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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 52
Straight Male, 52


Warming the Bed
Shame the tale didnt apply to men as well I would be laughing now :twisted:
what was that weird thing someone once told me - something about bumping your elbow you had to hit the other one confused
Mr stellaa (tired and grumpy)
Warming the Bed
We have discussed it and our next move in the next few months is to get down to one down south smile just getting time at mo :) and finding one that suits cool
Mr stellaa
Warming the Bed
ooohh sad that must be annoying have u settled down yet ?
Mrs stellaa waited for couriers to turn up one day after 2 months, they were 4 hrs late on day finally arranged and only brought half the stuff !!!still waiting for it now
I hate it when there is nothing u can do about it - mind u half the time I never do anything when people finally do arrive rolleyes
Mr stellaa
Warming the Bed
See we all get the short end of the stick up here no munches or clubs near us sad looks like a wet "cough" and cold weekend just have to make our own fun biggrin
Seriously tho think its a nice walk to see the autumn colours get me camera out and put it to constructive use for a change :twisted:
Mr Stellaa
Warming the Bed
Wow what a day all that study paid off NOT !! mad
Sat in the exam for 3hrs and then read over what I did and thought hmm that makes no sense - maybe its hitting 30 that you start to care less about it biggrin
Ho hum never mind weekend beckons :D
Mr Stellaa
Warming the Bed
Hello this is my first shot; be gentle. kiss
Thankfully no studying is getting done, being horny is a great thing. :twisted:
Mrs Stellaa
Warming the Bed
got an exam on friday :cry: thats it for a while and back to normal work biggrin
Thats why im on alot just now Mrs stellaa is going to pop on tomorrow night while im out surprised
Mr Stellaa
Warming the Bed
Thanks guys for all the replies biggrin
Once she sees real people replying im sure we are going to fight out who gets the PC !!!!
again supposed to study tonight better get down to it :twisted:
OOoohh eck we just got a reply with pics :!:
Warming the Bed
:swingingchair: Thanks guys im studying honest not looking at this !
Warming the Bed
Im just posting up after a nice reminder to say hello - we are Mr and Mrs stellaa wink
Decided to create one profile and sign off mr or mrs keep it simple, mrs isnt used to forums but will help me "compose" or is that argue till we agree what she thinks I should say lol She prefers email and hasnt made the switch...
Anyway way up in rainy Highlands confused , even worse we are just in our early 30's and looking for the V V V V V elusive woman to help us have an "experience".
Even if this doesnt happen its cool place to be lots of people been dead helpful and warm and cuddly already
Mr stellaa (Mrs is in bed im meant to be studying :crysmile
Warming the Bed
I find that my little popadom in a sarcastic tone usually has the desired outburst biggrin
Mr Stellaa
Warming the Bed
Hello cool
We are new one here too so thought would say hello erm and test avatar (just to show we are sticking around)
Good advice one here, its like a magic wand wink
Warming the Bed
I used to have the opinion it was all an act and he is actually minced in the head - then I heard the radio 1 interviews this morning and decided that isnt the case ! he is arrogant !
Mr stellaa
Warming the Bed
My god :shock: There is hope for us yet - whats the secret wink
Is it actually living near a populated area by any chance lol
Mr stellaa !
Warming the Bed
Ours has to be the advert recently on channel four for some obscure cleaner called something like BLAST or CRASH BANG WALLOP (no joke) Most hated and most laughed at we just sat in shock looking at it - maybe they save them for the scots biggrin
Warming the Bed
Im on the stimulate mind bit first as well - but im an odd chap, she never understands why im not into blatant pics I like subtle in a woman
Warming the Bed
After taking advice here biggrin we were a bit more positive in the hunt for the greater spotted and rare bi-female. Lo-and-behold after everyone saying posting here was good idea we got 3/4 emails :!: local to Inverness and Highlands as well :shock:
What I wasnt prepared for was having to write nice no's and the one that looked V good turned out to be one of the great pretenders - still there are people out there and we get firsky just going through the site :D
Anyway I have spent all day cleaning carpets so need some wine and neurofen now !
Still mulling over this club thing are there any up here ?
Warming the Bed
See what your saying everyone and thanks for the warm welcome and advice.
Why do we have to choose the hardest "cough" thing to try and do.
Never thought of the club thing some seasoned reasons why to attend on here that im going to mull over confused: maybe have a look around see whats going on up here, but as you say single or should I say interested women are the holy grail by looks of it sad (true in most situations)
We had a chat today and we are definetly sticking to what we want, just dont want any other kind of experience.
Yes this might take longer or never happen but we both feel very uncomfortable about it being anything other than another woman - think in that case sticking to guns is better biggrin
Warming the Bed
Hello biggrin
I guess the club bit is a bit too far for us yet as we are both VERY nervous about all this.
Not to say its one of these oh they will back out rolleyes just more its new to us and I guess we thought that meeting someone was the best approach.
Plus being up here im not sure there is much about, mind you I might have a wee look lol
Warming the Bed
Thanks guys a did a bit of searching but often ask the question just to get known...
Sorry if its same old subject biggrin
Will keep posting up keeping in touch and thanks for the quick replies - course I could be out enjoying the sun NOT smile
I guess we will have to keep hoping !, Highlands isnt well known for this...or maybe it is lol
Warming the Bed
Hello all !
Be nervous posting up !
Im the male part of a couple who have been looking to have a threesome with a girl. My other half really fancies the thought of this and I have to say she looks women up and down more than I do !
We have put up an advert but dont seem to have got much response, im a regular forum user being a car nut and think its time to defer to the experts...
Is it me or is there a hell of alot of people out there looking for women - whats the best approach ? (club is out)
TBH we have been at this a month and the momentum is stalling if you know what I mean !