Some of you fellow nerds will probably know that the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will be switched on next week and I for one think it's one of the most exciting things to happen in modern times.
However with other concerns such as the credit crunch and the continuing wars in places like Iraq and Afghanistan, could the money be better spent elsewhere?
The what?
Dont bother...I just googled that....far too techy for moi!
I think it's fantastic.
I'm lining my underpants with foil in preperation for stasis as soon as the first near-light-drives come online.
now thats what I call tourism
I read this a "Large Hard-On Collider"
Probably not a good idea at those speeds.
Why r we talking about a large collinder?
I think if we ever stop trying to learn more about the universe we are pretty much doomed -- but its likely the LHC will throw up more questions than answers lol
I think it will be great, although it does give me the heebegeebies thinking about what might happen when they collide :shock:
The thing that excites me is that either we will find all the things we were expecting, plus a few surprises, or it might totally screw up everything we know.
Wouldn't that be great if we had to totally re-think all we currently know!?
I gather this is all to do with the big bang theory, cos if it is you count me in. If there is one I am always looking and thats a big bang.(pun intended)
Oh God!!!!
The universe ends on Wednesday.
Shit so many women so litle time
It still amazes me to think that every atom in our bodies heavier than hydrogen only exists because it was in the centre of some distant star that exploded -- we truly are stardust !!!
I read about this last year in Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and when i found out it was really happening it made me shiver! Will it really create anti matter, snd if so what will they do with it? What will we learn about the universe anyway and why do we need to know it? We've trolled along happily until now without knowing how it all started .
oh yes... we need this kind of research if you are the type of person who wishes to believe in a future.
this planet is pretty much screwed... though research such as this may potentially give us a 'wat out' in sooo many ways.
you gotta love your science