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RIP Michael Jackson

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Just been on Sky News that he suffered a cardiac arrest, was resuscitated and has passed away.
Depite his past, I'm thinking of his family, friends and millions of world-wide fans
wow..... Can't say I am the greatest fan of him... But I was a huge admirer of his music, especially the early stuff...
cant say he was a great single.. but he was a great entertainer.....
omg is ths true??
thats very sad.
x fem x
very true, on Sky news now.
Totally shocked!! :shock:
I'm watching it now on BBC news - omg!! This is an 'Elvis has died' moment. Love him or hate him, he was a collossal star.
i really am shocked.
all said and done he was massive, influenced so much music.
:shock: I have just got home and first heard this here.
As a children I remeber watching the jackon 5 and micheal just a child singing Ben.
As someone said an Elvis moment.
BBC & CNN are reporting UNCONFIRMED at this point - he's been taken to hospital thats clear
Decent chance it's accurate, but please, UNCONFIRMED as yet.
I mourned Elvis's death.
I don't mourn someone who was too cowardly to face a court so bought his 'innocence'. His wealth and music 'talent' do not replace the other legacies he has left on several children's lives.
new albumn?
I wonder what caused it?
Will they blame it on the sunshine?
The moonlight?
The good times?
Or as we all suspect, was it the boogie?
I won't mourn him as I didn't know him (I'm the heartless cow who didn't weep when Princess Di died)- but this has come as a shock. :shock:
Quote by minsterman
I wonder what caused it?
Will they blame it on the sunshine?
The moonlight?
The good times?
Or as we all suspect, was it the boogie?

have to comment here...thats bloody funny
I will not mourn his death any more than I would Gary Glitters!! rolleyes :roll: :roll:
You know what my first thought was? I'm hiding away from any communication with the outside world til after the jokes are over- there are gonna be some horrific ones...
(Not that yours was MM- you just reminded me)
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I will not mourn his death any more than I would Gary Glitters!! rolleyes :roll: :roll:
so you don't wanna be in my gang? my gang? my gang?
LA Times has confirmed it - the BBC are saying.
Didn't realise Gary Glitter died...
ive never been one for jokes about the dead.. i dare say with jacko they will come flooding in, recently i downloaded all the Jackson fives old albums and have spent some time listening to the young BRILLIANT Michael singing , i never appreciated him when i was young but his raw talent shines now when i listen to his original early music... and then there's thriller!
cant help but feel what a shame and what a waste..
we are actually a little sad tonight :cry:
rose and staggy
Quote by wild rose and the stag
ive never been one for jokes about the dead.. i dare say with jacko they will come flooding in, recently i downloaded all the Jackson fives old albums and have spent some time listening to the young BRILLIANT Michael singing , i never appreciated him when i was young but his raw talent shines now when i listen to his original early music... and then there's thriller!
cant help but feel what a shame and what a waste..
we are actually a little sad tonight :cry:
rose and staggy

I'm an Off The Wall fan myself - think that was his best album.
very very sad day!! :cry:
unbelievable. im in complete shock!!
RIP Michael Jackson
the greatest music entertainer ever in my eyes.
A true music legend
billie jean
jackson 5
the list goes on............
For me I find it very sad indeed.
Here was a guy who had everything the world could offer.
His music will live on forever, but his weird ways will just see him as a joke, which is sad.
I also feel sorry for his young kids, that have lost their Father.
I would like to say RIP Jacko. Gone but never forgotten. :cry:
Shocking shocking R.I.P Jacko
This is very sad. Wasn't sure I'd heard the news properly. He was a very strange individual but his music was awesome.
Quote by __random_orbit__
I wonder what caused it?
Will they blame it on the sunshine?
The moonlight?
The good times?
Or as we all suspect, was it the boogie?

have to comment here...thats bloody funny
I'm so going to steal this one...
brilliant, absolutely brilliant
that said, I don't go soppy about "celebrity deaths"..but with wacko jacko's passing, part of the soundtrack of my puberty has gone..
a sad day.
Actually, I did shed a tear when Freddie Mercury died- just wanted to set the record straight. confused
Who gets the custody of the monkey??...i want the monkey!!