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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 45
Straight Male, 60
0 miles · Staffordshire


There are huge oil and gases deposits in Siberia and other sure that measures could be found that would mean that these resources could be extracted.
Im sure i heard that there was over 200 years worth of coal deposits underground in the we have to put up with cheap nasty Columbian and Polish coal.
O i forgot we cant damage the enviroment can hype that like all the people that died from SARs,Bird flu and now Swine flu.
Quote by DarkJedi
... Roads are for CARS! ... and anyone towing a caravan should only be allowed to drive between the hours of 2am and 6am Mon - Fri and not at all on weekends :P

There is a something like that in operation on the Isle of Man i think.
With regard to the motorways,the law says that you should use the inside lane to drive in,and the outer two lanes for overtaking is an offence to sit for a prolonged period of time in the middle or outside lane when the inside is clear.
Vehicles with trailers/caravans arent allowed in the outside lane.
He did Dave,hes now Lord Kinnock of some daft place knows heard of.
Personal thought,i was reading some stuff about Jean he became bored of being president for life,he invested himself as guy really knew how to run a he disliked we either eaten by himself or feed to his animals in is private would be one way to reduce MPs expenses
Because Corrie,people see it as 9 til ,13 weeks holiday a year.
Well i want to say thats utter crap,try more like in at 7am out at 6pm then work at home in the evening or at the weekend.
Could you stand in front of 30 scrotes and not lose your cool ? I couldnt,ive even offered to be the schools corporal punishment officer biggrin
Due to our plans for tonight having to change, we have decided to take a trip to chameleons club( in west mids).
We are wondering if any other couples from here will be going. Perhaps we can meet up and have a drink or at least say hi.
Feel free to have a look at our profile.
If someone has self esteem issues – I think you would be doing them more of a favour by showing them where they went wrong/how to do it better than you would faking it – thus lulling them into a false sense of security.
Seems more of a quick fix really.
Quote by kentswingers777
I would probably have given something if I had it.
Maybe I am a mug, but I am of the opinion that I would rather be taken for a fool 100 times than pass up the chance to genuinely help someone once.
If it is a scam, it makes no difference to me anyway – I have handed over the money already so what it is spent on will not affect me. I do however have a warm feeling that I have tried to help someone. This is worth the price of a magazine anyday.

That being the case, why not do what I do every month and donate to a registered charity?
At least you know with something like cancer research, where the money is going. It certainly makes me feel good every month, and I have donated now for nearly 16 years.
i do! to MANY charities!
I would probably have given something if I had it.
Maybe I am a mug, but I am of the opinion that I would rather be taken for a fool 100 times than pass up the chance to genuinely help someone once.
If it is a scam, it makes no difference to me anyway – I have handed over the money already so what it is spent on will not affect me. I do however have a warm feeling that I have tried to help someone. This is worth the price of a magazine anyday.
i have had it done to me twice, unfortunately my husbands hands are too big :cry:
i have done it to other though and they have loved it.
oooooh i have 3 arriving tomorrow ( as well as a little pile of other toys i fancied)
me being off work is not good for our finances lol
use sandwich bags with an elastic band round the end as condoms.
can be dipped in the chip pan if lubrication is needed.
i think it is a damn shame that you need to specify people should be clean!
we have met people in clubs who to put it nicely are minging, we saw them go into the jacuzzi and it made our stomaches turn to think of being in there floating their grime.
if someone does not have enough respect for themselves and their playmates to be clean, they are certainly not the type of people we want to play with.
the fact that they have so little respect for us, would also mean i would not think twice about telling them that they were filthy.
Quote by midsprincess
oooh just noticed this.
we will be going to cams tomorrow night too, so if there is still time - would be great if you could put us on the list.
if not, no probs - will see you all there anyway x

ill add u hun but list gone in ill mail them as i got 3 more to add
thanks chicken, shall go and look for an outfit now xxxxxx
oooh just noticed this.
we will be going to cams tomorrow night too, so if there is still time - would be great if you could put us on the list.
if not, no probs - will see you all there anyway x
anyone going?
we are and another couple we know may be going, wondering if anyone else we know ( or will get to know) are going to be there?
not been for around two years, and heard good and bad, but thought we would give it a chance.
<<<<<praying that the pool is warm.
All I am going to say is that I had a horrific upbringing, exactly the same as my siblings did. They unfortunately turned out to be carbon copies of my parents; I on the other hand have carved out a very good life for myself.
If it is all down to upbringing, why am I not the same as the rest of my family?
Likewise, I have a friend who had an absolutely charmed childhood, they could not have asked for better parents and she is a credit to them, yet her brother is scum, for want of a better word.
We have been planning tonight’s trip to Chameleons for the last few weeks, and were supposed to meet some mates there. I am not sure they are still able to come now, so am wondering if anyone else is going.
This is not an invitation to play - more of an “is anyone we know going to be around?” but obviously we are open to meeting new people when we get there.
Snap on my legs, conditioner all the way.
My mufooni is sensitive though so I use shave gel there as I find it helps stop the soreness from shaving.
I used to wax/epilate - but have found myself more sensitive lately so cannot bear it now.
Quote by Missy
I haven't looked back since someone on here (think credit goes to Jas-Tim) said they used hair conditioner instead of expensive shaving gels/creams.
I've never used anything else since this invention, tis bluddy brill!! biggrin
As for the itching - I used to itch like crazy just as the hair started regrowing :crazy: I found that the itching eases a lot, the more you get used to being shaved...... would be interested to know if conditioner helps the itching. I can't remember if it was conditioner or getting used to shaving that worked for me dunno
I just let myself cum, am too self indulgent to wait lol
I am sorry for giggling, but I have a picture in my mind of you cumming and starting to topple over whilst shouting “ quick, to the fireplace, I am falling!” biggrin
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
aww wbb i have thought you would have had a pink one wink

i had not got to that yet biggrin :twisted: lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by
welcome to the madhouse smile
oh your need to change your avatar pic cocks are not aloud even tho it looks like a good 1 hehehe
thanks jo x

Is it bad that I never actually realised it was a cock?!
I do not mean that the cock is deformed or anything lol, I just never noticed itPerhaps you have not seen one before?
That could well be it!!!!!