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Sex God
I've just starting Sunday dinner, reaching into my basket for the vegetables.
Ahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!
HarvestSPIDER my heart going ten to the dozen. Where's a man when you need them?
COCKROACHES make be come over all funny too. redface surprisedops:
Does anybody else suffer from this subject ?
I have a phobia of clicking the 'Log out' or 'Close' buttons to exit Swinging Heaven lol
Shhhhhh, don't tell any one Mrs FC, but mushrooms scare me to death. I never tell anyone about this but I know I can trust you to keep it to yourself !!!! confused :? :?

Run for your life Sarge
- run for your life!
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sex God
Thankyou to who ever you are for correcting my Phobia heading rolleyes
Flying. Pure and simple.
First flight in my life was over to Russia. I totally loved it, especially when passing over the fjordic ice flows as the evening light lit them red. I remember thinking that if this was flying then bring it on ! Great flight back (even though from an ice bound -20degree Moscow airport) and thought it was great.
However (you knew there would be one of those, didn't you...) my first flight to the USA was a complete hit bad weather in the extreme and it was "drop like a stone in an air pocket" every few minutes at one point. Air masks dropped down, people screaming and we even saw a member of the flight crew cross herself. All you could smell was sick for an hour.....not the most settling thing......
Since then even the tiniest bump or wobble just freaks me out and even standing in an airport watching the planes makes me very nervous indeed. In fact, typing this brings it all back.
A common one, I know but it's mine !
Sex God
I like spiders, it's flying things that buzz I have a problem with.
The sound of a wasp, even if it's not really a wasp, compels me to kill. I can't run away in case it follows me, I have to kill it and I cannot rest until it's dead. If it flies, makes a noise remotely like a wasp, and is smaller than a Goodyear blimp, it dies, end of story.
I must join ice on this, no problem with blood, guts, spiders, snakes, etc. However a wasp and I will never be friends. Whole new areas of my brain have been employed looking out for the sound that gets me out of bed 'quicker than a whippet with a bum full of dynamite'... (No idea where that quote from but always wanted to find an excuse to use it)
Oh and I also have a healthy fear of heights, but I working on that one.
God. Wasps. You've mentioned my other one !
The line about just having to know it's dead before real life resumes is spot on.
I was stung 11 times in the face and neck by an angry swarm when I was small and that insidious tiny moped noise they make just sends the hairs on the back of my neck to attention.
Evil little bastards.
Spiders (horrible shudder)
Belly Buttons (just mine, no LAUGHING!)
People playing with their eyeballs.....Its enough to make me ill!
Silky xxx
i have an odd one!! no jokes
i hate that yellow foam stuff that goes in cushions cant stand the feel of it or someone rubbing it uurrrrrrgghhhhhhhhhhhh
Okay, time for mine then I suppose....LoL
I'm terrified of the Ocean, doesn't matter which one, any will do....the reason? Terrified of Sharks....YES I know that man-eating Sharks are in the minority, and I also know that those few sharks (like Great White's) are only in certain oceans, but I always think, what if a shark got lost and I happened to be swimming in the Ocean off Blackpool Beach and I got eaten by a Great White Shark...... :shock:
I also don't like Spiders, Wasps, Butterflies and Pigeons.....LoL
Sex God
Quote by DreamerHelen
Okay, time for mine then I suppose....LoL
I'm terrified of the Ocean, doesn't matter which one, any will do....the reason? Terrified of Sharks....YES I know that man-eating Sharks are in the minority, and I also know that those few sharks (like Great White's) are only in certain oceans, but I always think, what if a shark got lost and I happened to be swimming in the Ocean off Blackpool Beach and I got eaten by a Great White Shark...... :shock:
I also don't like Spiders, Wasps, Butterflies and Pigeons.....LoL

Apparently sharks don't like human meat. If he tries to eat you, he'll swallow maybe a leg or two and think, hmmmmmm I don't fancy this much, and spit the rest of you out, so you're quite safe really. biggrin
Gee thanks for that if I don't mind losing a leg or an arm it's okay? :shock:
Man Alive your piccy was much appreciated.....not!!!! lol
Mrs FC I thought I asked you not to tell anyone !! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Ice , your wasp thingy reminds me of when I was stood to attention waiting to be inspected by the RSM when a wasp landed on my neck and then crawled into my ear. I was unable to move (the fear of the RSM was much greater than that of the wasp) so I had to keep still and wait for it to fly away. The buzzing it made was deafening but eventually it flew off.
It could have been worse. It could have been a mushroom in my ear !!!!!
confused :? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
WHAT is my phobia? Being in small places lifts, potholes anywhere where I feel trapped and cant get out of. Started when I was young and I had a part in Aladdin as a ghost. My nan made me a costume out of a sheet and putting it on over me before hole cut for my eyes I suddenly felt really breathless and very scared. sad
"Oh dear" Corrie rushes to phone book to find number for analyst again.
Sex God
I've mentioned it in another thread, but I'll say it again here. Needles. Broken glass. Sharp pointy skin-penetrating things in general. Don't even talk about needles when I'm around, or there's a very strong danger that I'll turn white and fall over.
All of you that have posted are going to think I am really wierd..........
I an scared of nothing! - de nada, zip, fuck all squared!
I have no idea why I just can not think of a single thing that worries me at all - I even loved it when a bat decided to fly into me thinking I was a tree in a Bat cave at Chester Zoo and I particularly love picking up all those spiders that are so huge that Wilma and the kids swear they have boots on and letting them run up my arm. I used to be a climber - have stiched people up and all manner of other things and never felt squemish once!
So what is it in me that makes me this way because I know that most people have a phobia of some sort or other! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mushrooms? What is THAT about Sarge - or can you not tell us without getting arrested? rolleyes And NO - I'm not taking the piss! - I never do out of those that have phobias.... but I can never quite understand! Sorry!
Sex God
I'm the nutter with a glass and a piece of paper scooping the spiders up and putting them outside. I've even got a resident one which spends it's year wandering all around my living room ceiling, how it survives I'll never know but it's so good to wake up to find a web across the leaves in the window box.
Hate heights - got halfway up Trump Tower on those escalators and didn't really want to go any further. Got scared once giving plasma (see relevant thread!) and won't do it again. Need to put sock/shoe on right foot first each time, I KNOW it's stupid and sometimes put left side on first but it's uncomfortable!
Think we are mixing up 'fears' and 'phobias' here!!
PS I kill wasps and save bees - bees are good, wasps are evil.
Quote by DreamerHelen
Gee thanks for that if I don't mind losing a leg or an arm it's okay? :shock:

its alright if he spits it out you can have it sewn back on again lol
Quote by DJohn
I've mentioned it in another thread, but I'll say it again here. Needles. Broken glass. Sharp pointy skin-penetrating things in general. Don't even talk about needles when I'm around, or there's a very strong danger that I'll turn white and fall over.

wouldnt have liked to be present when i had my tounge pierced then.
my fear is a common one i hate heights, no not hate , dread , terrified, feel sick, heart racing, think im going to faint.
i dont even like standing on a chair to change a light bulb,
but the thing i hate most about having a phobia is other people not having empathy for me, it really is a pain, avoid certain lovely walks all beacause of one bit with a drop near the cliff edge.
ps, before you say it . no its not the fear of hitting the ground bacause at least if i did then i wouldnt be high up then . confused
Hesitated about replying to this because just thinking about it makes me feel ill, seriously-for once.
I'm not scared of much, or anyone, although, to be fair, I am mildly uncomfortable at heights--(I count that as being sensible)-but am mind-numbingly, stomach-churningly, all embracingly TERRIFIED of confined spaces. Just looking at pictures of pot-holers makes me reel. If I'm dropping off to sleep, and inadvertently think about a small space, I immediately panic and have to go and sit under the stars until I return to normal. Maybe that's why I live in wide open spaces...
OK, this is going to sound very way out, but I have a proposition for a kind of experiment here.
I used to be terrified of spiders and all creepy crawly type things. A friend of mine went on some course or other that cost her a fortune, and one of the things they covered was phobia cures. When I told her about my spider phobia, she asked me 2 really wierd (well I thought it was at the time) questions - "What colour and shape is your fear, and where is the fear?" I had no idea, so she told me to take note next time I felt scared of a spider. I kind of forgot about it and carried on blah blah, then the next time I saw one and the fear was there, I remembered and rang her that night to tell her.
So, my experiment is, if you know what size, shape and colour your fear is (it does make a lot more sense when you are actually FEELING the fear) send me a pm, and I'll see if I can cure it for you.
I promise it worked for me, I couldnt be in the same room as even the smallest of spiders before, and now I can fairly calmly get them into a glass and throw them outside. For me, thats MAJOR progress.
She also did one for my fear of heights, but thats a lot more complicated and I don't think I could do that a)online and b) cos I can't remember exactly how she did it, just that it worked as well. If anyone's up for it, just send a PM and then the rest of you will be kept informed smile
My phobia is a sort of brown colour and it is mushroom shaped. What does that tell you??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
My phobia is a sort of brown colour and it is mushroom shaped. What does that tell you??? lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are terrified of Bagatelle and Bar Billiards?
Sarge did you know that the name for your phobia is Mycophobia.
I have just discovered that my phobia is called Medorthophobia. lol
x x x x
To be serious Sarge, I used to be terrified of mushrooms....specifically a great big one appearing on the horizon just after a lot of sirens started wailing.
I spent most of my teenage years convinced that we would end up fried ....
I think maybe Carpi might have this one - Anatidaephobia
It is a fear that somehow or somewhere a duck is watching you!!!
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
x x x x
I have found a site that has a name for absolutely every phobia possible.
Quote by artificer
I spent most of my teenage years convinced that we would end up fried ....

And served with a garlic dip????????????????
Quote by FredFlintstone

I spent most of my teenage years convinced that we would end up fried ....

And served with a garlic dip????????????????
Yeah, by a Russian called Boris, in a furry hat and carrying a Kalashnikov, bragging about how he'd eaten the the liver of this 'western capitalist pig'......
......I thought every crow in the distance was a MIG screaming in to bomb my little house (bit extreme really, can't see what threat six ferrets, 5 dogs and two goats, together with a catapult, dodgy .410 shotgun and a collection of antique farm implements, posed to the might of the Soviet Union?? :shock:
Perhaps I watched Dr. Strangelove at too early an age...