Of course.
I think it should be an 'opt out' policy rather than an opt in- would save an awful lot of distress for families of those who died but haven't agreed consent.
It is one of those topics where I cannot understand why anyone could not wish to donate theirs after death, so I'll be interested to see why people might not want to.
Maz x
Its not that I dont want to donate its that my organs are useless to anyone else...
Smoker.....Drinker......Heart has been repaired with little bits of scaffolding (stents) and I have had Hepititus(sp) innoculations so cant even give blood..
I dont carry a card and I wont donate - totally selfish and prob illogical reasons but my choice (not relgious).
But equally I wouldnt accept an organ transplant either.
why would they be illogical? they're your reasons...
I'm really interested to know, as i said, it is one thing i just can't understand in the slightest and really want to know some of the reasons people do have- might help me understand a bit better. And why would you be berated for your own choice?
becuase usually when someone goes against the grain its what happens - seen it loads of times
But ok, some of my reasons -
Like the other ladys mom, I feel I came into this world whole and I want to leave it that way.
I understand that we now have to knowledge to improve and extend peoples lives but I think swopping / adding new body parts is too far ... its not like one swop and its all sorted, people have to take tablets forever then to stop it rejecting and many have to have another transplant later in life. For me personally if I was the 'knackered' and I use that term loosely (not wanting to offend anyone) then I dont want to keep being repaired, I'd much rather enjoy what I had for the time I had.
I just think we are not all born equal, with the given right to live X amount of years - if we keep extending and prolonging life like we are we will be never die at this rate - which I know some think great, but we need to think of the bigger picture, like the quality of life.
Hope it explains a little of what I think
An interesting question for me; I usually give up thinking about it as too much self analysis is bad for my soul!
It isagainst my religion which deems that one's body should be returned as it was given - so also no post mortem examinations where possible, tattoos, piercings etc.
But I am not a fundamentalist, ie I don't follow my religion to the letter. So why don't I feel comfortable with going against it in the matter of organ donation?
Perhaps it's a matter of turning back to one's religion for the great rites of passage - such as birth, marriage and death.
14 years ago I had a stillborn baby I offered all her organs for donation not an easy decision to make but one I felt the need to do.
But sadly due to the illness she had none of her organs were suitable to be used. This saddened me at the time. If only I could have saved one person from the going through the grief of what we were going through would have made me feel better.
But I totally understood why they couldn’t be used.
So yes I would donate my organs what good are they to me after I have gone.
But I have also read someone’s post as to why they wouldn’t like to donate and can understand their reasons to.
Thamks for putting yourself on the line and saying you have my respect.
I hope people just read this thread and don’t start slating people for their own opinions.
We can all learn from having differing opinions.
I don't carry a donor card but I have joined the Organ Donation Register.
I totally appreciate that its a very personal choice and everyone is entitled to make the right decision for themselves. My family know that I wish to donate my organs if I have anything left of any use to anyone. I have the view that they're not any use to me if I'm dead so if someone can benefit from me then I'd be happy to help. :mrgreen:
I am on the donor register and have made my wishes clear to all my my opinion you dont need them when you go so if theres a chance someone else can live a better life with one of your organs let them.
Its like giving blood,i know some people who refuse to do it even though theyre fit and healthy. I just cant understand them, 20 minutes of their time could make a huge difference to someones life but they cant / wont see that.
If you want to know how to register (there are several ways, try here:
I'm like Steve, my organs are shagged but I'm registered anyway. They can choose if I have anything worth having. But don't forget it's not just organs. There's corneas as well.
Ah something I actually know about!
As the law stands (Human Tissue act 2004 which became law Sept 2006), if you have registered on the NHS organ donor register, carry a donor card or even let your wishes be known to your family, that is now a legel consent and the family cannot in law override that decision. However the law also states that if the family are reall against it then it may be inappropriate to preceed with donation.
There are mixed feelings even in the transplant community about an "opt out" system. I believe the system we have would work well with better resourcing!
The organ shortage has been a priority for the DOH and they have just fully accepted 14 recommendations that they hope would see a 50% rise in the amount of transplants over the next 10 years.
I know how much comfort a bereaved family get when they recieve feedback about how many lives have been saved or changed when a loved one has sadly become a donor. It is also easier when the decsion has been made by the deceased and they don't have to make that choice when asked.
There is also the huge impact that transplantation has on the lifes of recipients and their families.
I do believe in choice; and for whatever reason you don't like the idea of or don't agree with donation, that is fine.
You have to die in a specific way to donate organs such as heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and pancreas but many many people who have a "normal" death can donate tissues such as corneas, skin and heart valves and there is no upper age limit for donating eyes.
People have many misconceptions about their own abilty or suitability to donate organs so then don't think it worth registering. Lungs are taken from some smokers, livers are taken from some drinkers- our bodies are amazing and these organs do recover when transplanted.
So I will get off my soap box and finish by urging those who support donation to register on the Organ Donor Register and most imprtantly discuss your wishes with your family. As a society, we are bad about discussing death especially our own! But it is the one thing we are all assured of!!
Here is another website of interest about a young girl who sadly became a donor (you will need tissues!)
If anyone has questions and I can answer I will
Flirty xxxxx