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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51


Hi still looking for my first meet with a female, age unimportant but discretion required there must be somebody out there????
xx smile
Got the names of some good female on female titles if your interested
Take a toy car to your local petrol to the manager that their carwash shrunk it lol
Story in one of the papers finds swinging acyivity in the guests dressed up a James Bond and under cover journalist take pics of the events :shock:
Quote by 3someinpreston
With news in most papers over the last few weeks that bird flu will hit britain soon :shock: . Will this put a hold on the swinging scene??? If birds become infected then it could be a serious problem for us males. sad
No seriously, could this effect the swinging scene???

Well, if we all die then i'd have to say the answer is.... yes... lol
Nah theres not really much to worry about - the vaccine will be in place as soon as the strain is identified, and most strains in existence can be prevented by the common flu vaccine.
It's just newspaper scaremongering because they need an excuse to stop reporting on the Asia Quake because "everyones tired of disasters". rolleyes
Stupid bloody media... evil
Just hope your right. Just getting into this swinging scene just my luck to finish for its even started. lol
With news in most papers over the last few weeks that bird flu will hit britain soon :shock: . Will this put a hold on the swinging scene??? If birds become infected then it could be a serious problem for us males. sad
No seriously, could this effect the swinging scene???
The reason why us men play with their plums is so we can count the number of days/weeks we have gone without sex due to the weight :shock:
Female wanted for friendship and discreet meetings. Age and sex looking for daytime fun to pass away long boring days
Is this just a load of balls or do women really squirt somebody out will know the truth
Mod edit:
Quote by naughtynymphos1
boring husbands exist bolt

You speaking from experience ? :cry:
Quote by Calista
Don't know, but bored single men definitely do. Apparently.

Rob ... quit whilst your ahead mate!
WHY confused
How many bored housewifes would seduce their postie or milkman????? Now their a question.
Come on hands up who has?
Well im a massive football fan but love sex too but if i had to choose then that wood depend on the lady.
Something tell me this post was a bad idea rolleyes Any robots like to chat???