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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
Just woke up with a horrible hang over, sorry that i just vanished at the end of the night, my homing instincts just went onto autopilot for some reason.
MikeC you mummys boy, you're definatly Bi :giggle:
oh, this is XeiXei BTW, thanks lep for telling me how to change the name ^_^
:edit: except it hasn't changed for some reason, oh well rolleyes
Warming the Bed
just dragging this thread back from the grave, any plans for this to go ahead?
Warming the Bed
Damn it, i missed this thread before i went, i was there. You may have seen me, the bloke wearing the guinness hat and the ireland flag
Warming the Bed
hiyo, i showed interest before when it was just the guys, still ok for me to be in?
Warming the Bed
Arrgh, you would post this a week after i left crewe for manchester, and i thought there was no action there sad
Warming the Bed
In that case i have a pleasing 13 incher. And you know what they say about men with big feet....
Well it's a lie!
Warming the Bed
We have a chinese here called "Yu Eit Lowng" it took me so long to realise what it was called until i tried pronoucing it.
And we also have a plumbing shop in Maccelsfeild called "S&M Supplies"
Warming the Bed
I'm not fussed if it's just guys, go on, count me in ^_^
Warming the Bed
Quote by MikeNorth

He claims that the length of your hand is the same length as your cock.
(Wrist to the tip of your middle finger)
Now I am not necessarily asking if thats the case. I am more interested in whether anyone has heard that saying before because I haven't dunno

No, I've never heard this before either, but if the spammers get to hear of it they will all be offering help for us to lengthen our hands. lol
LMAO, "Enlarge your hands the natural way, with these new growth pills" saying that, i'm sure the ladies could find a use for our longer hands ;) :lol: :lol:
Warming the Bed
He'll definatly be missed by myself. I just to love the way he struggled with his jokes, he thought they were funny but no one else was on his wavelength.
I didn't think he looked that bad though.
It's a sad day for TV, that's for sure
Warming the Bed
Yeah, I've heard about this. My hands are pretty big, but shamefully i dont have an exact match downstairs sad
Warming the Bed
Just wondering if anyone if off to any of the major music festivals this summer and would like to meet up with others, purely in a vanilla sense.
Myself, I'll be off to the leeds festival this year.
Respond with which festivals you are going to, and if we are lucky, some of us could be meeting each other
Warming the Bed
Quote by Rob1961
Sorry Rob, I'm not in a position to give you any advice but I'd love to know how you found out they were swingers?
And good luck for tonight. I hope you all enjoy each other.

Its funny really, they went away for the weekend and I looked after there dogs, As they had told me to make myself at home i turned on teh computer to take a look at this site.
Not thinking anything about it, a few days later I popped in and was confronted by (J) with a list of the web-sites ii had visited from the PC history.
A bit silly really as i worked in Computer Ops for years and should have remembered that.
anyway a few beer later and it was all out that they were swingers as well and were looking for a 3rd and so i was in.
But all this still dont change my original prob, thats if it is a prob
Be very very careful with this, remember that you'll be % unlikely to sway her to you if you like her that much,
in fact, if the emotions are too strong from you, i'd recomend pulling out of this. I know it may seem like a sacrilage, but you could end up messing your mind up if you do it!
Warming the Bed
I've just come off work from the bar, feeling pretty tired and i have to deal with the granada news crew coming in tomorrow afternoon to film interviews within our pub ><;;; which means a nice early start so that the place is presentable..
Warming the Bed
Quote by bunnycpl
ok sorry to change the subject but what is a bukkake
thanx guys in advance
MRS B xx

bukkake is when mummy and daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy and another daddy *ect* want to make mummy very very messy.
It comes from japan where the objective of it is to make the subject feel shameful by shooting their loads over her until she (sometimes he) becomes pretty much drenched in the stuff
Warming the Bed
Quote by Lucifer67
hehe, the warm welcome continues. Thanks again guys such a wonderful and warm welcome, you guys are an asset to the internet community. So glad its nearly weeked, anyone up to anything fun and interesting this weekend? (not a plug for anything just a general friendly question smile ). And to answer the blue/red question, yes you caught me out! like my good friend ego (hey ego mate we should get a night on the town sorted soon) being a mancunian born and bred i am a true blue ;)
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Does that make me the only red mancunion on here then? Awh well, at least i have people to banter with on here after the derby matches lol :lol: (which we'll win of course biggrin)
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Quote by Dino.
ow doo mate and welcome , another manc , blue or red ??
(must be a blue , he`s born and bred in manchester) lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

*mumbles* bitter blue *$!@" :lol:
Some of us born in manchester are reds aswell, well, we will be again when glazier leaves!
Warming the Bed
Can we still post them in here though?
If so, i have to say one that's already been said and go for Fern Britton. I'm not sure what it is, there really is something about her. It's just that look on her face, her cheerful attitude and the way she laughs.
She certainly is very high in my list of celeb's.
and if we can't continue to post them in here, delete this then ^_^
Warming the Bed
Happy birthday

(even though it means very little from a relitive newbie ^^;;; )
Warming the Bed
lol, i don't detest them, but anything after the morning glory LP has been pretty damn dire, i really hate the new album as it's just lazy. it sounds waay too much like an oasis tribute band.
Gah, i'm so envyous of you going to this denmark festival, sabboth rock!
You don't happen to go into jilleys or the Ritz for rock night do you?
Warming the Bed
awwwh, damn virgin trains!
Gah, i couldn't get tickets to REM, the support is so good for them aswell, I have so much love for the zutons :3
Actually, i agree, the bravery were mediochre, they just put no heart into it what so ever, and they just couldn't get the crowd moving either. I thought "an honest mistake" and "fearless" would get the crowd hopping, but it just didn't seem to be the case!
My brother works for SJM (the tour managers), so hopefully i'll be able to get some tickets out of him for Oasis when they come around. Should be a great gig with them being in city's ground, it may even be the next "Maine road" gig if we are really lucky :3
Warming the Bed
tonight was Idlewild and Athlete!

waaa, they had different supports tonight??? waaaa!!!
i love festivals aswell, which ones are you going to? Myself, i only managed to get tickets to the leeds festival this year, but hopefully we'll have another 'move' festival in manchester! Which i'll definatly go to
Warming the Bed
Hey, i've gotta agree with one of the first response to this, turn bi! in men seaking men, you get loads of responses. I only joined last week or so, and already i've had two random encounters and at least another 8 responses. As for my guy looking for a woman/couple. Only the one response, but i think that's a fake ^^;;
But really, just to reitterate what everyone else has already said, this isn't about just random sex, it's not just a meat market. If you want that, go clubbing! buy a random student girl some drinks and if you can make her laugh, your laughing for the night. But that sort of thing isn't good enough for me, i want to have these people as friends, not just random lays. I don't care if i get a shag off any of them, as long as i can talk to them about the things i like and such, i'm happy.
And that's all i care about. Friendship lasts alot longer than a quick shag!
(and that's the end of my end of american sitcom moral speach, jesus, i wonder what ep this was about to have that speach, and where i can find this series!)
Warming the Bed
If you ignore alot of the one lines "In the area, want to f**k?" you'll find alot of us single males are very pleasing to chat to, i have alot of them on my MSN, and each one (bar a couple) are all very very nice people!
Warming the Bed
I was so shocked to see the bravery there, i was expecting to see a lackluster performance from maroon 5, but to be greeted with "Hi we're the bravery" was so great.
Also, while they were playing 'an honest mistake', i managed to slip into the front section, i thought they were just letting a certain amount in, until i was inside and noticed that everyone else had these white armbands on them. So spent a good time there until i wanted to go to the bar, and noticed they were checking for the bands as people were going up to the bar. So i hung about the enclosure a bit longer, made a couple of friends, and got them to go to the bar for me! RESULT! :twisted:
That videowall they had while U2 were on was amazing, just like all the pictures i'd seen of past U2 events. When i first saw the stage i was worried that it was going to be a toned down event. Boy was i wrong!
Great performance by U2 themselves, but i wanted them to play "Sweetest thing", awh well, can have everything, but at least i got to be within a meter of the edge, one of my fave guitarists of all times lol
Warming the Bed
Hey, I'm fairly new myself, I'm very much into the whole punk/rock/metal/indie scene.
Any body from the manchester area who goes to the rock nights in town. such as the nights at Jilleys.
At the moment, i'm completly in love with the new system of a Down album, i've listened to it so many times already and i can't wait for "Hypnotise" later on in the year biggrin
Warming the Bed
it's not a sin for 2 guys to go at it, infact i enjoy it alot. But i know what you mean, most men would turn their noses up and the slight thought of going with a guy, they should realise that as long as everyone is having fun that there is nothing wrong with it!