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Simple Question please read and reply!!!! Unhappy couple

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58 replies
1 watcher
Wa advertise a dogging meet we get over 30 replys we get in touch with 6 peolple who interest us then we send them messeges with location and time and all we ask is can you ring or txt to say ure going to be there they all do then only 1 turns up
Why do peolple send several messeges gagging to meet you then when they get the details they carnt be arsed to show up or even ring or txt to say there not going to come wife is starting to think its here
It's the story of this site (and others). I don't understand why people do it either. I have done a few meets but whenever something has happened at the last minute and I've not been able to make it I always text or phone to let people know. It's just common courtesy. There are a lot of timewasters on here unfortunately.
It is simply a case of people being bloody rude. No reason they cannot get a message to you if they are not going to show.
I'd name and shame them!
By the way those are not my tits - they belong to the other half wink
hi i,ve had the same problem with a woman were i live n she wanted me to pick her up in the truck and drive round town with her doing things to me but i tryed to tell her i can't just drive around town cos ppl will be asking why is that truck still driving round town and with the weight limits were she live's she couldn't undrestand that a truck can't just drive anywere like a car can she just took the p**s so it's everywere mate i,ve been on here about 2yrs now n still trying 2 break my duck may be 1 day that will come.....................................
Now here is a suggestion :idea: ......the peeps that initiate a thread could end it with a paragraph on how the meet went. We will al be able to spot the time wasters if this was done.
we have met 1 or 2 that have showed up.
there always single guys or couples.
guys that are married but there wife
"doesn't understand me"
are frustrated and looking for an outlet but when it hits the tissue the adrenaline disappears they bottle out until the next time there balls are full.
the best way to get good doggers is to go out to a site and talk to them. you will soon work out whos good or bad. A good start is
dressed in dark cloths,
clean looking ,
smell clean ,
have there own tissues & condoms ,
and dont run up to the car as soon as you have stopped
or dive through the window as you open it.
then ask the good one to bring some mates.
doggers on here are 7/10th's wanabes & dreamers
I think there's a lot of 'armchair doggers' on here to be honest. They like the sound of it, love the sound of their own voices and their profiles are usually full of stories of what they'd like to do and how big their dick is, how long their tongue is and how wonderfully good their oral skills are - there's also usually no face pic but they assure you 'you won't be disappointed' or 'told good looking'.. it's mostly fantasy in my experience and there's usually only one reason people won't share a photo.
I dogged for a lot of last summer at a well known site in Surrey with a lovely, sexy female on here and there was many a night we set up a room on here, chatted with suitable guys, let them know where we would be and 9/10 times they didn't come. We still had fun but it was more with the spontaneous doggers or truckers passsing through.
At the end of the day, it's a numbers game - same reason as most airlines overbook seats on planes by at least 10%. Although 1 our of 6 is a lot less than this.. don't get disheartened, there are some genuine people about smile
Oh, the ones with photos are just as bad, trust me! We often advertise on here and get literally hundreds of replies, but to date (around 4years on this site) we have only met 8 people. We once invited and confirmed 70 men (would have been a problem if they had showed up) to a gangbang. We arranged it over a couple of weeks, exchanged all sorts of emails and we say, 70 positivly confirmed.......NONE turned up!
Quote by dippergt750
...70 positivly confirmed.......NONE turned up!

Bloody hell :shock:
You found 70 straight guys on here? wink Hope you're well x you're being silly......Swinging heaven has scared off the last of the straight guys!.....Most of them were probably bi but they CLAIM to be straight to make the "appointment" but then don't show!
On this site I bet if my (male) partner wore a dress and advertised for a gangbang they would all turn up!
When they do the next re-vamp of the site they could call it GayBiCdTv Heaven but then it doesn't really trip off the tounge (no pun intended) does it?
sounds about right for the scene in the last few years it seems swinging has become fasionable and too easy to find so on the most the pple on websites in general esp free ones arnt really swingers they just want to be associated with it cos id seen to be cool crowd lol plus ther is allot that bottle at the last ming that really genuinly want to do it but lose ther nerve at the last minite btw if ur ever up neer yorkshire pls let us know xxxx
maybe a chat over phone would help before meet and stress the importance of letting people know if it a no show ??? would love the chance to turn up ...never been invited .. i know my age may be against me but the older guys would prob turn up ..abeit well wrapped up in this weather lol myself is in favour of naming and shaming .. will never happen though .. 70 meets and no show now that is taking the p**s , just goes to show how many time wasters are on here .
hopefully when they get the new system up and running people will have ebay style ratings so you at least know who are genuine and who isn't
I don't think it will stop the problem but i think it will alleviate it a little bit.
I think you only have to look at the attendance of socials and the like to accept that there are a lot of people on here who are just fantasist's and use the site as fuel for this.
However this can be couples/single males and fems who are guilty of this.
Anyway ducky i would deffo join ya wink
Quote by Kazsc
By the way those are not my tits - they belong to the other half wink

Bloody hell Steve, nice tits :wink:
Back to topic, unfortunately it does happen both on here and in real life, people make arrangements and then dont turn up and dont let you know. Yes, its very frustrating and annoying but there are lots of very genuine people out there and hopefully next time, you will get the genuine ones and not the "arm chair wannabe's" :wink:
Quote by lickmidick2002
I think you only have to look at the attendance of socials and the like to accept that there are a lot of people on here who are just fantasist's and use the site as fuel for this.

Sorry but have to completely disagree with you on this. We have been running socials and munches for a while now and have to say that the attendance rate is always good. Most of the ones who dont turn up and dont bother letting anyone are couples and not single males.
I cant say the same for dogging as we dont do pre-arranged meets, but for socials and munches it is definately not the case.
Being a guy, I can't answer fir the ones that don't show. (as I have never arranged to meet another guy). But this that do waste couples time ruin it for the rest of us. I have had a limited number of meets but have always shown....even if just social initially as no one should be scared to say no if they don't click, but without at least meeting you will never know. It gets frustrating when couples won't meet u becouse of previous time wasters. Surely tho, careful selection and telephone/cam chats are the key? Maybe I am naive but surely it's possible to spot a timewaster by their interaction skills over the phone ? Yes, I agree it won't tell you much about their size or stamina....but at least they will turn up when they say and so not be a total waste of evening. (please don't get me wrong...I have no problem with my own size or stamina!!). It will also tell you a lot about the "single" guys who then find they can't get away from their wives.
I have had a number of occasions where I have had my time wasted by a couple, but won't moan or name and shame as I believe the couples (and single fems) on here have the right to be picky and as a single guy consider myself extremely luckky if one in 10 meets actually materializes, they are the nights worth remembering.
I arranged to meet a couple a few weeks ago, and after travelling two hours to theirs had a text that she had come on early...I didn't whinge or call them timewasters but instead offered to meet them for a coffee and a chat.....a few weeks later was rewarded with the most mindblowing night (u know who u are M&j). I guess what I am trying to say is, persevere, be honest and the genuine ones will win through.
Oh, and forgot to say,, even before the new function is introduced. How about couples using the "quickee" message function to let a guy know that their efforts in turning up were appreciated? Again, it's not fool proof but will help.
You should stop doing what you are doing and try dogging. If you go dogging instead of what you are doing the doggers are usually there already.
Quote by dippergt750 you're being silly......Swinging heaven has scared off the last of the straight guys!.....Most of them were probably bi but they CLAIM to be straight to make the "appointment" but then don't show!
On this site I bet if my (male) partner wore a dress and advertised for a gangbang they would all turn up!
When they do the next re-vamp of the site they could call it GayBiCdTv Heaven but then it doesn't really trip off the tounge (no pun intended) does it?

Lololol plenty of straight guys here dont worry. You have it the wrong way round thinking that most of thr straight guys are pretending not to be bi - in fact alot of the so called bisexual males that advertise here simply translate to " not really bi but if i can fuck your missus i can stand suckin your dick to get next to her"
Quote by thewatcher
.... I believe the couples (and single fems) on here have the right to be picky ...

Why? dunno
I believe we all have the right to be picky. I think it's more about self-worth and self-esteem than statistics to be honest if that's what you mean confused:
It pains me sometimes to see the submissive stance so many of the blokes on here take. Sometimes I have visions of some of them sitting in Dogging sites with a sign around their necks saying 'please shag me if you think I'm worthy' :shock:
If you chat to any of the sexy/popular guys on here (and I don't mean chat them up!) you'll see that they are usually very picky and get approached by a lot of couples/single females... yes, really! They operate quietly and it's often what you don't see and hear that's important. Desperate/needy is never attractive in my book and having spoken to many of the couples and single females off here they see it coming a mile off... and usually steer well clear. I'm not suggesting you are either of these things but the words that you use imply you seem grateful in some way for what comes your way... 'rewarded' is the type of language I use with our dog when it does something we want it to! lol
I'm a single gay/bi-curious male and I'm a fussy b*****d when it comes to the blokes I play with and even more picky with any females that get involved as it doesn't happen often cool
Interesting debate like... :thumbup:
Interesting comments here. We regularly organise to meet guys and never once have we been stood up. We have contacted at least two people on here who are moaning - and they never even responded, not so much as a sorry - not interested - so make up your own minds. We have a simple rule - we chat with them on msn first - often cam a bit to ensure all is genuine - and then ALWAYS have fun when we meet. We find it is often the couples who think that they can just pick and choose who are unrelaible.
Like i said, instead of doing that .....try dogging
Lets meet up = Arranged meets
Dogging = Not-arranged meets
You expect everyone to turn up for a meet ?
Naive ?
Loads of guys on here have a lack of "bottle"
Loads of guys on here make arrangements and then consider things again in the cold light of a dark carpark/layby/picnic site...etc.
Like 100% ?
Try a pub.
Meanwhile, back at the seriously expect the guys already there to go away and leave you alone ?
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Hi all, I have never had a problem with dogging. As I am married I can only meet in the daytime but every single and couple that I have arranged to meet with has turned up. Maybe I am just lucky.
I don't know but I get the impression that dogging in the UK is on the decline because of the number of time wasters or people who have frightened couples away in the past.
Here in the Midlands they have closed most car parks with barriers after dark and there are fewer and fewer places to meet. A couple of years back it was a doggers paradise but less and less people go out now and when they do it tends to be all single males.
Both alone and with my girlfriend we have responded to several ads but like others who have mentioned it here, they have either not turned up or misrepresented themselves and come up with pathetic excuses. Such a shame for those that are genuine. :cry:
Not really sure, but through experience these guys that let you down are normally the ones that moan all couples are timewasters, yet when they get a couple that actually replies to there email and say yes they shit 3 bricks and run for the hills never to be seen again.
Keep your chin up though, there is loads of genuine people out there, and if its dogging your after it would be a better idea just to visit some known dogging locations as there will be genuine doggers already there.
Quote by djduck22
Wa advertise a dogging meet we get over 30 replys we get in touch with 6 peolple who interest us then we send them messeges with location and time and all we ask is can you ring or txt to say ure going to be there they all do then only 1 turns up
Why do peolple send several messeges gagging to meet you then when they get the details they carnt be arsed to show up or even ring or txt to say there not going to come wife is starting to think its here

we had a tranny friend that always said she would never arrange a meet there and then...the reason.... a hard on makes people say the strangest things...wait till its gone and then arrange the meet.. im guessing most of, if not all, the did not turn ups were talking through their hard ons at the time..
Welcome to the club always thought it was us single guys that always get blown out or 150 miles once to meet a couple for them not to turn up || if anyones reading this from near me I will turn up
I've been advertising on SH and answering ads for several years and it has got to the stage where I am surprised if someone actually turns up. Maybe years ago before mobile phones there was some excuse if something came up at the last minute but not now. For myself I will always confirm to a new contact on the night and even state a ETA and as for crying off at the last minute, I have never done it so I don't understand why other do.
If you want to meet a reliable guy get in touch, I'm your man.