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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 62
0 miles · West Lothian


I'd go shopping for shoes with Dirtygirly!!
Help her try them on...might even get an upskirt peek lol
Bring it on
Yes Fabio, thanks for the reply.
Appreciate your time (and it must have took lots lol)
On reflection maybe I am at fault for not having a fuller profile. I'll make that No.1 on my to do list.
On the other hand, a lot of the people I reply to have very sparse profiles also. So if the 'get out what you put in' rule applies then maybe they don't deserve me lmao.
But seriously, thanks for your time and advice.
Thanks for the support.
I even tried mailing someone a second time just to see if it was something I said, or didn't say, that got no response.
Probably the wrong thing to do. But as you say, frustrating lol
Is it just me?
Over the past few months I have replied to adverts posted on members' profiles.
No one ever replies! Not even a 'thanks for your email but....'
I've had about 3 replies in total over 2yrs!
I appreciate some might get lots of responses but is it too much to ask for an Acknowledgement at least?
If you expect people to take the time to read and reply to your adverts at least respond....or don't post in the first place.
Very frustrating!!
WE fireman 44 available for nsa fun on Thursday. Outdoor/car or may accomodate.
PM me for info/mail addy to cam if interested.
Pete x
I contacted you before but it didn't go any further.
I'm not far from you so if you're interested get in touch.
Good availability for December
House all to myself today.
Would love the company of a lady (age not important)to have a little fun. As much or as little as you like.
House is near Livingston and has fairly descrete entrance.
contact me for more details or for msn addy to chat prior to meeting if you like.
yours Hopefully
Pete xx
Love ur pics fun.
Would make my day to 'stumble' across you guys next time Im out for a wander.
Maybe if you were to tell me where you're going next time it will happen.
Happy to watch or join in
Pete x
That's right. We don't have porn cinemas in Scotland but it sure does exist! I got lots!
If any lady or couple wishes to watch with me get in touch.
pete x
Thanks for the huge response guys (not! lol)
You still got time. Sun is shining today.
And thats the ad back at the top for a bit!!
pete x
Any lady up for some fun in Lothian on Sunday?
Drive / walk
As little or as much fun as you fancy. Kiss and cuddle is fine too!
Totally respect boundries.
44yr old WE clean guy.
PM me if interested please
hey! watching is fine by me (given the chance)
if anyone is looking for a watcher with nothing else expected then let me know. very keen to try it!
pete x
Any lady up for some soft fun in car or outdoors with off duty firefighter? 44 WE. Very descrete.
Drop me a msg and we can chat. Got cam if you wanna view b4 meeting.
Pete x
A few firefighters are having a day out in Edinburgh on Thursday. Few drinks and a curry and more know the score. Any groups of girls on a night out fancy 'bumping into' us at some point? PM me and we'll see what can be arranged. Look forward with anticipation.
I'm always up for some cam fun.
Single male, 44, firefighter off duty.
If you're interested lemme know...and suggest a time?
I see someone has listed a location (woodland area) in deans,
Would you like to be more specific?
pm me with details if you know please.
Hi. I'd also like to be invited along to watch or join in a little if any couples are going out and about. just send me mail please. Many Thanks
Well let me clarify.
I was thinking more of a similar group of girls out for a few drinks in edinburgh might like to meet up for a laugh....not single females.
And yes, we are firefighters but we don't go around with uniforms on advertising the fact...though some might!
But if thats all it takes for you...then get in touch! xx
My colleagues and I (Firefighters) are out in Edinburgh on Thusday 22nd All day for a few!! drinks.
Any girls out that day/night wanna arrange to 'bump into' each other? Our ages 25 to 45.
Might get more than you bargained for. Good laugh/flirt guarenteed!
Mail me or leave reply.
Pete xx
I did know...but whats the alternatives?
I'm quite new to this...learned the "non-formal" way from other excuse I guess.
Again...I appologise
Pete xx
Any fem want to meet up for some lunch Sunday (24th)? My treat! Ladies 18 - 45.
Some small talk and nice food (hopefully)...followed by a Sunday drive with a 'stop off' for some fingers and thumbs *wink*
Nice guy, easily pleased.
44/m/livi WE read profile/ad.
Pete xx
mod edit: now thats real naughty, posting contact details isnt permitted on the forums and posting them in a non standard way means you knew that, please dont do it again.
Any female like to meet for some fun either Sunday or Monday afternoon?
You call the much or as little way as you wanna go.
I'm in Livingston area and would travel up to 30 miles.
Car fun or outdoors or your place.
Reply or leave pm if interested.
we can msn/ chat first if you want (cam available)
Pete xx
any lady like some excitement tomorrow pm in edinburgh or lothian area?
m/41/WE (I'm told) with transport
Masterbation, oral or sex...what ever or where ever you want to draw the line.
PM me or leave reply..or contact on messenger...same addy
Pete xx