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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 57
0 miles · Buntingford


Quote by awol
Yeah, I came back after a long hiatus and could hardly recognise the place. I do miss the forums. Everything seems to have gone to chatrooms.
Forums used to be very lively.

To be fair... you are called AWOL. 
Just popped in to have a gander...  smile

It's been nine years and a bit after posting this I decided to dig the time capsule up.
Hmmm, is there anyone still active on the forum who remembers half of these in-jokes that were such a staple of the forum back then? Or is it, as I guess is more likely.. those who've joined in recent years are scratching their heads and wondering what a bunch of odd-socks the forumites were 9 years ago/
I guess the time capsule will get reburied... but it'd be nice to see some of the newbies around here throw in some things too... to be dug up in years to come biggrin
So, what are you going to throw in the SH time capsule? dunno
Quote by bluexxx
I've been trying to work this out..... I can't...... Ok, who is "cybershine" ?
Not that I am prepared to either confirm or deny knowing anything about their whereabouts, obviously ;-)

It wont let me write debbiewebs... (you may only see the word cybershine.. but I actually wrote debbiewebs....)
However... I may sneak around it by writing. D.E.B.B.I.E.W.E.B.S
I never took this originally... but apparently, I'm 75% slutty biggrin
Anyone want a homework project to help me increase my score? dunno
Quote by Dino
Jeez meaty, thats just how it was....where you there? lol

Nope, he wasn't. He had left the Meaty-bot in place to pick up any loose or wayward women... while he was off with his Meaty-wenchettes. But as a default setting... it picked up all the other stuff going on...
Erm.. tentative toe being dipped into the water here.
Any chance of another single male being added to the list? confused
Aint ever been to Macclesfield... could be interesting. biggrin
Quote by bluexxx
........ I would have got less time if I had *accidentally* bumped off a couple of you :eeek:

Oooooh, the rumours says otherwise.... where IS HappyCats.... and DebbieWebs? biggrin
(oooh... clever coding edit... if I type DebbieWebs.. it comes up as debbiewebs .. not what I am typing... )
Quote by groupslut85
Hahaha! I'm 30 in September, but I've been saying I'm nearly 30 for the past two years! Why do we wish it away lol?

Over a certain age and it goes the other way. I'm still 30 (ish) ... in my head, reality is, I'm pushing 45 biggrin
Seriously though, some very good replies above that seem to have got you thinking about what and where to go next, groupslut. Heck, you've gone from not knowing anyone to an offer to take you to a club! Aint bad in one post... ;)
Quote by largecock
Thinking of going there next weekend. Anyone know of any good campsites in the area?

You can find one here:
Quote by noladreams
8 years.
dear God!! blink

8 ... plus :shock:
I'm such a noob in comparison :giggle:
Yes... that makes you our tea-bitch.... biggrin
(MikeC is going to be gutted he's out of a job...)
Quote by noladreams
dunno It can be hard to make the first meet or to go to the first event... but it's all good fun once you take the plunge! wink

The above is damned good advice, about the Midlands social, you may even find someone before you go, who is used to going to socials, who is ready to "hand-hold" you through the first couple of hours. Really, the first is the most difficult, but after about 10 mins, you'll wonder why you were nervous at all... :thumbup:
Quote by groupslut85
If truth be told we're very inexperienced in the lifestyle so that probably doesn't help either.

Absolutely nobody started out as an experienced swinger, everyone was new (and mostly nervous) once... ;)
Quote by groupslut85
We joined this site to obviously meet other people with the same 'interests' as us, but while we've had a few back and forth messages, we haven't had as much interaction as we would like.
To be honest we're wondering whether this website is really the best thing for us? Ideally we are looking for friends who swing rather than swingers who seem like nice people, so the non-sex/social side is really important for us. There doesn't seem to be very much in our area and those who we've tried to message haven't responded back (which is no problem - they don't have I be attracted to us after all)
Our age requirements are limiting, however we really do want to meet people our own age (which is logical given what we want out of the lifestyle). We also don't want to go to clubs as that doesn't seem to be our thing, so really we can understand that our options are reduced somewhat.
We're really unsure where the kinds of people go that we want to meet? Where do mid 20's/early 30's people go that want to explore their sex lives with other people that isn't swingers clubs or the Internet??? You would think we would just go out to vanilla clubs etc, however our social life is knackered and anyway, historically we've been hopeless at the whole pulling thing - as you can see we are a great catch hahahaha!
Does anyone have any advice at all?
Thanks in advance.

Just as a quick question, how many clubs have you tried? I'm not advocating that clubs are the best solution, for many they're not. However, if you've tried just one club and not liked it, then I'd say you were limiting your options as each club has a different feel and vibe (no pun!)... some clubs I'd never step back through the door again, others clubs are more for the older swinger..while you may also find that the very same club on a different night is the perfect place.
Being (now) of the older brigade, I'm 45, I'd not have the foggiest idea where the mid 20's to early 30's are swinging..
BTW, nice first post, I would suggest getting to know others via the forum, it is how many of us have become friends over the last *cough* years... that and fucking each other. biggrin
Quote by hrnypns2007
Been on this site for several years and have tried to find a geninue sub lady for NSA fun for spanking and roleplay fun.
Just seem to have no luck at all anyone any ideas or suggestions?

I don't know a thing about S&M etc, really not my thing, but there is one little word in the bit quoted above that may be the problem. You said "NSA" ... No Strings Attached.
Maybe that is the problem? From what i understand, there has to be an above usual amount of trust for those involved, especially the "spankee" ... Meeting someone off the internet is all well and good but maybe, just maybe, anyone who is looking for a "spanker" , especially a single female, would be looking for someone she can learn to trust and maybe develop that side of things.
I don't know if I explained that well enough. Maybe I should have just said: ..if you were a single lass, would you turn up to meet someone from the 'net who you had never met for a one off beating around the arse area...without knowing if they are genuinely decent guy.. and would stop when you asked them to...????
If however you go for the supermarket option,Waitrose, far classier biggrin
It's going on 8 years since this thread was last posted on ... but there could be a few returnees looking for an old avatar... or just a trip down memory lane... biggrin
Quote by Darkfire
Gulp. Takes deep breath
wave Anyone else feel like a kid in a new school?

:wave: well... never in a million years did I think I'd be back here!
Exactly what I've been thinking to myself. But nice to see a few more familiar faces turning up. Still getting used to it all tho' ... and I'm not sure if I know who noladreams is...or do I? And is just me, or do others read that as "No Lad Dreams" ... confused
Quote by Poppyrocks
Oh yes indeedy! It's changed for moi, but in a good way.....

Intriguing first post.. do tell more! :rascal:
Quote by Sarah
Happy cats, and Markz that brings back memories!! lol
rolleyes :roll:

I have an avatar of Markz too...
Quote by HornyLittleBlonde
Gulp. Takes deep breath
wave Anyone else feel like a kid in a new school? This is so surreal:

Yes, I do feel like that... it's sooo weird. But kinda nice too.
And, as for Avatars, if that mangy flea-ridden excuse of a BMW driver turns up (AKA Happy Cats...) then I have one of him. Not in any homo-erotic way, I saved it for the laffs...
(I do occasionally "knock one out" to it.. but that's just to freak the fuck outta him..)
I met Neil a few times in real life, the Wigan Munches mainly but like many others spent so much time on here reading his posts that it felt like I knew him better. He was articulate and funny and just a thoroughly nice guy, in real life and online...
My abiding memory of him is after a Wigan Munch, back in, oh, 2005 I guess and going with Angel Chat to get him and Little Gem a spare tyre after theirs blew-out on the M62. He was remarkably calm and relaxed standing on the hard shoulder... which was a huge testament to the guy to be so chilled out, considering LG's driving AND a tyre blow-out which had sent them across 3 lanes of traffic... lol
He was lovely. A truly nice guy.
Quote by meat2pleaseu
... i've been moisturising and putting my spf on....don't tell me it was a waste of time :undecided:

as long as you were moisturising your arse... nope, no time wasted at all biggrin
Quote by Dlep
Good to see you too Postie wave

Thank you.... it's weird being back.. but very nice. It's bloody awesome seeing so many names I haven't seen in absolutely years.
I am hating having to go to bed, it's just like nothing stopped.... smile
Quote by Rubato_and_Hope
Well I for one ain't sitting here staring at your kitten for about 3 minutes to see if it still blinks Postie...

Credit due.. it was the famous TnH (Tall&Hairy) who created the avatar that blinks (at 15 secs from refresh and then 84 secs) You can see his sig, if you look over the kittens shoulder. biggrin
But, more importantly... Rubato and Hope!!!! :D happy days.... how's you????
Hello Every bodies... I don't k ow if my old avatar is still working... until I post this...
(wow.. fuck, it is... )
Quote by Devon1
In case none of you lot snogging over there, didn't know.
Postie reckons the fuse box may take awhile to fix sad
He's not even sure he will have the new parts for awhile rolleyes

Postie knows very little and is working on unjamming the back door...
:roll: ( this is going to get me shot)
Added by Admin -your choice
Quote by LadyFeeBee
iOi Binxy, hurry up with Fee smackbottom i've got unofficial stalker arse watching duties to fulfill :smitten:

Meaty, how can you possibly speak when I'm sitting on your face :shock: dunno
I'm heading straight back over to Binxy in a minute so you can unofficially watch my arse wink lol :lol:
Wasn't I your Chief Bum Rubber???? ( or was I sacked for deriliction of duties?? sad )
Quote by Serendipity
Oooh a cosy corner!!
I can't be bothered to read all six pages......can someone give me a summary and send over a bar wench? biggrin

Summary - meaty is dead for calling me a post-gimp
Binxy is a barmaid due a postal delivery
Some football stuff
I have stuff written in my signature !
Added by Admin - post it on your own site
Quote by meat2pleaseu
OK, off for tea, Binxy's in charge. keep the Newbies off the furniture and don't let Postie touch ANYTHING! will pop back later to asess the damage :thumbup:

Binxy in charge? And contrary to popular rumour I didn't break anything.... in fact I almost have a fix for it... erm, sort of...
Added by Admin - Call me if you need help