does anyone on here play any musical instruments?
i play bass guitar
Quote by Rainbows
Have already done this in PM - but here I officially acknowledge my love of the bass guitar and all who play the sacred instrument::worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:
Those 3 words " I play bass" are all the chat up I need!!!! :twisted: :twisted:
Bass slapper that I am
Quote by xxdevil69
I have a piano, and acoustic guitar and an electric guitar... am only any good on the piano though
Quote by Rainbows
I have a piano, and acoustic guitar and an electric guitar... am only any good on the piano though
Quote by thedukereid
All this talk of finding bass players sexy.....
What I don't understand is why bass players are usually the tallest and skinniest member of a group, unless they are a girl, in which case they are often little.
The tall skinny guys don't do much for me (though I guess they do more for me than drummers!). The little girl playing a bass thing is very very horny though.
There is also a theory that I'm willing to go with that girls make the best bass players, certainly the greatest bass player in history was female (Carol Kaye). Something to do with a more natural feel for the kind of fluid rhythms you should be playing, rather than getting into showing off like guys often do.