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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 58
Bisexual Female, 57
0 miles · Mazarrón


Be careful what you say about UKIP dean they call the police now if you disrespect them lol
Quote by dirty_dean
where on the coast? i could possibly come to my first event.

pm sent
Quote by Suedey
Oh and finally we won the quiz !!!
Suede xxx

However hard Dean tried to help the girls smile
We got here smile
Tomtom decided to take us the rallying route...not ideal with a caravan on tow :)
Or use paint and use the stretch/skew tool, try 75% horizontal and vertical should get it down to the size you want. If not do it again till you are under the 2mb file size.
Quote by Dave__Notts
Best take some raincoats, wellies and brollies

You've heard about sara then lol
Snorkle can be useful too wink
Quote by neilinleeds
Oy! Dual cores these days sunshine. Dual cores! We've even got inside toilets and everything! mad Gone are the days of us trying to make Win 7 look just like OS X? We've realised we can actually run OS X. In a window, in Linux, pretending to be a PC, what thinks it's a Mac?
Ha! Who's smug now? Eh? Who's chuffin' smug now with yer rarara 'Bugger! its Windows only and i'm a Mackbook user' rarara?
*wobbles head*
Read it and weep!
N x x x x ;)

Dual cores with triple boot here :P
A Dell runnong Mac OSX, Win 7 and Ubuntu design studio
I think there are many contributing factors to ones position on the social ladder besides IQ.
Upbringing, social standing of parents, quality of school, location , to name a few.
I have an above average IQ and though I have a job which requires some degree of intelligence its certainly not the best paid of jobs. Though at one point in my life I had high earnings potential it came at the expense of a family life and a social life so I chose the latter.
Not many had there names down on forums last month but the club was busy smile
We are off to Majorca 3rd to 14th April,
Anybody ever been to swinging club on the island?
Anyone going to be there :twisted:
the club is nearly fully booked for this coming saturday , so if anyone wants to go they'll have to book up soon , details are in the clubs section smile
Quote by foxylady2209
Since the PS3 is accessing the internet as well, and don't they check to make sure you aren't cracking their security and downloading films etc onto the PS3? Does that mean the people at Sony also have access to all your photos?

The photos on the laptop are on the local network and not the internet so the answer is no smile
the vat increase wont affect all of our income, most of it goes on the regular bills . Gas n electric still at 5%, mortgage unaffected, council tax unaffected, phones n stuff affected, most food unaffected. OK you could argue that food will go up because of transport cost going up but the transport cost represent a small percentage of the cost. I would say the most impact of the VAT increase will be on your disposable income.