I'm the most f*cking tolerant person on here right, and anyone who says I'm not is a f*cking two-faced, ugly, flat-footed, ginger, homo with small bits, a squint, bad teeth and breath that would make a Hippo turn and flee.
Oh! The irony! :really f*cking annoying rolly eye icon:
I don't know if swinging is about tolerance or not, I just find it very odd that the people who so often claim that it is their central tenet to living and swinging, often show an alarming disinclination to actually act that way. Be it about fatties, skinnies, lefties, righties, upsies, downsies, fishies or birdies. Tolerance it seems only extends to those who share your views on any particular subject and that, to be honest, isn't particularly taxing, even for the small-minded and indescribably petty.
Ideally, there should be a respect for others views, whether the same or different to your own, but there is also an alarming lack of that too in recent times. Seems you can litter a post with any derogatory epithet with impunity. Simply add a ;
:wink for safety so I can accuse you of being humourless when you take offense: smiley
and it is alright. It's not your fault if people read it the way it was intended, because you can blame them for taking offence too easily, or that the mods have got it wrong (again, as they always do. Bloody fools...)
Poor Mods. No wonder they are clearly deranged. Why only yesterday I had to walk Nola home as she was wondering the streets locally, muttering under her breath and seeking advice from a higher being. Either that or she was hiding in the bushes again with that mini-gay Bloke at the Park. :winky for immunity from prosecution from the puftas:
The thing is, it does taint your view somewhat. The vast majority of posters on here are fantastic, clever, intelligent, fair-minded, sensible I Even include Witchy in that ;-). Even if it doesn't seem that way at times. They may not agree on everything, but they can agree to disagree without resorting to petty name calling, pathetic sniping posts and handbags at 10 paces.
I mean look at Splendid, she hates me, I can't stand her, but do we resort to name calling on here? No. We do it in PM instead and save you all the hassle and we meet in town for a good bitchslap fight once a month to sort it out. Then we share a pink-lady cocktail and go and beat up some Goths because they look a bit different and we suspect one may be Welsh and seeking asylum.
Anyway, I'd better go. I'm late for my ACAS meeting.
Love each other and the skin you are in folks. Unless you are Belgian of course, in which case I hope you are whisked violently into a Fondue and served with hot bread to ravenous lions.
<<<Sings : "And I think to myself...What a Wonderful World...>>>