my wife wouldnt dare take a brillo pad to my clubs, think ofl the damage that could do to them over a prolonged period of time, she would have to work extra shifts at christmas to keep paying for new ones. No, I have her use a toothbrush instead, and being an understanding chap like Paul I bought her an electric one for her birthday to make life a bit easier (a bit like the breadmaker last year). But come to think of it she goes through an awful lot of new heads, i wonder if she has discovered a second use for the toothbrush, and why does she not wan sex anymore?????????????
tip top idea, blow job city here i come
adendum - my knob wont fit in the hole, perhaps theres an opening in the market here for an entrepreneur, any one own a canning factory?
1900 47
1910 27
1920 20
1930 15
1940 16
1950 16
1960 21
1970 31
1980 47
1990 61
And my name means handsome. It appears I am quite popular and handsome, why cant i get a shag then?????
jeeesus, its only monday, i cant remember what i did at the weekend..........oh god yeah, gardening and then my mother came for lunch on Sunday.......I'm going to shut up now.......still I do have work to look forward too :upset: :upset: :upset:
roll on Saturday
i think given time and maturit he will get the hang of it though.
Tallguy, get real if theres a blowjob in it for him of course he will eat dont be foolish and get the pineapple
not wanting to further stir any hornets nests but....
If my missus spends £100 on a pair of sunglasses and tells me they cost £20 and that she paid for them from her account, and I later discover that she lied to me for fear of me being a might bit pissed off, and did the same for haircuts over a period of say 3 years or so (Damn Tony & Guy)and simply says oh its only money.....
the fact that she lied to me about this surely by your arguments would give me justification in saying oh its only sex if I were ever to be unfaithful to her, does it? im not sure.
and secondly, should it only be called cheating for couples in a relationship with religious meaning, after all prior to christianity I think that infidelity was almost the norm. I'm not religious at all (but curiously i am married)
I think ive confused myself more now
would a Gammon steak underneath cancel out the benefits of the pineapple?
by the wat, does the pineapple have a positive affect or a negative one?
following on from previous posts i dont think the cheese adddiction will help you in the right direction..........I'm not doing any cheese related knob jokes either at this juncture
I hope Im not going to be landed with blame for any toast/cheese related injuries. Neither will i accept any blame for enlargement of thighs etc.....
Theres just too many starving people about
By the way i succumbed to the cheese.......................I feel terrible guilty, especially after the second round.........thank god I didnt have any fishfingers in
for a first post thats pretty impressive, its a shame you dont live in the 25th century, you could have become jean luc picard and just said
'make it so'
failing that, apply for a science grant and watch wierd science 50 times, invent and apply the same technology, hey presto!!!!
does that mean pythagoras had three then?
If youre a fan of big nips would three medium sized ones make up for the lack of size?
thats verging on the cruel, try making him sweat by leaving your underwear in his drawer, mind that could be asking for trouble
Theres going to be toast riots in the streets tommorrow
theres so many threads...
if youve been on the sauce how do we know youre spelling them right? i cant shtring tou curekt spellings togever wen iym pished!!!
benniblaka has it so far but Im still concerned about the cheese v early death due to weight increase aspect, awww f**k it, whats life for if not enjoying yourself
mattmoleman - how dare you
Jiggle - Im trying to avoid bacon, i put on half a stone since mid Jan, without the aid of biscuits either
Wifes friends recommended to her to try a rabbit out for size as shes not been keen on using her existing vibrator but knows she is missing out on a 'buzz' of some sort. However, we didnt realise there was such a choice of bunnies to choose from so would welcome recommendations from existing users.
I know its a subject close to many a womans heart.
Thats almost a pizza Kazswallows
faced with an ever depleting selection of toast type additives in my fridge i feel i need assistance. So I thought I would ask if there are any alternatives to Marg/Butter and Jam/Marmalade. That one would find in the average household
Its such a shame i cant do impressions secretmaccamslag cos right now Im giving you my best joey 'how you doin' impersonation. Is it working???
ah i see not, never mind. welcome to the forum, which I'm sure you will become equally addicted to as many others have, and change your hours at work cos you will start to get some serious redeye in the mornings
I have a serious love hate relationship with my nipples being played with. Its kinda like that feeling if youre being tickled and youre not sure if youre enjoying it but you dont want it too stop.
Blimey, an insight to my inner self, step forward any psychoanalysts please