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Question For Smokers & Those Who Have Give Up Smoking

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I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking?
2. Why did you start smoking?
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
1. What age did you start smoking?
At around age 18.
2. Why did you start smoking?
I was young (and foolish!) and smoked socially and when having a drink etc.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
I don't. biggrin
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
Will power and nicotene patches.
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
I tried once before and I found that a lack of will power and spending time around others that smoked makes it almost impossible.
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? 14
2. Why did you start smoking? peer pressure
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) don't now smoke
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? PMA Positive Mental Attitude
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? Peer pressure "oh, go on, another aint going to hurt you!"
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop? I don't now smoke, but what worked for me was keeping a packet and a box of matches handy. If tempted, regret would set in by the time I opened the packet and so I would close it again. Otherwise, a trip in the car to the pub or the shops would mean I would have to go through with it by the time I got them. Seemed to work! I have not now smoked for nearly 20 years!
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictict confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
Try this thread. It may help in your quest. >>>>>>>
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking?
i started smoking cigars at 9 cos i could get them from the shop for my dad
2. Why did you start smoking?
no idea really, probably thought it was big and clever
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
digestive advert - a drinks too wet without one
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
i did quit for a while cos the guy i married didnt smoke
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
just went cold turkey, but came back about 6 yrs later all the cravings
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
i enjoy smoking socially
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictict confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
1. What age did you start smoking?
2. Why did you start smoking?
group pressure
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
all off the above
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
Patches worked for 18 months till i was ill one night and gave in to the temptation
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
as no 4
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?Patches will help again. Cant get then on NHS as i had them once so need to pay full price which is fair enough as its cheap at half the price concidering the savings
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking?
2. Why did you start smoking?
Wanted to try it and see what the fuss was about
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
Addictive and I enjoy it.
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
I know I should want to give up, but I just don't at the moment.
Alex xxx

Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking?
First one at 10 years old
2. Why did you start smoking?
Friends I suppose did it and I copied
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
I dont
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
patches. Then again I am in now in the middle of a serious chest infection/breathing problems caused by smoking - oh I would love a ciggies as I am typing this but even I know how stupid it would be as breathing isd also quite important.
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
I tried will power - didnt work
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
1. What age did you start smoking?
17 (Believe it or not)
2. Why did you start smoking?
Someone passed it
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
Tighter Customs & Excise
1. What age did you start smoking?
2. Why did you start smoking?
Curiosity - I wanted to see what it was like.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
I'm addicted to nicotine, and I geniunely enjoy smoking.
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
I've never seriously tried to quit.
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
1. What age did you start smoking?
Can't remember, think it was about 17
2. Why did you start smoking?
Peer pressure
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
All three you've stated
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
Half heartedly tried, lasted about 3 weeks, and only think I lasted that long cos I had a chest infection
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
My chest infection cleared up and the cravings kicked in confused
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
Not tried the patches, think I'll give them ago when I do quit for good - did try before one of them little nicorette cigarette things, like inhaling pepper it was :? think I must've done it wrong or something, cos nearly choked :shock:
Also being around non smokers I think would help me a lot
1. What age did you start smoking? 13
2. Why did you start smoking? all my mates/family smoked, it was just what was 'done' dunno
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
all 3, I crave one if I havent had one for an hour or so, I actually enjoy smoking , and much of it is habitual - coffee and fags go together....after food, breaks at work are fag breaks, also smoke alot more when stressed or pissed off.
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
Never really tried, attempted on a couple of occasions but only for a day or so and never managed it.
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
The desire to really stop :dunno: I think for me it is so habitual that I'd need to make serious alterations across the board to not do the things I associate with 'time for a fag' :dunno:
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
1. What age did you start smoking?
14 I used to get 80p dinner money 10 B&H cost a quid I borrowed 20p of a pal and went hungry lol
2. Why did you start smoking?
My girlfriend smoked (she was older than me) and a father figure in my life smoked
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
All of the above and it makes me look ard :lol:
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
Having no money to buy the things confused (I was young still an aprentice and had a baby to feed) biggrin
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
Having money to buy the things :?
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
super glueing my mouth shut, a change of job/social circle, death, a world embassy shortage, every newsagent in the country refuseing to serve me, can you sense that it ain't going to happen
This is for Mr_FB:
1. What age did you start smoking? 13
2. Why did you start smoking? Because he could afford to when he got a Saturday job and his brother did.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) Stopped
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? Stopped when kids started to pretend they were smoking.
What age did you start smoking? 15
Why did you start smoking? peer pressure
What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) all 3
If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? I did give up a few years ago for about a year and did it through sheer willpower though these days I think I'm going to need patches, handcuffs and maybe my mouth sewn up confused
If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? I started back again as my ex was still smoking and I'm a weak woman rolleyes
If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop? see above :roll:
You'd think that working with cancer patients and losing my Dad to the disease a few years ago I'd have given it up but it's an addiction and a habit. I KNOW I have to give up for the sake of my health though I have cut down, mainly because I've been banned by my son from smoking in the house and the garden's not a nice place to be when it's pissing down. I WILL quit but only when I'M ready otherwise it won't work.
If anyone is trying to quit, good luck to you :thumbup:
1. What age did you start smoking?
2. Why did you start smoking?
To be grown up I guess
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
I don't
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
I put myself where ciggies could not be bought for seven days, and then thought if I can do it for seven I can do it forever.
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was were unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
I did it at the 3rd try. Failed 1st time being in a situation of extreme boredom with smokers!
Failed 2nd time, same reason.

6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
N/A, but if dying early wracked with pain isn't good enough reason what is?
Quote by Missy
Half heartedly tried, lasted about 3 weeks, and only think I lasted that long cos I had a chest infection

mmm Missy with a chest infection, next time can I come round and rub the vick in? :twisted:
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? I was 13
2. Why did you start smoking? Everyone was doing it so why be the odd one out?
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) I don't smoke now
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? Having a wonderful man saying 'cigarettes or me' - we've now been married 26 years
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? See answer above - I succeeded
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop? Doesn't apply in this case
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx

And I can assure people - yes it took a lot to do it but in the last 26 years I have only had 1 cigarette, that was in the first couple of weeks when I fell off my motor-bike.
Good luck with your project Alex
Tanina xxxxx
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
1. What age did you start smoking? 14-15
2. Why did you start smoking? The honest answer is 'fuck-knows?'. Both my parents smoked and it was not thought of as a bad thing. I can't say it was pressure from mates or anything like that as I don't remember it that way - some of us just did it.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
It's addictive and the truth be known - there are some ciggies I really do enjoy.
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? Craving, missing the ciggies I did enjoy, habit (found myself reaching for a packet that wasn't there)
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
Banning the sale of ciggies. Replacement therapy. Forgetting I ever smoked in the first place.
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? About 13
2. Why did you start smoking? It seemed the "in" thing to do.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) I don't smoke now
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? I never gave up. My last cigarette was 21 Nov 1980. I just put off having the next one. You know, I'll have one after lunch. Then I'll have one after tea. Then I'll have one at bed-time. Then I'll have one on the morning. I gave up just by putting off having the next one.
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? N/A
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
There is not a proper answer to this for me. Because I have stopped. But there is a comment I have made before and would like to make again. Adults don't start smoking. Children start smoking and carry on into adulthood. I know no adult who started smoking as an adult. We all started as teenagers.
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
Quote by maidinheaven
Adults don't start smoking. Children start smoking and carry on into adulthood. I know no adult who started smoking as an adult. We all started as teenagers. Alex xxx

Never was a truer word. My first experience was actually from my Dad at Christmas, gave me a cigar thinking it would make me so ill I'd never smoke again. It was foul but it didn't work.
Back in the 60's all my aunts and uncles gave us boxes of 50 fags for Christmas, can you believe it? They were well received too, since normally 5 Park Drive was all I could run to, having about 300 fags on Boxing Day gave me a warm glow. Horrid isn't it.
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
1. What age did you start smoking? -----12
2. Why did you start smoking? -----my friend said if you smoke a tab and sit in front of the fire you get high
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now?---- additive
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?----- being pregnant
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhabited your success?----good start in life for my son
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?---will power and patches
Now this is the controvertial post ( you knew there would be one didnt you) Ok here it is
I have never smoked, I have never had the inclination to smoke - I never want the inclination to smoke - Ugggh No thank you
It makes YOU smell, it makes YOUR clothes smell and the clothes of THOSE PEOPLE AROUND YOU
its a horrible horrible HABIT - note HABIT
Why not just roll up endless £10 notes and set light to them instead ???
In a resturant its horrible to have smoke "wafting" over where you are eating
The best thing that will happen is next year when the law changes
just expressing my opinion and not that of every person who smokes or does not smoke - thats my disclaimer
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? 21
2. Why did you start smoking? stress of exams
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) habit
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? beng around other smokers and stress
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop? not ready to quit as yet but when i am will go cold turkey
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? 142. Why did you start smoking? Peer pressure
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?) I don't
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? Forgetting to clean my teeth before kissing Stormy one day and seeing him struggle to tell me what the problem was.5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success? N/A6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop? N/A
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
A big thank you to all who have been honest enough to put your thought and opinions down.
A big thumbs down to Martell Notts - your just not getting the point mate. This is a thread about people's opinions on why they smoke and how they have/if they have gave up. I personally don't think your post is controversial, it's totally offensive.
Quote by martellnotts
Now this is the controvertial post ( you knew there would be one didnt you) Ok here it is
I have never smoked, I have never had the inclination to smoke - I never want the inclination to smoke - Ugggh No thank you
It makes YOU smell, it makes YOUR clothes smell and the clothes of THOSE PEOPLE AROUND YOU
its a horrible horrible HABIT - note HABIT
Why not just roll up endless £10 notes and set light to them instead ???
In a resturant its horrible to have smoke "wafting" over where you are eating
People who smoke should have their door painted yellow - and walk round with a bell shouting "Unclean"
Sorry - ignore the last comment - that really was controversial
The best thing that will happen is next year when the law changes
Sorry - just expressing my opinion and not that of every person who smokes or does not smoke - thats my disclaimer
Sorry if I have offended

BTW: It can't be that bad, since you put up with your partner smoking. I could say so much, but I probably would be banned forever. I am not going to bother apologising , thats my opinion biggrin
1. What age did you start smoking?
Originally age 17, quited age 22, started again age 30.
2. Why did you start smoking?
Originally because my friends did and I found I enjoyed it.
3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
Because I enjoy it and for social reasons (I dont smoke much around non-smokers)
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you?
When I quit I quit because my wife at the time wanted me to, and because I stopped working which made it easier.
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
The reason I started again was a lack of concern for my wifes opinions on the matter and working a very stressful job with people who smoked.
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
I cant see myself stopping until I actually want to stop. Being in a relationship with a non-smoker might make me stop or at least cut down a lot.
By the way for the benefit of the non-smokers I have coloured my responses to match my nicotene stained fingers. lol
Roger cool
Quote by martellnotts
People who smoke should have their door painted yellow - and walk round with a bell shouting "Unclean"
Sorry - ignore the last comment - that really was controversial

Yes, it was - but you obviously thought it not that bad or you'd have got rid of it. confused
The comment about painting the door yellow and carrying a bell immediately made me think of the persecution of people of a particular religion.
Quote by Alex_NorthEast
I am doing a module in Psych & Health and have picked the topic of smoking to complete my assignment on. I chose this subject as I am a smoker and as I am doing some background research, I would welcome and value your opinions from yourselves on the following questions:-
1. What age did you start smoking? started at 9, again at 20 again at 30
2. Why did you start smoking? 9- friends were doing it, didnt know it was health risk, 20- out socialising again after first daughter, 30- stress3. What are the main reasons you smoke now? (e.g. additive, sociable, habitual?)
4. If you have quit smoking successfully, what worked for you? cold turky every time
5. If you have tried to quit smoking and was unsuccessful, what factors inhbited your success?
6. If you are still smoking, and would like to quit, what do you think would help you stop?
If you would prefer, feel free to reply to me in pm. All replies will be treat in the strictist of confidence and any replies received will not be passed on to any one else.
Alex xxx
dont tell me sh is gonna be a non-smokin enough the govt is givin in to the anti fag brigade mad :x