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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 51
0 miles · Surrey


Well done for getting some action, well done also for telling everyone about your exploits, telling them the area and completely ruining it for yourself in the future.
I don't understand the brag mentality doggers have, If you have something good, keep it to yourself and you'll get it again, post it all up on the internet and you'll have kids, police and god knows how many doggers now after your little bit of action.
Good whilst it lasted I guess
Dogging always dies down during the colder months, but I always find die hard couples and doggers still doing the rounds, if anything it's better as it keeps a lot of the idiots away, don't forget it's harder for people to get out as kids off school and most people are doing the family christmas thing.
Any decent doggers should always take tissues and used condoms with them so I wouldn't use that as a sign of recent activity, it annoys me when I drive into a carpark and there's loads of discard tissues and condom wrappers everywhere, be sensible, play the game and places don't get shut down.
It also amazes me the amount of swinging and dogging websites that actually plaster up the carpark locations for everyone to see, police kids and all, most if not all of my good locations I have found from word of mouth, chatting to other doggers who share stories and good locations, stop chatting about locations in open chatrooms, do it in private messages and put some thought into what you are doing, you may get results.
Dogging hasn't died a death, it will always go on and those prepared to put the hours in and play by the rules will always get results, makes me laugh the amount of people in the various dogging chatrooms who want to know what time and where, If I could be that exact I would be winning the lottery everyweek.
Any of the clubs holding new years eve parties?
I feel like seeing in the new year with a bang and wouldn't mind attending one.
Having dogging locations plastered all over the internet is a bad thing as far as I'm concerned as it advertises them to the kids and police, hence why the ones your going to are quiet as the decent doggers are probably long moved on to quieter places that aren't so well known.
I learnt most of my good locations from chatting to other doggers I met when out on the rounds and I suggest you do the same as your more likely to get up to date information from people who actually use the sites.
Hopefully someone will be along and will pm you some good spots in your area and I wish you well in your search
I would imagine facebook would be pleased to know that one of it's members is giving out reg numbers of cars they don't own over a public forum, surely that must be in breach of the terms of service of a member.
silly little boys who will no doubt be out dogging in 10 years time.
I've had a couple of cups of tea and helped myself to more than a few biscuits although that wasn't at the place mentioned but another well known surrey dogging spot. wink
Never heard it being used for dogging but I know that some pubs and clubs are promoting it as a fun way of flirting and chatting people up in their premises.
Like mentioned above it's quite easy to do, just make up a fictious name and number in your phone and call it something like "wave hello" then send contact via blue tooth and it will search for blue tooth devices, then see what names come up, you can normally judge who is up for a laugh by the name they call their phone.
Shops and supermarkets are best and motorway service stations are excellent as most people still have their bluetooth on from using hands free in their cars. It's funny to work out who you might be sending it to by who has their phone out, Nokia phones are good to send to as they normally beep to let the person know they have a contact coming through.
Just remember to keep it harmless though, you never know who is going to get the messages and you don't want to start annoying people by oversteping the mark.
It's been like for a while, I forget when I last had something to myself, even if you do get a couple your not alone for long as the ant hill mob normally turn up and spoil the fun.
Don't forget the couples try out car parks and when these are busy they drive off to find quieter ones, thing is because they just drove out of a car park that's busy they will get followed by doggers after the scent and by the time they settle in what they think is a quiet car park they get caught up by the original crowd chasing after them.
It's a shame as it's spoiling it for everyone, if it's not kids or police it's doggers who haven't got a brain and keep driving around all night on main beam, some of them even have the cheek to ask if they have missed anything, that's after scaring the only couple all night off by driving in and lighting them up.
Unfortunately if it's not boy racers it's single doggers with a main beam fixation who are running all the couples off.
I do know of a couple that are always looking for other couples to play with, they get out and about quite regular, very polite and respectful, unfortunately for me though not into single doggers, but they always stop and ask if any couples about.
send me a pm if interested.
Good Hunting
I just think the police were out to scare you away and were hoping that by doing so you would be less likely to come back, I wouldn't worry about anything said to you. I've had both ends of the spectrum when it comes to the police, most of the time they don't even bother stopping now as they know the car has tax, legal tyres etc and they would just be wasting their time. But sometimes you get the over the top copper, who is out on a personal crusade to rid the town of dogging action.
Always ask to see the warrant card of any copper who stops you, it's your legal right to do so and write down the names and numbers of the coppers, I always do this, and after a while the same copper doesn't want to keep pulling you as they know that it might be seen as harressment, after all as long as you don't get caught in the act then your not actually doing anything wrong by being parked in a car park at night.
I dont see why its rude to walk away from a dogging experience if your not happy being there, I've walked away from a few before and have always made an excuse like i need to go or my phone is ringing in the car so i dont cause upset, I havent just gone with no reason why, its got nothing to do with having no manners.
From my own experience if i'm not happy being there then i'll go, If I don't fancy the lady, too many men present, the wrong vibes put you off. I'm not despererate to shag anything that moves and I actually like to dog a lady who turns me on, if the lady does nothing for me i'll leave them alone and give room to other doggers who have different tastes to me.
Doggers can be selective in exactly the same way as couples can and its not meant to cause offence or upset, its just the way people are, different strokes for different folks. Like a few posters said above a lot of it is down to the mood at the time, I've had a few dogging experiences where the man of the couple is doing all the running and the lady looks like she is just doing it for him, I dont like that and walk away.
I find there are a lot of braindead doggers around at the moment who come into the car parks and light everyone up on full beam, jump out and are straight up on any car regardless of whats in it, this annoys us single doggers so I can imagine what it does to couples. These are the same kind of idiots who have no manners and dont have any respect regarding the couples, and it gives us all a bad name.