:swingingchair: Thanks guys im studying honest not looking at this !
I used to have the opinion it was all an act and he is actually minced in the head - then I heard the radio 1 interviews this morning and decided that isnt the case ! he is arrogant !
Mr stellaa
Im on the stimulate mind bit first as well - but im an odd chap, she never understands why im not into blatant pics I like subtle in a woman
Hello all !
Be nervous posting up !
Im the male part of a couple who have been looking to have a threesome with a girl. My other half really fancies the thought of this and I have to say she looks women up and down more than I do !
We have put up an advert but dont seem to have got much response, im a regular forum user being a car nut and think its time to defer to the experts...
Is it me or is there a hell of alot of people out there looking for women - whats the best approach ? (club is out)
TBH we have been at this a month and the momentum is stalling if you know what I mean !