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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 47
Straight Male, 49
0 miles · E Riding of Yorkshire


Hey guys I think I sent out the wrong message here. I was more upset that this particular person had pretended to be something they weren't and played on my attitude that everyone deserves a chance. I actually helped this particular couple move into a new house and went to see his girlfriend when she had a baby. I'm more angry about people seeing kindness as a weekness and using it to get anything they can to benefit themselves without a second thought. Maybe I should've been a bit clearer about it
sorry guys
Boo xx
Quote by
True but do you want to live in a community where someone go to the Police and say 'you' did it and get locked up. Sorry without everdence...

This was my evidence ( I understand what you mean but it's so obvious it's this guy)
I caught him peering through my window and trying the handle when I took too long to answer the door one day not long b4. His girlfriend saw me in the street and kept asking why I was in all day and did I ever go out (I wasn't working at the time) The day it happened he overheard me telling someone I wasn't going to be in for an hour (and he knew my boyfriend was at work), I know he's burgled the same house twice before and has been done for loads of other burglaries. He used to come over and ask to borrow a light or something similar (probably was hoping I was out and when I answered the door used it as an excuse) he hasn't been round since it happened.
I know it's all heresay but what do ya reckon?
Anyway I'm not complaining too much cos I really don't like the guy and hated answering the door to him when smiffy was out so it was probably worth it just to avoid that but I just hate the fact that wankers seem to have it easy and I've always worked for what I have (the only times I've been unemployed in the last 11yrs we're last december and when I had my son) It annoys me that he's benefitted from it.
Anyway rant over. I don't moan this much normally honest....ask my hen pecked bloke biggrin
Boo xx
we started posting on here in december and just after our third or fourth post I went out for a while and some dirty heroin addict nicked our computer (and my sons playststation) we are now having to resort to using my mums computer when we stay over (and she's not in!!) as we had no insurance ( we weren't working at the time but we both just got new jobs wehey!!) anyway nearly lost my point then. Has anyone else got a little sick of the yobbish society in which we now have to tiptoe around for fear of being burgled/aped/murdered or happyslapped ? Are there any good people out there who just want to enjoy life left?
Oh yeah just to top it all off I knew who did it but the police couldn't arrest him as they didn't have enough evidence!! His family live opposite and every time I see him it makes my blood boil and I have to calm my bloke down to stop him from hitting him (cos you can guarantee we would be arrested!!)
Anyway hello again everyone hope to get to know you all better before the next tosser comes along!!
Boo (of smiffyboo)
I forgot to mention, to all the people who saw our posts in december, we didn't disappear some wanker stole our computer the same day of my last post. Anyway we're back now!!
Boo x
I just typed a massive post and it got lost so I'm gonna do a little one with much less detail.
We're a couple me 27 bi fem he 29 straight m and we're looking to arrange a festival style meet. We have some land that would be ideal (in the middle of nowhere) and are looking for any females, males or couples who would be interested in a night/weekend of singing around the campfire, chatting and the like (probably be able to sort out a bbq too). We want to do it in the summer and would like to meet interested parties beforehand to get to know everyone. The meets would be social. the party itself would be no pressure but anything goes. (I can even sort out an old banger and mock up a dogging area for people who have always wanted to try it but are too nervous about meeting the wrong type of people). Thats the idea but there's loads mre to it so if you're interested and want to know more then let me know (also any ideas welcome)
Looking for feedback and ideas and just some likeminded people really
Thanx for listening
Boo (of smiffyboo)
ps. would be really interested in anyone who can play the accoustic guitar or any instrument for that matter
Hi there steph,
Stopped sending pms after getting a nasty one back which was when I discovered the forums, after seeing what was going on with the site I decided to wait a while and get to know people on here instead (seems to be where most of the interesting people are).
As soon as the sites sorted out a bit better and you guys don't have too much crap to wade through I'll send you as many pms as you like wink
And thanx to you and everyone else that has welcomed me am really glad I joined now.
Quote by Sexysteph
I refrained from posting on here last night as I was giggling like anything at Missy's posts.
Missy, whatever you were on can I have some you had me in stitches - I was reading out posts to another member who does not have access through the weeknights and he was curled up in his lonely hotel room in Scotland :wink:
I too am getting the one liners and pms any none to subtle are getting binned but some are getting the true sexysteph treatment - those of you that know we well know what a lecture that is :wink: Others that appeal are being encouraged to post out here in the open lol
So I ask Smiffyboo how come you never pmmed me :wink: seriously honey a massive massive welcome to the site. I think when things settle down and the wonderboys have ironed out the glitches and given us all a button in the profile to tell idiots to wank off on a smutty asshole site you will find that the site really is a terrific place to hang out and the community here is second to none.
All it needs now is for me to say
Welcome and Have Fun
Steph :D
Thanx for making me feel welcome. Have to dash off in need of some sleep (just got a new puppy that waits until you drop off to sleep then starts wailing like a banshee) :sleeping:
thanx for making me feel welcome missy
see ya later
Quote by Missy
I can't imagine seeing my mum on here to be honest, the last coversation I had with her about sex was about how discusting blow jobs are.

Your mum said "Blow Jobs" :shock:
Cor, how trendy is she!!! worship
I can't imagine seeing my mum on here to be honest, the last coversation I had with her about sex was about how discusting blow jobs are.
My Mum and Dad are divorced now
So if you see any ads from a 60 yr old Asian bloke looking for oral then please get rid of him
Boo x
Quote by Missy
although haven't felt comfortable enough to put a face pic up yet-still expecting to run into my mum

Oh tell me about it :eeek: Been here two years now - and theres still not a hope in hells chance my face is going anywhere near my computer, let alone the big www!! :shock:
As for running into your mum rotflmao ............ Oh I live in fear of me parents catching me :shock: If they went back over posts, it's so obvious I'm their daughter - then they would tell me off for not only swearing, but also for telling tales about em confused
Still convinced they were swingers themselves tho :shock: :? :? :? :uhoh:
And if you are looking on mum and dad ......... Hello wave bolt
And if you're looking on Boos mum and dad ........ it wasn't me :? nothing was my fault, I was made to come here, it was Boos fault :uhoh: :bolt:
Yeah and I completely understand, and now I've met a few of you I really like it here, I do talk a lot though so you'll probably get sick of me soon lol
Boo x
Quote by Devon1
HI Boo biggrin
Not your fault, just as you have realised, a lot of things have changed here.
I can't say about any of the new members here, but the rest of us are very friendly :D
Thanx missy, actually since being on the forums I haven't bothered going on the search page at all. It's really nice to be a place where you can be yourself (although haven't felt comfortable enough to put a face pic up yet-still expecting to run into my mum) After a bit of a rocky start I think I'll like it here (and when Steve (Smiffy) learns how to use a computer I'm sure he'll like it too)
Thanx again biggrin
Quote by Missy
Hey, nice post :D
And welcome to the world of the forums wave
Personally I think this is about the best place to get to know people, providing it's not a quick shag people are after. A lot of us become friends, it's through these channels that we have our fun, both socially and occasionally sexually cool
So stick around, chip in with your opinion on threads, let us get to see your personality, and vice versa. Once you get used to us, then you can get your name down on one of the munch lists ......... a totally social evening, a brilliant way to put faces to names, chat to people and sometimes find that person(s) you connect with on a more sexual level.
Good luck, wipe the slate clean and start again kiss
Hi guys,
Just wanted to appologise if I offended anyone who is a regular part of this community. I didn't know much about this site and joined just before it changed over. I'm not an annoying bloke (can be an annoying woman) and anyone I did pm was a genuine attempt to get to know people as me and my bloke have just started on the scene and I really wanted to find some like minded people, one of the messages I sent went to the wrong person aswell I don't know how and ended up getting a nasty sarcastic reply that really got my back up. After spending time on the forum and talking to a couple of regulars I've realised what is going on now and completely understand so again if I offended anyone then I'm sorry. But it does seem that the majority of the idiots have spoiled it a bit for the people like us who want to talk to people and get a bit of advice and guidance on a subject that is completely new to us.
Again very sorry, hope we can all get along-hey we all have to start somewhere!
Boo xx
I'm new too, me and my bloke have been talking about it for ages and have decided it's a lifestyle choice we want to make, but feel a little unwelcome (not by everyone but by some) and when messaging people only want to get to know people a little better who are into the same kind of thing, I haven't sent any dirty messages to anyone (apart from a couple to dirty profiles but in a friendly way still and only where relavent) I'm not trying to find a quick shag or meet someone straight away, actually quite the opposite, just looking for guidance, advice and friendship to help us enjoy our life as a swinging couple. confused
Quote by well_busty_babe
as someone metioned before the number of members has shot up, i was assuming this was an error, till i noticed a LOT of unfamiliar names on here, are all you people refugees from another site??
if so please post and say hi, or at least where u have come from.
we dont bite!!!!
I noticed that too, thought it was really wierd! And a little disturbing
Quote by NorthantsCpl
Why the hell do we have a search option for minors??
Is this not an ADULT swinging site?
Oooppss, sorry its just a glitch right? Well its a f*ckin huge one that should have NEVER been made and for my money is prolly as big an issue as the postcode balls up!!
So whats next??.......I cant wait......Ooooh the excitement
Thanx v. much after reading your message it makes a lot of sense. I am the same and wouldn't want to meet up with people without getting to know them v. well beforehand. I think I was just assuming that because people weren't contacting me yet they never would as I've only ever been on friendship type sites b4 now so am used to people coming over and saying hi to new profiles I think I just assumed that it would be the same sort of thing. Again, thanx for the advice it's much appreciated worship
Quote by celestria
Turning it around... have you messaged any like minded souls telling them that you're interested? Sometimes you have to play the hunter rather than the hunted to get what you want from life

Yes I've messaged a few people, actually have managed to make contact with one girlie so far but only one email as of yet. Not looking for something to happen right this minute but finding it hard to find genuine people on here. confused
Three days isn't long enough to get into converations, to build up a trust and friendship that might lead to a potential meet though. I know I've not been on this site long, but I am on others, and I wouldn't consider meeting someone who'd only been around three days to be perfectly honest.
One of the reasons I don't have an ad on here is because I'd rather get to know someone through the boards or through chat first and not spend hours everyday sifting through emails from people who can say little more than "you're close... wanna shag?"
Give it time... make conversation... and be patient... Rome wasn't built in a day and swinging friends aren't made overnight either
Quote by Robert1961
but finding it hard to find genuine people on here. confused

And i fear that is only going to get harded, I would suggest you start with the people who were he before last week and have at least over 200 posts
they are people who care about this site and what is was is and should remain
Thanx for the advice. I'm actually starting to feel better there does seem to be some genuine people on here I'll heed to you advice and hopefully things will go better!
Turning it around... have you messaged any like minded souls telling them that you're interested? Sometimes you have to play the hunter rather than the hunted to get what you want from life
Yes I've messaged a few people, actually have managed to make contact with one girlie so far but only one email as of yet. Not looking for something to happen right this minute but finding it hard to find genuine people on here. confused
Quote by neilinleeds
you and me both!
i've been disillusioned by Leeds most of my adult life. specially when they sacked O'leary and sold all their best players to man utd! *spits* mad
neil x x x ;)

Tell me about it! But I reckon Ken'll sort things out besides we're not doing too bad at the mo. still could go up this yr :lol2:
Quote by Angel Chat
What??? You've been a member for 3 whole days and you don't have females knocking your door down?? This is an outrage! Someone let the mods know so that they can round up all the single bi fems and send them round immediately

I know I'm impatient but I thought we'd get at least one message from some like minded souls. confused
Please, where are all the girlies??
we've joined a couple of sites and this is by far the best one but it seems no girlies want to get in touch. Please tell me what we're doing wrong. I'm a f and I get the feeling that when I send a message that the ladies immediately assume that I'm a guy but actually my man has no idea of how to use a computer and basically just watches from the sidelines while I do all the work (typical huh?) rolleyes
Every day (okay for the last 3 days as I only just joined) I log on with excitement and anticipation that I might get to talk to some like-minded women who want to have a good time and every day I get more and more convinced that nobody likes me or my pics :cry:
Do you think I should take my blokes cock pic off?? :doh:
BOO xx