40's, attractive, str8, married couple wondering if any like minded couples fancy a drink or two and a little fun on Friday night 6th?
Almost without exception, when M is having sex with other men, she likes it very dirty. Usually in these situations she's dressed very provocatively and her character seems to change to suit!
M has more men chatting her up these days than when she was in her 20's! Not sure if the fact that she's a swinger and now very flirty may have a lot to do with it.
Having said that, she does often get propositioned by younger guys who say they love mature women.
M's been smooth and silky for about three yeras now and she says that it makes sex much more sensuous. It also makes her feel sexy just generally day to day. She says that other guys who have touched her love it too! I do!
In our four years of swinging, M has had sex with loads of different guys, ranging in age from 60 down to mid 20's. She's in her late 40's and has always thought that any guy younger than this would be too inexperienced for her and besides that she would be old enough to be their mother.
We went to our"local" club on Saturday night and unusually there was a very young couple in, first timers, 18 year old, who M gelled with immediately. Although the girl was clearly not interested in the scene, the lad was. M had sex with him while I chatted to the girl!
Despite all her previous hang-ups about age gaps, M said he was an amazing fu*k!
Has anyone else had any similar age gap experiences, and does age matter really?
We too are regulars at La chambre, and being from Sheffield wondered if we would bump into people we know! Eventually we did!
M's postman who delivers letters to her work was in one night with his girlfriend! M nearly had a fit! The guy followed us around all night and when M and another guy were having sex later, sure enough her postie was there to watch!
The next time he delivered her post, he just smiled and winked!
I didn't realsie the volume of response we'd receive!
We don't see M's sex with her boss as prostitution at all. She finds the guy sexy and attractive and would sleep with him even if he was not her boss!
Has anyone else had sex at work?
Whenever "M" goes away with her boss on conferences, she sleeps with him in the interest of bettering her career!
Married Shefield couple, 40's with "greedy" wife looking for party invites
Atttractive, mature, full swap, Sheffield couple looking for sexy couples this coming weekend.
We'd love to attend a course on tantric sex. Does anyone know of any?
We are going to La Chambre this Saturday (couples night) and would love to meet up with a black guy and his partner for wife's bithday treat!
We would recommend Fun4Two. It is by far the best club we have ever been to. You are best staying near the club rather than travelling from Amsterdam, as it's about an hour by taxi! Get a train from Skipol. The Riverside Hotel recommended on their web site is a reall lovely hotel and very reasonably priced. Don't have a meal before you go! There is good food and free drinks all included in the entry cost. Also, be sure to book first and also to get there early!
I agree, if she doesn't want to, don't push it! However M , my wife was like that and all I did was persuade her to go to a club with me "to watch only!" Once she got talking to other couples and realised they weren't just a load of pervs, she chiled and joined in some soft play. She surprised me and enjoyed it. Have been swinging (full swap) now for over 3 years!
I've watched my wife having sex with several guys and it excites me like nothing else! It used to be just a fantasy, now it's very real for us and I can't imagine her not doing it!
Married couple looking fo fun with other couples only Saturday....La Chambre perhaps?
Hi. Attractive, sexy, full swap, couple looking for party invites in north/midlands this weekend.
We are an attractive, married couple in our 40's looking for party invites this w/e 29th/30th May.
Wife "very accommodating", horny and dresses to thrill!
Does anyone know of any adult country parties, summer balls etc in the Midlands or North?
Does anyone know of any mixed spas or saunas for swingers in the North or Midlands, that are open during the day to singles and couples?
We have posted a few stories on the site but notice that occasionally the text has sections of numbers and other symbols mixed up with it! If we could edit them out ourselves, it would help, but if not, can someone do it for us? Our last story was Marilyn's First Black Fuck posted Monday.
Maz is considering having her nips pierced but is worried it'll hurt! Can anyone enlighten her?
On sunday night we arranged to meet up with a couple from a Magazine, which will remain nameless! Met in a pub near Mansfield and got on fine with them. Agreed to go back to their house, not far away. Maz thought the guy really dishy and couldn't wait to get her hands on him, but when we got there it all fell apart!
The other couple refused to share in the same room and insisited that Maz went upstairs with him while I satyed downstairs with the woman!
We explained that we were only into same room stuff (which we had taken for granted!) and the guy got abusive and threw us out!
Are we alone in thinking that same room fun is preferable? What do other people think?
The difficulty I had was to persuade Maz to go to a club in the first place! Then there was a TV documentary about La Chambre and she thought it looked ok, so she agreed to go. The key was, however, no pressure at all, just let her find her own level! Three years later and 30 or so cocks inside her, show that she soon got involved! You simply can't force someone into it, they have to want to do it. She obvilusly had a latent desire waiting to burst out!
Thanks Bilko, but if that's an example of your work, we're not interested! She looks a miserable bitch! Have you done any of her naked?
We are looking for a professional artist to paint a classy nude portrait of Maz. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks guys!
Over the past three years I have had the fortunate pleasure of seeing maz being fucked by probably 30 or so different men at clubs! Each time is just as thrilling as the first for us both!
You need to break your wife in gently to the idea. Take her to a club "just to watch" and put her under no pressure. I did that with Maz and within weeks she was a convert!
Not made ant vids of us yet but have had loads of nude pics of Maz in most of the mainstream adult mags over the years! alaways like to flick through them and enjoy the thought that she's probably been responsible for hundreds of thousands of guys cumming over her pics!
we think that if you want to swing, you involve her. what you are doing is a sure way of destroying your relationship! we have sex regularly with other couples and we both get a tremendous buzz from it, but that's because we are enjoying it together and there is no guilt involved!
suggest you both go to a swingers club "just to watch" and see how she feels! that's exactly how my wife started after being reluctant at first. Now she can't wait to get her hands on her next man!