The sit was i placed an advert and a couple answered. I replied nicely but then ....................................................................... nothing!
They could have just said 'No thanks, we changed our minds' but not bothering to is in my opinion the height of bad manners.
If someone contacts you, how difficult is it to say 'no thanks' rather than to show ignorance and just ignore them?
I posted an advert and got a reply from a couple. I answered them last week and have not received a reply, not even a 'no thank you , we are no longer interested'!
Are all swingers ignorant bastards?
I found this site which gives rice to starving people in poor countries. The vocabulary game is rather fun too, and might be something to try when the weather is , I think it's a good idea.
If you all hate winks so much, why don't the admin just remove the facility?
I have never used a wink and always write out an informative letter, BUT, in my experience on this site,
% of advertisers simply can't be bothered to reply!
Is a polite "No thank you" too much to ask?
Cancelled due to lack of interest.
Thanks for the positive feed back folks.
Ok, fair enough if you get PM'd.
It was just an observation from looking through the list of ppl hoping to meet up with others. Ther's at least one with 5 replies all from himself, obviously another guy who hasn't recieved a PM.
Having placed loads of ads on Photo Ads over the past few years and a few on the forum, and having answered lots of other people's adverts, imaginativly and included the requested photos, etc, without any replies, I really have come to the conclusion that swinging is confined to the North and major cities only.
..............rather a waste of time.
Look at those looking to meet up on this page, and none of them have recieved replies.
Perhaps the forum should be renamed.
Yeah, too extreme, but just wanted to point out other possibilities or reasons.
At least be grateful you got a reply. 100% of the advertisers I've contacted on here don't even bother to say 'no thanks'.! They are ALL inundated with emails, all the time? I don't think so!
I am a businessman who will be staying at a hotel in Leicester on Friday 6th October 2006. Are there any couples with a female who fancy a threesome with me that night, as I shall have a double room for the night. No colour bar. See my profile for details and pics.
Also seeking similar fun in or very near Stamford, Lincs on the Saturday evening (7/10/06).
Pete xx
Mods Edit: !!
There is the possibility that they were setting up another innocent couple by giving you the other people's street address. Perhaps they hoped to induce them to start swinging or maybe it was a nasty way of bullying the other couple.
Just for the record, I think that the instructions for using the site could be much clearer for newbies. I have used SH for several years and only discovered "by accident" how to put a photo onto a reply. Nowhere does it tell u that you have to highlight the photo u want to include AND left-click on it. Also if you edit an advert, you have to manually reselect the photos otherwise the advert doesn't have them on display.
I dunno about women getting fed up over replies, but I do know that last week I replied to five seperate couples, longish replies with much detail and included photos, but not one of them even bothered to acknowledge them with a "No thanks". I checked my mail box and all of them have been read! Don't you think that's a bit rude and offputting?
Were you the couple in the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at the above site at about XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?
I just walked over and you drove off!
May be next time?
Or maybe not.
PLease DO NOT post times. locations and other poeple's car details in posts. Your username will be de-activated if you are so rude again
Ride a white swan - T rex
Ride Sally Ride
Roll over, lay down
Hold your head up
All the way lover - Millie Jackson
Strange Brew - Cream
Ooops upside your head - The gap band
If 6 was 9 - Jimi hendrix
Easy rider (60's film)
The Lemon song - Led Zepplin
Sex machine James Brown
There's a few more for you ppl!
So its more like a sort of Munch-eon club!
I contacted a female advertiser on this site (can't remember her advert number, but she said she was Bournemouth based) and after a couple of e-mil exchanges she kept inundating me with emails with an attachment which automaticly downloaded a dialler.
I' didn't fall for that one, but it's ppl like that that give this wonderful free site, a bad name.
Well done Team, and hoping to meet a genuine woman or couple soon.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :P !CHEERS!