A lot of discussion about married and single men being involved in this site...surely this is a case of mismatched morals? Those people who complain about single men wanting a quick f**k obviously disagree with that man's moral outlook of wanting sexual fun with no strings. Those who complain about married men wanting extra-curricular fun obviously believe that sex with other people is only permissable when both partners agree but the married men clearly believe there is nothing wrong with it.
Surely as well as trying to find like-minded people who are into similar sexual pursuits, the challenge on this site is to find like-minded people who have a similar moral position?
I don't think many people here have any problem with single males' desire for a 'quick f*ck'; there are some couples who simply are not seeking single males for fun (ie they don't disagree with his morals, they just don't want him)
And yes those who disagree with men having extra curricular fun may believe that sex is only permissible when both partners know. This means that they are not involved in any cheating that the married man is looking to do. There will most likely be couples or indeed singles who might become involved in a cheating husband's (or wife's) activities, but they aren't likely to shout it from the rooftops either. I have yet to see an advert for a couple or single seeking a married man (or woman) who wants discreet extra marital fun.
Just a little query here...are you a single male wanting a 'quick f*ck' or a married male seeking extra marital fun?
A considered reply - thank you - but the notion of "cheating" implies another moral judgement that clearly the married men on this site - including me - do not either agree with or do not have a problem with. Surely the notion of swinging, dogging and other such activities redefines traditional boundaries of what is and is not acceptable within either marriage or a committed relationship and as such bringing to bear these traditional concepts within a modern and more liberal moral setting perhaps is confusing old and new thinking.
Obviously a question of where the boundaries are in a relationship isn't it? I would say that my boundaries and my husband's do not extend to lying or deceiving each other. We are both committed to each other and see swinging as a social as well as physical activity between three, four or more consenting, approving and willing adults. We are also honest with each other; we would not consider going behind the other's back for sex with anyone. Does your wife know that you are looking to swing, or do your boundaries extend to wanting sex without her knowledge? Peoples' views may be traditional or old fashioned but the fact that you see them that way won't actually make any difference to your cause. Do you hope to convince someone that they are old fashioned and to let go of their morals to f*ck you?
Don't want to put a damper on this but have you read this
It took place only yesterday!
no damper - this was my response to that!
I think problems arise when married men treat swinging as sexual outlet to compensate for marriage problems. Swingers don't like to feel used in this way.
For me, using the 'moral judgement' line is a cop out really. You either are happy in a relasionship - and if you are, why risk it by lying? - or you're not, in which case fix it or end it.
oops - can't argue with that!
As a married couple who ruled out singles in our ad, I'll be quite honest.
The stereotype is one reason that we put no single males, however single males who we get to know and approach us for friendship / with sincerity are told the same thing, at the moment it's a no but keep in touch we may change our minds.
The reason for this is trust, as a female I do feel much more vulnerable with the thought of entertaining a single male, than a couple. Anyone knowing my history will no doubt understand why.
Having met a couple of "single" males, and with that I mean males who are genuinely partnerless and those who aren't, there are a few that would definitely be approached should we need that. And with that I mean that both Morbius and I would be comfortable with.
I have no time for any single, whether male or female who looks upon us as the easy answer to a quick shag. There may be people who want that but we don't for many reasons. One liners are binned without an answer, as are "see my ad" type (if you can't be bothered with a proper introduction then why should I look?).
Calista x
It was the moral element that I was deliberately trying to address which is why i started the new thread although we have strayed into the area of the previous thread. I was trying to make the point that when deciding whether to meet someone or not, a moral decision is made albeit subconsciously and it is a quesiton of finding some who either shares your moral point of view or does not have a problem with it. It certainly shows a high level of debate which is always enjoyable!
I have only just started to visit the forum and have been most interested to read the postings regarding married men looking for sex outside their marriage.
The principal view of those trying to take the moral high ground is that if a married man cannot swing with his wife or with her consent then he should not "swing".
I suspect that the majority of those holding this view are those who are in the enviable position of having a wife who is either agreeable to swinging with her husband or to him swinging alone.
I, and I suspect many other married guys, are not in that happy position. My wife in particular would not for a moment consider swinging, She has very deeply held religious views which I respect but do not agree with. (this is a topic of a certain church morolising to the masses, when it needs to clean up its own act. but is not for this site I suspect).
This leaves me with four choices:
1 Divorce: No thanks, I do love my wife. Am I being a hipocrite? Probably
2 An affair: No thanks, These can get very messy. Am I being sensible? Absolutely
3 Swing discreetly: This sounds better, I am only on this earth once and I am going to make the best of it. Am I being selfish? Maybe
4 Do nothing: Ah I see the moralists smile!, Will this make me a saint? I don't think so, and anyway, from what I hear the only thing to swing in heaven are the pearly gates!
Let me make it quite clear that I do know that many many couples do not want to meet with a married man playing away. I for one always respect that view, and always make it quite clear when replying to a couple that I am married. The choice is then theirs if they want to meet me or not.
I do wonder if some of the moralists would object with quite the same vigour if they were to meet as a couple with a married woman playing away?
i have read this thread and i think it is an interesting one... not that i agree with the married mens point of view....
can i play devils advocate for a moment and ask if it was the wife who was wanted to do this and you didn't know.... how would you feel??? would it be the same way that you see it now??
i am just interested in the answer............
sean xxxxx
What an interesting debate. I'm going to put my two pennies worth in and hope that it will be accepted in the spirit of tollerance as it is meant.
I perceive morality and morales as that which is placed upon each and everyone of us from outside influences, ie religion, church and family. Society in essence places a morality upon us and, throughout our lives we mould ourselves inside to the values placed by the society.
Taking a step out of the society and the values placed within the society allows us as individuals to look at what we actually know to be our own values. My personal values are therfor very much my own and are not determined by the society. This allows me the freedom to be who i want to be without the constraints of morality per se.
I personally, do not have a problem with married individuals "playing" without the consent of the partner. This is for the the individual to decide. I am also respectful of those who have made a decision that cosentual sex requires the consent of both parties if they are within a marriage or relationship. I feel that if i try to live my life through my own values, then i have no right, to place values upon other individuals.
This does not mean that I do not have sympathy for the young woman discussed by Steveg. The fault, if there is such a thing lies very firmly with the male individual who lied in the first instance. Being upfront and truthful about your circumstances allows that individaul to place there own values and to make informed choices.
Trust and tollerance, to me, are the fundamental principles in any relationship whether it be through SH or elsewhere. With these principles in place a basis for everything else is established. Friendship, social gatherings or sex, to me, need these foundations, and i have found that SH has people in abundance who live there lives with the same thoughts. For that, i am very grateful.
Lots of love, hugs and kisses