Sitting here thinking about how cold it is, and wondering how many people have turned on their central heating.... two of the old ladies I care for have had it turned on for a couple of days due to the weather, and one of my other ladies has knitted me some bedsocks because I don't have central heating, and my house is cold!
I have got my halogen heater on one bar right now, but if it gets any chillier will be going higher.... my cats are loving it too!
Have you given in yet? or is it warmer where you are... this time last week my thermometer was registering 25 in my bathroom.. its currently on 17... brrrr!
I would have mine on if it was working!
Had all new pipes fitted and the bugger still not working, I'm freezing!
:shock: What's central heating? :shock:
"Chuck a couple of extra covers on the bed and put on a jumper" is the onlycentral heating I know of ;)
i dont really feel the cold,
we've had it on the last couple of days, due to trying to get the washing dried.. and i'm roasting..
but i have been told i'm like a portable Radiator... as i'm forever warm.
as a bolier enginer i can't wait for the cold weather soon as people switch on there heating and find it dont work they ring me witch makes me loads of money.
I have my heating on for an hour in the morning and an hour at night, more for my boys benefit than my own.
If I'm cold I'll just put a jumper on!
just one radiator on in the bathroom as my son went out with no coat on yesterday (against my advice and got soaked) so I have had to do a load of washing and try and dry his shoes out.
Otherwise... no heating!
Ours has been on full for the last couple of nights and we have the winter duvet on the bed the summer one was only out for a month shocking how cold it is already.
We've had the wood fire on a couple of night but more cause I love curling up in front of the fire. Central heating been on two days last week cause we were all full of the cold. But been totally off since mid May cause we had a lovely summer. No doubt the heating costs will be through the roof this winter but then that is what we get for choosing to live in -30 climate like Canada.
Woke up shivering this morning... came downstairs and put my halogen heater on three bars.. and when I get back from London tonight I'm giving in and putting the underblanket on my bed... brrrrrr!
Where did this summer go... or did it come at all?????
Always happy to go 'Hurrrr' down any lady's chest.
I have no central heating in my place. I like to snuggle up under duvets and blankets in the winter. Here is my bedroom window from last February :
No heating, it is still warm. In fact I am still a bit hot at night, had to discard the top cover last night.