i wont go into details why we use condom,but what would your reaction or view be if you find out that your partner has secretly got a pack of condoms on their possesion while you practice mutual unprotected sex....
To be honest I'd be surprised.
But I don't have a jealous bone in my body. I'm not thick - I'm quite capable of spotting cheating (I think LOL). But mine is free to play (like it says in our signatures), but I know for certain he would tell me about it.
Given that you asked if it was moral or not, wouldn't it depend on whether she was catholic or not? :twisted:
You're asking swingers if we'd be upset to find our partners with condoms in their pockets??? :shock: I'd be over the moon.
As practising swingers how can anyone in this thread say they'd be mortified?
If there was one missing and you didn't know about it, then yes be shocked :shock:
If you're talking about the vanilla world, yes I would agree I would be gutted.
reading the above posts and the initial post for this topic ...i am somewhat surprised...
perhaps you misread the bit where the original poster said..'secretly' or are you all suggesting that as we are swingers we are allowed to keep secrets from our spouses /partners nah no chance non of you mean that do you...ok on the basis that someone does mean that i would like to point out that not all swingers have the right to fuck all and sundry or the want or need without there partners knowledge.
or have i misread something too?
I think it is a very relevant question.
I think carrying a condom (and my partner doing the same) is very good for morale!
Ive actually responded 4 times and I stilldont understand it. So pleased Im not alone in this.
to help those who are having a problem understanding the question ill give you a little illustration...
as a swinger in this case you and your partner,have protected sex with other couples ,then you suddenly find out your partner secretly has another pack already opened but different brand from the one you normally use,..how would you feel.....
Phuckers, do you mean the unprotected sex is between the couple, who have consentual protected sex with others?