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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 65
0 miles · Cambridgeshire


Quote by Angel Chat
I then took my telephone into another room and put it on the table with the receiver still off the hook and went back to making tea :smug:

Good for you.
At the end of the day it isn't the fault of the person who's phoning you, they're only doing what they've been taught. It's the wankers that teach them, who have themselves been taught by... and so on, up to the ones you'll never get to speak to in a month of Sundays coz they can't be reached on the golf course. I try to bite my tongue when that kind of thing happens to me, though it's not easy.
Your solution is good, but, as you say, it costs you money. If I have the time I usually get myself into the mindset of waiting till they've finished saying the current bit of their script (they ALWAYS pause at intervals with an open question for you to respond to). And then I just say "No, I'm not interested thank you." Rinse, repeat. If they don't go away, when I have finally had enough of the game, I say:
Quote by Me
"Exactly what part of 'No, I'm not interested thank you' is it that you don't understand?

And then I hang up without giving them the chance to reply - if they've not got the message by that time then they deserve a little rudeness on my part. Slamming the receiver down is optional, although whenever I do that I always feel stupid coz I remember that they can't hear that bit biggrin
Eeeeeeek is that the time? NN
Quote by fabio grooverider
you can't leave..... we have nicked all the exit signs......

LOL it is a bit "Hotel Californication" :twisted:
wave I'm new here, too... smile
Quote by fruity1976
should that be freezing water? :twisted:

Ideally, yes, that helps to give the darlings some exercise. biggrin
Quote by Jags
Mind you there are plenty of people who think it's OK to fry a placenta and eat it. confused Not me I hasten to add.

"Fry"? That would spoil it, that dish is best served raw and steaming :lickface: :shock: :twisted: bolt
ROFL... water? Sarge's caravan gets emptied regularly, I understand :twisted:
(sorry for the cross-threading, just couldn't resist)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
My house is on the way if anyone wants any help!! confused :? :? :P :P :P :P

You're sending your house to a party? Neat trick! Never had a lift from a house before... could I request that anyone taking Sarge up on his offer provide feedback smile
/me runs to defend against POWFUM (Possibility Of Wrath From Unknown Moderator) bolt
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Don't take the piss out of my caravan !! evil :evil: :evil: :evil:
Is that job already taken? biggrin
Quote by fruity1976
It isnt actually illegal (not sure if this is just scottish law) to leave your children in the house alone from the day they are born + as long as they are not neglected and in any danger!??

They're perfectly safe in a barrel.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
My house is on the way if anyone wants any help!! confused :? :? :P :P :P :P

You're sending your house to a party? Neat trick! Never had a lift from a house before... could I request that anyone taking Sarge up on his offer provide feedback smile
/me runs to defend against POWFUM (Possibility Of Wrath From Unknown Moderator) bolt
Quote by fruity1976
It fell dont you know!! ffs some people! confused lol

Are they doing repairs on flightpaths now? Jeeeeeeeeez... wish I had the patent on those cones smile
I always favour the barrel method of raising children.
Sprog directly into barrel :shock:, feed through bunghole :twisted:. When they're 18...
... drive the bung in ;)
Just want to say that the two devils in this thread do have very nice donkeys.
Nice one, MQ biggrin
While I'm here, Something funny... hmmm...
Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No-eye deer?
Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
A: Still no-eye deer?
Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes, no legs and no balls?
A: Still no fucking eye deer?
(I hope spoilers work on this site coz having typed that out I'm buggered if I'm going to delete it).
~You say goodbye, and I say hello.
Hello, hello?
I dunno why you say goodbye I say hello~
Addictions are hard to beat: beware the Arnie Syndrome ("You'll be back") smile
Quote by xxdevil69
Yummy... I just love grits!!!!! rolleyes (what are the point of those anyway... they just have no taste!!!)

You actually eat grits? bolt
I thought it was supposed to be plastered all over as a lubricant :shock:
Quote by EnglishChris99
Sometimes I wonder if drinking instant white tea is good for me... then I just think that surely the manufactureres have looked into this on my behalf before selling it... rather than just being the cowboy car salesmen of the instant drink world.!

This is my point exactly, Chris. The manufacturers of your instant white tea don't really have your nutritional well-being at heart: their priority is to make money.
They have a strong incentive to make the stuff more palateable than similar products with which they're in competition. Are they not tempted to add things that move the product off the shelves faster? Something mildly addictive would certainly help sales, for instance. If current scientific theory doesn't show that substance xyz is harmful, I can't see any reason why they wouldn't do it if it will improve their bottom line.
I'm not saying they would go out of their way to make something that's deliberately harmful (I'm not a complete nut!). They have to make their product "safe to eat" - but this is defined by current scientific understanding of what good diet is. And if views such as that of Dr. R.L. Wysong are dismissed out-of-hand by the establishment "because he's obviously a nut" then that just hinders the progress of our society's understanding of the issues sad
Take Coca-Cola/Pepsi/Soft drinks, for example. Rots the teeth, fills you up with sugar. What good does it do you? We're bombarded with adverts for the stuff. Coca-Cola stole Father Christmas, for goodness sake (it's the reason why he's red and white).
Personally, If I'm thirsty, I find a cool glass of water extremely refreshing. Although I do love a cup of coffee, especially first thing in the morning. And then another few cuppas throughout the day... hmmm... time for another coffee rolleyes
Quote by JonJon
Before giving this too much credence you might want to consider that, before getting into flogging pet food, the good doctor authored "The Creation-Evolution Controversy" a creationist tract that seeks to debunk the theory of evolution.

I think you may have that wrong: looks to me as though he's not trying to debunk evolution, he's suggesting that these two theories can co-exist, which sounds like a pretty :cool: idea to me. Anyone who can get people to agree on things is a good egg in my book!
See for instance the ramblings of an obvious religious fanatic who also objects to "The Creation-Evolution Controversy", but from the opposite point of view: :P
Quote by JonJon
Isn't google wonderful? rolleyes

You could just try working them out in your head first...
I did, didn't recognise a single one. Google rocks! The sooner I can plug my head straight into the Net, the sooner I'll be prone to all sorts of strange psychological problems :borg:
Come in, lie down on ze couch. Now, vot zeems to be ze problem?
Quote by Vix
I bet I can't get a pumpkin for love nor money, now

Zo get pecaaaaaaaaaaan pie instead smile It'z very yummy... ?
Quote by Vix
*sigh* Personally, I hate pumpkin.

Pecaaaaaaaaaan pie is kvuite common zere, you know...
Do you have a nut allergy?
Quote by Vix
Everything else will be distinctly un-American.

Zere's nothing az American as Apple pie. Come. I have a zlice of Dutch apple pie here... ;)
Relax. You are feeling very zleeeeeeepyyyyyyy...
Have a nice day!
My tuppence: asynchronous communications are tenuous at best. I mean: if a message is not received it doesn't always mean one wasn't sent.
Now I'm not sure I mean. Bedtime for bonzo methinks smile
Quote by WibblyWobbly

13. All we wanted to do is have a good time, then they went and took our house away.

So where did you pick up your Triskaidekaphobia? ;)
I've said for a long time that there are already too many people on this planet... :shock:
Stumbled across this page today and wanted to share smile
Very long, but once I started reading, I was hooked (I ignored the few blatant product placements, quite easy to do - and they don't really detract from the main message).

(warning: if you have a sensitive stomach then you may get :scared:. But then, if that's so, you're probably the type that can benefit most from what's being suggested... )

Life’s link to the natural environment – its adaptation to sunlight, air, and food – spans 2.5 billion years by theoretical evolutionary estimates. The use of heat on foods is relatively recent, and the use of processed foods and synthetic chemicals only has become widespread in this century. It is therefore unlikely that adaptation to these substances has occurred. Could we now be experiencing a culling in the form of chronic nutritional deficiency and toxicities manifest in immune failure and degenerative disease?

Going to talk to Gollum now to see if I can corner the market on raw fish :lickface:
dunno Someone tell me that the powers that be know all about all this stuff, and they're not just treating us all as consumers, coz that's what I feel like I'm treated as.
Why do I have Brian (from "The Life of Brian") in my head saying "don't let anyone tell you what to do, because, because..."?
Quote by hornyred and dino
mornin pendant and welcome .summat tells me you will fit in quite well around here biggrin(ooh err missus)

I will? Oh, that's nice to hear :D
Like the avator, which of you is hornyred and which is dino? :shock: lol
"Sorry, but Ad #169515 does not exist" sad
Quote by celticq
Hello strange new person. Love your signature.

Have we met? (You've got my number: definitely strange, me. Well, virtually, anyway, unfortunately I'm all too normal in real life :( ).
I haven't caught anyone out with that .sig for a long time now, it was a scream in the early days, when the Net was young, small green furry creatures were real small green furry creatures and I were living in a shoebox off the M25 etc. But then I do tend to lay off the pendantry these days, been petard-hoisted too many times, painful that, learnt my lesson.
:jagsatwork: :sparring: loon innocent
Well, sort of. bolt
Hi Caress, I'm a newbie too biggrin
/me waves to GC123 too smile
... they all seem to me to be nice people in here.
Apparently I'm a "Coton de Tulear" (the "Royal dog of Madagascar").
happy, friendly and intelligent little dog
devoted to its owners
can walk on its hind legs
cannot talk
only smokes in pubs dunno
Quote by Vix

Is my parentage in question? :shock: Do you know something I don't? lol

Your parentage... you know who your dad is. I apologise. But who's your mum?
As to my gender... have a look at my site. Cosmetic surgery is brill, innit?
No need to apologise. I think I know who my my parents are... but since I was only a few cells at conception I can't vouch for whose they were, all I know is that my memories from the point after all the projectile vomiting and nappy-wearing bits were over and done with include the same two people I think are my parents now. Of course there's always the possibility that there's some memory-changing technique that's commonly used on kids whose parents aren't the ones they think they are, you know, to calm them down and make them feel happy with their lot, that kind of thing.
MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice tits biggrin
Cosmetic surgery? Awwww, now you've gone and confused me again.
I'll get me (tinfoil) hat.
Quote by Vix
OK, shutting up Sir. Or Madam. Whatever smile

Bastard! My gender is not in question. Is it?
I really do have no idea what your gender is. So I guess that, for me, the honest answer is that your gender is in question. But I mean no offence, I'm sure that it's a very nice gender. I'm also fairly confident I'll find out what it is, in the fullness of time biggrin
Is my parentage in question? :shock: Do you know something I don't? lol
Quote by WibblyWobbly
I do have weird thoughts at times... smile

You can say that again.
Quote by WibblyWobbly
I do have weird thoughts at times... :)
