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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 55


Hi sarah can you add me to the list please
Hoping I'm not too late redface
hi babe,
thanx for letting me come to the munch.
I will be there with oaky and mortishia.
I looking forward to seeing every1 again
This is a bit of an add on to DreamerHelen's post about oral sex and farting.
I am curious about how long people wait before they fart in front of each other. Yeah ok bit weird but hey i am anyway!! lol :lol:
What i mean is if your very comfortable in that person's company do you just go for it or do you try and hold it til your out of ear shot?? And how long before you do 'just let rip'??
Vicky, you sexy little minx kiss
Can i be added to the list and confirm for definate after Christmas.
I moving house and got a poorly daughter so i got to sort out something with her coz i gonna be a long way from home confused
Is there any hotel details i can have as well please?
Thanks baby lol
HI Helen,
I am now going to stay over in Birmingham for the night so I have pm'd you for a list of hotels.
Should be a great night and i looking forward to seeing people again!! passionkiss
Thanks Helen
:giggle: :giggle:
God I am so bored with this lol :lol: :lol:
I was in the chatroom last night when half of us nearly ate Martin alive.
Can we not just see what changes are implimented and then decide if we stay/go?? dunno
ok i'll shut up now!! bolt
Hi Helen,
Can i just clarify that Purple Monkey and I are NOT a couple. biggrin
Helen you doing a great job organising such an event. kiss
Hi babe,
My advise would be that you need to sit her down and say you have something on your mind and simple tell her how your feelings. Give her chance to digest what you say and even expect her to shout and carry on.
The thing is if you dont tell her it will build up inside you and you will be very tempted to play without her and, as you have said, you dont want that. The best way is total honesty here and if she isn't interested then at least you will know where you stand, as in swinging with her.
Best of luck hun
hump :hump:
omg Steff,
I remember 'our tunes' with Simon Bates. We used to sob the whole way through. (I feel so old now!!!)
I can listen to most music and radio stations but my pet hate is the new groups/bands remaking the old songs. It totally spoils the original song and the new 'wannabe' stars cant possible perform it the same as the previous artists.
I have had several disagreements with my daughter over this as she thinks the new songs are great and i try to explain that the original is the best. I think that will just be an ongoing agruement between us rolleyes
Hi Steff,
Bit late to say welcome as i've been chatting with you for a few days now.
Hope you enjoy your stay with sh and that they are looking after you in here!!
Your def mad enough to fit in so have fun babe
:giggle: :giggle:
Mids and New2Trot
H both,
My heart goes out to you mids as i lost my mum 9 weeks ago. But i cant even comprehend what you both must be going throught with the aftermath of your fathers death.
My love and best wishes to you both and i'm always here for you as you have been for me.
As a regular user of the chatroom and a text addict I have noticed a reoccuring problem with communication.
You send a text to someone, they misread it and send a 'what?' back or '???' so you send again explaining what you meant, which again is misread leading to confusion and annoyance. Equally I receive texts that I misread and send a 'what?' text back.
This 'problem' then leads to agruements or heated discussion for the next hour or so!!
I have also noticed this to be the case in the chatroom on occasion. Someone says something that they probably find very funny but just one person in the room doesn't or, again, mis reads it. Then there are a fews words between the two parties until an op or someone else intervenes.
My apologise if this has been covered before but I thought I would throw it open for discussion to see if there is an answer or is it just a case of 'live with it'. dunno
This is my first thread so be gentle!! (Wishy will be so proud of me!)
biggrin :D
Thanks every one for your birthday wishes.
Special thanx to Wishy - lovely surprise baby redface surprisedops:
Having a lovely day so far and its not over yet wink
hump with a bit of luck
Hi helen,
Can you put me down to come please. It looks like its gonna be popular so i hope i not to late.
I'm sure 'someone' will let me crash at their place. biggrin
Babe , we have been there for each other over the past few weeks and I value your support and kindness so very much. Love and best wishes to both you and Leedslass