Christmas is coming,joy to the world peace and love to everyone in the world.
So if Christmas is the time of joy and sharing, why have some councils banned the use of the word Christmas?
According to the beaurocrats it is an offence to people of other religous beliefs..
One more question has anyone ask a person of another reglious belief,
Does the word christmas offend them?
Well if a word is gonna hurts someone's feeling why don't we just ban the use of words ...
Do we really need to make 'Christmas' more inclusive than it already is?
My fave chocolate is snickers bar and an other lesser quility chocolates... dont really do the top quility stuff
"British feet - podiatrist/archaeologist Phyllis Jackson distinguishes Saxon feet from Celtic feet - Brief Article"
You might find this interesting.
Apparently Saxons had feet with a larger big toe and a distinct reduction down to the little toe. Celts had squarer toe lengths.
Well Twos
If you are looking for places to visit after the social in Derby this weekend..
Why don't you try the Peak Districts,there about a 40 min drives from Derby and just as good as the lake districts..
So if you need any info about the Peaks district (south section)..either fone foxy or talk to her at the social in Derby..
Im sure she has some map off the area...
According to my loving partner..i look sexy in beige jeans and nice brown shirt and shows of a similar colour...
well as for me im happy wearing anything comfortable and casual (not keen on suits)...
well as fr me in the type of person who sit there with music player on and people wathcing at the same time..
Yet another shameless bump
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
well dancing is ok if you can,but i have two size 10 left feet,so i dont even bother,.The last time i went on the dance floor,if i remember rightly i was in single figures,,
So now when someone asks me to dance .i say no thanks,plus it is a waste of energy..
so iam quite happy to watch other people dancing away..
Yet another shameless bump :bounce: :bounce:
May i ask who is doing the catering for the social ??????
Well in a nutshell....
What would i miss if my partner wasn't in my life anymore.....
Just one word answers that question
That is what i'd miss