Just had mine chopped.
I can last about 8 weeks before I get tickly bits over my ears.
Cock of the North
Edit: Because I'm an idiot, of course.
Quote by Rainbows
My hairdresser (okay - she's really a barber) always laughs when I walk through the door and shouts across to me "tickling your ears again then?". Hate my hair on my ears!!
Been trying to grow my hair over winter - but am already going "nah - gotta go back to short and spiky soon". I have this desire to grow it, but i just hate that "in between" stage.
Rainbows strikes Kat off list of willing volunteers for her massage course
Quote by davej
why not bend the tops of your ears over and cellotape them down to give yourself a few more weeks growing time to see if that will get you over the 'in-between stage' Rainbows.
Quote by Rainbows
My hairdresser (okay - she's really a barber) always laughs when I walk through the door and shouts across to me "tickling your ears again then?". Hate my hair on my ears!!
Quote by Rainbows
why not bend the tops of your ears over and cellotape them down to give yourself a few more weeks growing time to see if that will get you over the 'in-between stage' Rainbows.
Quote by Reese
Currently thinking of 'buzzing' it all off over the next few weeks
Quote by RainbowsFor you - I shall make an exception. You will just have to make sure that the last little massage is a real 'Stress Reliever'
Rainbows strikes Kat off list of willing volunteers for her massage course
Quote by COTN
A side parting (I had no choice, I was a child)
Flat-top* (yes, really it was my mid teens)
Long 'laughing cavalier' style ringlets (natural I stress, my uni years of course)
Beat those horrors...