She was probably fined according to her means to some degree. There's no point in fining someone huge amounts of money if they have no means to it. And as she's virtually unemployable at the moment £250 is quite likely a huge sum of money to her.
I agree it doesn't compensate the owners for their worry and upset but the fine isn't for compensation. They could always persue a civil case I suppose.
Its still a ban though. It's more of a prevention of cruelty than a punishment.
Mary Bale has been fined £250 and banned from keeping animals for 5 years! That's not too over the top now is it!
wouldnt you like to know if they're better?
Ah, well in that case I not been in there long enough for that to happen to me. So far its been ok for me. Maybe Im just lucky then.
The club we go to has an invite policy of sorts. Everyone rings up beforehand to say they're coming and single guys get the green light to come depending on how many couples are there.
Its probably quite faffy for them to impliment but it works VERY well and ensures that the balance of couples to single men is spot on every time. And because everyone are members they know that's what they have to do.
A bigger club could easily do what Dean suggests and let in single men or small groups of single men only as the couples come in.
The pricing thing though, tit's such a damned either way situation for the club. They have to get the people through the door to make money. If they dont make money they dont survive. If they drop singles entrance they stand to lose the largest part of their income in some cases I would think. Any business would find that sort of hit difficult to do.
Has anyone been to a mixed night yet since the law changed?
I go back and forth between the two. By the time the old ones gone I think I'll be perfectly used to the new one. Most sites would just switch and leave ppl to flounder. At least this way you can ease in gently. And seen that most ppl are on the new chat I would say its proving to be ok. Or no-one would be using it... right?
Im more than happy with SH. I would like to extend a big hearty thank you to all those who run it (for all the thanks they get) for operating an excellent site. The new chat rooms are great but even better is that the old ones are still there for those of us like me who fear change so we can get used to the change a bit more gradually.
Top marks SH! :thumbup:
You get out of it whatever you want to! I'll renew with gusto!
Ok, but the point i was making then was about vermin in general and the need for culling.
Off topic somewhat, I think the biggest problem rats cause these days is not disease, (in this country at least) its property/food stock damage.
I wonder if they would feel the same about halting a cull of a nuisance wasps nest, or a rat explosion (not literally of course... rats going bang all over the place is probably quite rare).
Shooting IS the most effective and humane way to deal with foxes. What do these protesters propose the residents do now? Ask the foxes nicely to bugger off to the next street?
So they say, have you never tried them?
The Good, the bad and the ugly
And then? No and then. And theeeeeeeeeen. NO and then!