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International Left Handers Day...

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Sex God
Left handers are meant to be creative thinkers, leaders, good at art, excel at ball sports ( wink), more intelligent, better looking and fantastic lovers (ok I added the last three...).
In Mensa tests, more left handed people with IQ's of over 140 (genius) than right handers.
We are also meant to be able to see images better... like the one below! Can you see what it is?

Anyway.... I was wondering how many swingers are left handed?
PS we are also potential psychopaths....and Im in a cheesy mood today so watch it hehe
I'm left handed and I agree with your research cool
Its a photo of a Dalmation on a snow-covered heap of coal taken with a black and white camera in low visibilty.
Left-Handed amateur (and more recently) professional inventor, IQ 120 - if you believe on-line tests.
As a mate of mine once said "If you're so f****ing clever, why aren't you rich!"
As I always say, "If I'm so clever, why can't I think of witty things to say in the chatrooms"
Anyway, I'd swap it all for a big dick!
ohhh............I'm a lefty..........
and despite having my blonde moments my IQ is 144.........although I've never seen much evidence of me being a genius.......... confused
but if you want evidence about the psycopathic tendancies.......just ask my ex.......they day I found him cheating on me he found out exactly how evil I can be........... :twisted:
What about left handers forced to used their right hands at school. confused:
I still have to stop and think which is b and which is d. The only thing i do left handed still is play snooker.
Does that make me a right hander or left hander
Sex God
Woohoo wave
Left handed one here and him as well :giggle:
Sex God
Quote by goose35
What about left handers forced to used their right hands at school. confused:

According to the stats in the first post they should have been bright enough to resist it.
I am left handed and have a strong left side bias, havn't a clue about the claims in the first post and can only add that I've found it a complete pain in the arse trying to use things that are designed with a specific hand.
A bigger pain is the way I want to use things that have no specific hand, but convention says one thing and I want to do the opposite.
Quote by goose35
What about left handers forced to used their right hands at school. confused:

I write left handed, abuse myself right handed, play guitar right handed, play golf right handed, wipe bum right handed, beat dog right handed, use mouse left handed etc. Just a mixed up kid!
Sex God
Quote by musketeer
What about left handers forced to used their right hands at school. confused:

I write left handed, abuse myself right handed, play guitar right handed, play golf right handed, wipe bum right handed, beat dog right handed, use mouse left handed etc. Just a mixed up kid!
If we ever meet at a social musketeer lets shake hands with the left one cos I dont much fancy grasping the right one after you've beat the dog, beat yer meat and taken a dump wink
Sex God
Quote by poshkate
but if you want evidence about the psycopathic tendancies.......just ask my ex.......they day I found him cheating on me he found out exactly how evil I can be........... :twisted:

Oh I am so with you on that!!! evil :evil:
So the moral is......never cheat on a left hander... or ya might get one lol
Sex God
Hummmmmm ! it my household confused lol
I have a left handed person that eats as a right person.................and a right handed person that eats like a left handed person :?
Thats just them, me I'm right handed and eat like a right handed person.
Ok your gonna say I have a weird family huh ! But do left handed people eat with their knife on their left hand??
Quote by MrsFC
Hummmmmm ! it my household confused lol
I have a left handed person that eats as a right person.................and a right handed person that eats like a left handed person :?
Thats just them, me I'm right handed and eat like a right handed person.
Ok your gonna say I have a weird family huh ! But do left handed people eat with their knife on their left hand??

Oh forgot that i use the fork in the right hand
Sex God
I use my right for some things.... mainly because over the years Ive had to adapt or not be abe to do certain things. I also staple pageson the right corner (which really annoys my colleagues) as most people turn pages from the right to the left..whereas I do it the other way. I would love to be able to buy a book thats the right way round for me!
When Im writing I always have the paper turned at a left angle and I cant write with a pen that doesnt have a top on it!
When I draw or paint, I use both hands......tho the left is my predominant one. I can write with both hands (learnt to do that when I dislocated my left thumb), not as fluid as my left tho.
When I used to play hockey/volleyball etc... I always managed to fool the other players who thought the ball was going in a certain direction... yet in rounders I use my right and its goes in the direction of a lefthand batter! Maybe thats why left handers are good at ball sports?
If Im sewing, laying out a dining table, working on my hobbies etc...everything is laid out in the opposite way to right handers!
I have always found that my left arm is the weakest when lifting something heavy.....
Sex God
Quote by goose35
Hummmmmm ! it my household confused lol
I have a left handed person that eats as a right person.................and a right handed person that eats like a left handed person :?
Thats just them, me I'm right handed and eat like a right handed person.
Ok your gonna say I have a weird family huh ! But do left handed people eat with their knife on their left hand??

Oh forgot that i use the fork in the right hand
goose my eat like a right handed person, but your gifted huh ! biggrin
Quote by MrsFC
goose my eat like a right handed person, but your gifted huh ! biggrin

No definatly not gifted. I thought having the knife in left hand was left handed. So is that right handed then with the knife in the left and fork in the right confused: See how confused i get. Thats why i mentioned the b's and d's in that i have to think which is which sometimes when hand writing. I also sometimes get the le the wrong way round in words like little.
I asked because when i started school the teacher told me to use my right hand and being 5 who was i to say no. The only thing i do left handed now is play snooker and i have no idea why it just feels right.
As a leftie I've played cricket but hold the bat right handed golf as well confused
I'm right handed but do a lot of things left handed. Not saying what though wink
Quote by MrFC
As a leftie I've played cricket but hold the bat right handed golf as well confused

I'm the same........but I think the reason for that comes from playing hockey as you have to play hockey the right handed way and so you get used to holding a stick with that grip :shock:
saying that I'm pretty much amibextrous when it comes to sports which come in useful when playing tennis......nothing confuses an oponent more than when mid set I decide to serve right handed........ biggrin
Being left handed and playing footie I kick the ball with me right foot.................. confused ............oh hang on that's probably normal :?
Bloody freaks the lot of you :shock: Spare a thought for us right handed people. Having started living(ish) with a left handed person its hard work let me tell you. The kettle is always put down back to front, the water filter jug is always in the fridge the wrong way round. I never even gave it a thought but the most basic of things I started to notice, such as I come to butter some bread after PK to find there is butter on the wrong side of the knife or she puts the cheese grater down for me to use and it's the wrong way round.
Like I said at the start bloody freaks the lot of you lol
Quote by sheddy
Bloody freaks the lot of you :shock: Spare a thought for us right handed people. Having started living(ish) with a left handed person its hard work let me tell you. The kettle is always put down back to front, the water filter jug is always in the fridge the wrong way round. I never even gave it a thought but the most basic of things I started to notice, such as I come to butter some bread after PK to find there is butter on the wrong side of the knife or she puts the cheese grater down for me to use and it's the wrong way round.
Like I said at the start bloody freaks the lot of you lol

I know what you mean biggrin it's the same with us left handed people cool
Sex God
Quote by sheddy
Bloody freaks the lot of you :shock: Spare a thought for us right handed people. Having started living(ish) with a left handed person its hard work let me tell you. The kettle is always put down back to front, the water filter jug is always in the fridge the wrong way round. I never even gave it a thought but the most basic of things I started to notice, such as I come to butter some bread after PK to find there is butter on the wrong side of the knife or she puts the cheese grater down for me to use and it's the wrong way round.
Like I said at the start bloody freaks the lot of you lol

I live like it all the time sheddy living with right handers is a bloody nightmare. Every time I mneasure summint the numbers are upside down cos I put the tape tip on the right side and pull it from right to left. Measuring jugs with just one set on numbers on them mean that the numbers are roiund the back of the jug when I'm holding it. Milk pans with only one lip mean I pour stuff out back handed. Cutting anything with knives is a pain especially trying to slice stuff thin where most knives are designes to parr away from the right. Revolving doors revolve the wrong ferkin way. Running tracks and ice rinks go anti clockwise, I wanna go clockwise. Every fecker stands the wrong side on escalators. Power tools with trigger locks end up permantly engaged cos the heel of my hand presses on em.....
and so the list goes on
Quote by davej
Revolving doors revolve the wrong ferkin way. Running tracks and ice rinks go anti clockwise, I wanna go clockwise. Every fecker stands the wrong side on escalators.

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: as for the rest of it I sympathise with you it's pain with the kettl ebeing the wrong way round the one day a year PK makes a brew, living with it all the time must be hell.
Another sinister individual over here wave (as is this emoticon, I've just noticed).
I'm left-handed but right eye dominant. I play guitar, eat, and shoot right-handed, but play Pool, Snooker, and Cricket (both batting and bowling) left-handed. I also use the PC like a right-hander - with the mouse on the right hand side of the keyboard, a habit which has extended to playing computer games like Quake.
Generally I get on ok with living in a world designed for right-handed people, though I am fairly dextrous* with both hands, which helps a lot.
*yes I do realise the irony inherent in using that word, I just couldn't think of a better one.
Sex God
Quote by sheddy
Bloody freaks the lot of you :shock: Spare a thought for us right handed people. Having started living(ish) with a left handed person its hard work let me tell you. The kettle is always put down back to front, the water filter jug is always in the fridge the wrong way round. I never even gave it a thought but the most basic of things I started to notice, such as I come to butter some bread after PK to find there is butter on the wrong side of the knife or she puts the cheese grater down for me to use and it's the wrong way round.
Like I said at the start bloody freaks the lot of you lol

Hey sheddy!!! My fridge is always as it should be!. As I have always known confused you have your water jug pointing towards you when opening the fridge????????
If not!!!!!!!!............................change it my man !!!! :lol:
Quote by MrsFC
Hey sheddy!!! My fridge is always as it should be!. As I have always known confused you have your water jug pointing towards you when opening the fridge????????
If not!!!!!!!!............................change it my man !!!! lol

Noooooo the water jug goes in the door and as the door is hinged on the left when open the handle is pointing into the fridge ready for my right hand to pick it up.
Now comes the national debate on placement of water jugs in fridges :lol:
Warming the Bed
I use knives and forks "right handed" but always lay the table "left handed" the best invention ever, though, has to be
sinister scissors
they feel just soooooo good
Quote by MrFC
As a leftie I've played cricket but hold the bat right handed golf as well confused

Meself too. Left handed, but can't work out how to hold a golf club or cricket bat left handed - just doesn't feel right. If I could it might cure my vicious slice.
I also use a mouse right handed and it feels perfectly natural.
Kettles with one guage has been mentioned here too. I'm forever leaning over the sink to see how full the kettle is.
I always knew lefties were the spawn of Satan. Check out the 666 tattoed on their arses :dry:
Quote by Sassy-Seren
I always knew lefties were the spawn of Satan. Check out the 666 tattoed on their arses :dry:

You and others have already seen for them selves but for the rest of the forum here is evidence that their is no 666 tattoed on this lefties arse lol