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Over 90 days ago


Quote by manofmuchfun
Okay, dont mean to offend anyone her and im not trying to ruin anyones fun, but I think this is getting a bit sour... Im a newbie and so you may tell me to sod off... but...
A guy comes on and introduces himself.. he gets flamed.. fair enough... but then he takes it on the chin and appologisises for most of it...
Then people just start having a go again....
Now we're getting sniping on both sides...
Yes he may be a bit of a tosser, but at least he replied instead of dissapearing into obscurity - which shows guts, and I have never seen members of SH be so vicious to a newbie before. Yes comments may be warrented, but this is rather off putting for any newbie who sees this.. they're gonna think you going to eat them alive....
Only an opinion and you will porbably tell me to sod off - as I said in the first instance!

I dont intend to make game of this, maybe you think you are right and I'm not about to start an arguement, as I've said to him , take a good look at each an everyone of his posts ? what do you think ? .........I gotta flash car ! my girlfriend dont know I'm here ! I wanna shag anything ........your an old timer ! now an apology ? fuck off !
as I said........a tosser ! ..........................when he comes back with a sensible apology and a post then yes ...i'lll listen
Here's something sensible, its you that has the problem as your insulting me not the other way round biggrin
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
I think ive answered everythin but if I havent then let me know wink

Does Mothercare close early on a Tuesday?
No I dont believe it is but anyway they wouldnt let old timers who are past it like yourself in anyway, lol smile
:beer: right, here goes
:jagsatwork: for your information he isnt really an old timer and past it. He is just a bit more mature than you and I so shut that fulthy mouh of yours. You didnt have to be so nasty, he was only asking a question. smackbottom :smackbottomsadand that isnt a kinky spank, thats a I want to kick yer ass spank) :kick:
Heres a question for you, when was the last time you got laid confused
You sound stressed babe, it sounds like you aint got none in a while :lol:
Quote by Mav&Sini
Okay, dont mean to offend anyone her and im not trying to ruin anyones fun, but I think this is getting a bit sour... Im a newbie and so you may tell me to sod off... but...
A guy comes on and introduces himself.. he gets flamed.. fair enough... but then he takes it on the chin and appologisises for most of it...
Then people just start having a go again....
Now we're getting sniping on both sides...
Yes he may be a bit of a tosser, but at least he replied instead of dissapearing into obscurity - which shows guts, and I have never seen members of SH be so vicious to a newbie before. Yes comments may be warrented, but this is rather off putting for any newbie who sees this.. they're gonna think you going to eat them alive....
Only an opinion and you will porbably tell me to sod off - as I said in the first instance!

Thank you Sini biggrin
Quote by Scandal
Does Mothercare close early on a Tuesday?

No I dont believe it is but anyway they wouldnt let old timers who are past it like yourself in anyway, lol smile
I was just wondering why you weren't at work then?
Very funny, dont you get bored of making jokes lol
Sorry if you took the other post the wrong way man, no offence was ment biggrin
Quote by DeniseBabe
And my girl doesn’t really know ive joined this site and I don’t think she cares either :mrgreen:

She will do when she sees your pic rolleyes
Trust me babe, she wouldnt so feel free to talk to me smile
Quote by Scandal
I think ive answered everythin but if I havent then let me know wink

Does Mothercare close early on a Tuesday?
No I dont believe it is but anyway they wouldnt let old timers who are past it like yourself in anyway, lol smile
I love you people, you really make me laugh smile
In reply:-
Vix & Gummy:- Sorry about the language will use proper English now & will take a photo of me without the shades :)
HannahnAlex:- Sorry if I sounded offensive on the no over 35’s but I will make an exception for very sexy women, you look very young & fit in your photo babe :grin: but im afraid you cant punish me as im not into pain :uhoh:
Manofmuchfun:- Sorry I don’t clean toys, I don’t like whipping & I don’t like being called a ‘tosser’, thank you :!:
Mikenorth:- Have you ever played rugby, its good fun but it’s a painful sport and I don’t like pain :uhoh:
KcKat:- Plenty of people have said but its usually, ‘flash bastard’, lol :lol2: And my girl doesn’t really know ive joined this site and I don’t think she cares either :mrgreen:
Lil_Bunny:- I mentioned my car & other stuff to let you know a bit about me, you look like a very fit women in your photo babe :grin:
Morbuisuk:- Too much to answer but the cars mine not mummy’s & daddy’s :!:
Duncanlondon:- Yes your right I do but the age group of women is 99%, 16-23 and how do you know if there any good :confused:
Foxylady123:- Well I could meet your high standards :grin:
I think ive answered everythin but if I havent then let me know wink
Hi Ppl wave
Im new ere & I dont really no wat 2 say... :confused:
I guess I better let u wonderful ppl no wat im lookin 4 :grin:
Im lookin 4 a slim attractive lady no older than 35 who wants a toyboy for lots of fun :rascal:
If ive missed anything out or any1 wnts 2 no anyting jus send me a pm or e-mail smile
Look forward 2 hearing from u ladies wink
Pete biggrin