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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Male, 58


If your interested i have one from my younger activities.... biggrin (15yrs ago)
It is on the origional small sony tape if you can do anything with it!
Lol ....i'd like to see it again myself.
It's about 20mins taken over a nights fun, i hope it's still ok ?
Hellloooo rolleyes
Are there ways to PM, and times/occaisions when you shouldn't?
Anyone had PM nightmares...........??
I couldn't think of a horny, kinky really turn me on name!
so after 3hrs i came up with
Yeah i first saw it on :bounce:
glad im not a noighbour too :small-print:
:fuckinghell: bet more do it next xmas smackbottom
tennents super.....yuk but its :uhoh:
xmas pressie......................... poke
Ohh yeah :eeek:
adds to the fun and as you said it got her going more hump
Being and doing for me blast
hiya sally i live i thornton/blackpool and i've never come across such a pub :violin:
maybe a good idea to start one up hey :cheers:
like to say helloooo :swingingchair:
hey that was a great britney site biggrin
thanks for the opportunity to see, lmao and ??
rotflmao :rotflmao: hump
hi ive tried getting in the chat room but it won't let me...sorry
trying to sus it out so i can
yours frustratedly, rick
sorry to hear and hope everything goes ok for you all.
nice to have friends, take care xxxxxxx
would like to be added to your list plz wave
im new member and would appreciate an invite drinkies
hiya sounds interesting to me :shock: biggrin
i was wondering where abouts are you too,
rick :small-print:
is there a fetish for 'spot pickin' dunno
lots of people do it so i was thinking :sparring:
i think i'll start a thread..... :kick:
nothin like a good bit of veg then hey!!!!
can someone please tell me 'do i keep this going' or start another?
havn't quite got the hang of it yet rolleyes
hey hi everyone and thanks for your welcome messages, v much appreciated :color:
i do hope to have fun and adventures and looking forward to new friendships :thumbup:
im pretty sure you can cut it right back, im sure i saw them do it in spain when i was there for 9 months.
they are quick to grow again so i say get your chopper out confused
was wondering if the 30000 member was that bobbit chap(the knife) how would you go about that?
would he only get half a ticket lol