries of western and eastern Europe but Irish seem to be in short supply. I know it's Wikipedia but this link gives the nationalities, numbers and units of foreign SS.

I'm interested because I had never heard of an Irish Battalion in the SS although I'm well aware of the number of Irish that fought and died fighting Hitler.
Are you referring to the British Free Corps when you say an Irish Battalion. How many men, never mind Irishmen, served in it and for how long?