I couldn't believe my ear's when Noel Gallagher of Oasis made the statment that Jay - Z & Hip - Hop has NO place at the Glastonbury Festival.
I had a lot of respect for Noel Gallagher but he came across as simply ignorant. Glastonbury Festival is a celebration of Music & Life.
Hip - Hop has changed Music, with Jay - Z being at the forefront of this genre that is enjoyed by millions around the world.
If the Glastonbury Festival is to survive then it has to become more diverse within the acts that it picks.
I did know that when Jay - Z was told that he was the main event on the Saturday it would be talked about.
Yet all Noel Gallagher has done is make more people watch Jay - Z's performance on the BBC thus more records will be bought making him more richer.
Also I can't wait for the verbal response from
Jay - Z directed at one Noel Gallagher.
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