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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 61
0 miles · Greater London


I am the proud believer in the ancient principal of
Feng Shui...

We had our Feng Shui done. But the man was a Black Hat (they reckon it's pointless to chase North when the Earth is spinning all the time, so they take the front door of the house to be 'north'). Anyway, it was fab beause he wasn't anywhere near as specific (i.e. pain-in-the-ass) about things. He told us the five 'bad' colours (white, black, mahagony, cream and magnolia), so those we shouldn't have the walls pianted in, and that each room should have it's own colour scheme (no two rooms that connect onto one another should be same colour). That way you recharge from the colours' energy every time you walk around the house. Also, the ceiling and the walls shouldn't be the same colour (earth&sky) just as the floor shouldn't be continuous in colour from one room to another. Well, the house was ALL cream when he came and after I repainted every room, you would't believe the difference!!!!
(Incidentally, we painted the dining room orange - suddenly no dinner/visit from frieds finished before 1am. EVER! Even on school nights.)
To be fair, he was more specific with my study, and again, within days of 'fixing it' exactly as Arto suggested, I started having loads of calls for work.
The best thing was, his attitude - "People forget that Feng Shui is as old as the Chinese civilastion, so lots of superstition has made its way into it. That thing about always put the toilet seat down, so your wealth doesn't fush away? I'm sure women invented that one." He was fab!
Quote by hisandhers
so my question is..... has anyone else started their menopause at this age or having problems with their periods dunno

Mrs. Amarcord has been pre-menopausal for the last, probably four years, having started at 40 or 41, and it's still going on - no period for months and then suddenly here it comes - double, tripple length, or sometimes just a day. At least the hot flushes seem to have stopped. Phew. lol
In nay case, her mum had a swift and simple menopause starting at 38 or 39.
All very normal, apparently.
Quote by fabioplum
(with us both being the colour of beetroot)?

I agree with everyone who's pro-talking to him, nicely, sensibly, even jokingly (lucky you, I didn't have the internet when I was your age). I'd only add that - even if you do both get beetroot faced, so what? Surely, it will break some ice, that's the stuff of bonding, and with a teenager you can never get enough of that.

voice of experience perchance? :P
No, just overactive imagination - wouldn't you want to be there? :twisted:
Interestingly, my bi-phase is kind of recent, actually, it sort of crept up on me, when we started swinging. But I LIKE IT!
oh, and it looks like I've sorted my little emoticons problem. :bounce:

The way I see it when that happens (and it so does happen) - 'Blimey, my dad was right on this one!'
Quote by Cossie
I blurted out "well we swing"

There's always that damn temptation to tell people, isn't there. Not in a showing-off kind of way, but more as in 'spread the good news' sort of way. I have done it more than Sweet (much more cautious and private, she is) and it's always been great to watch people's reactions - from the horrified 'oh, shit, what do I say?' to 'Core, blimey, do I dare ask more about it'. Normal people can be so much fun. smile
Quote by Freckledbird
When you click to reply/post a message, you can see the emoticons on the left of the box you're typing into.

Thanks, Frecklebird for spotting the novice. I did exactly that and I got the emoticon alright, but with it I lalso got the words blah/blah, and no one else seems to get that....
Oh well, I'll either figure it out or I'll just stop making facse. biggrin
Quote by blueandpink
Right you lot :jagsatwork: it's time to talk about sex, this is after a swinging site, so it is about time we had some raunchy, naghty shenanigans mentioned on these here pages.
pink x

Hi, Pink, Hi all, here's a dream I recently had. Yes it is a dream, but as you will see - A) it's mighty raunchy (I think) and B) it would be so easy for people to make happen, if they haven't already. If they have - I'd love to hear about it. I'm sure everyone would.
wet dreams, all
I’m at a party, an apartment that goes on and on – another room and another and another, and I’m walking through them all, happy, soaking up the atmosphere, the new faces, snippets of conversation. After a while I bump into Her, but neither of us is surprised – we expected to find each other here, so we just smile and carry one walking through the rooms, together.
After a while we come to a small hallway leading to a dark room. In fact, it seems to be pitch black in there. A woman is at the doorway and tells us very nicely that we have to undress if we want to go in. This too seems quite normal and expected, even though neither of us knows why or what is inside. So we do, and, now naked, we’re allowed in. Indeed it is pitch black inside, and I’m holding Her’s hand, not to lose her. It is also extremely quiet, except for a very faint, gentle rustle of whispering voices and bodies in motion. This is when we become aware that there are other people around, like us, wondering through this lightless, timeless space.
Someone brushes past me – I feel they’re naked too. And again, a woman. Then a person finds us both – very gentle but purposeful touch on my chest. There’s warmth, reassurance but also excitement in that touch. The atmosphere feels so blissful. Then the hands that touched us, I now realise it’s a man, bring another hand. Soon, more and more hands connect with us and bodies brush against us, or just stand there aligning their curves with ours. We are being both explored and caressed and now, relaxed and excited at the same time, we start to reciprocate. At first, I’m still holding onto Her with one hand and touching the darkness with the other. I can’t see it, but I’m aware that she’s doing the same. Just as I’m aware that we’re not the sole focus of the attention – everyone is touching and feeling everyone else. It’s a sublime experience – women, men, all different, some even confuse you at first, in the dark, every skin feels different, limbs, breasts, tummies, lips, skins, different tonalities, muscles, curves, body hair, smoothness, sweat, and everyone feels and smells so different – it is so intoxicating. Sometimes we only feel someone’s breath on our necks, other times it’s a gentle pinch, a squeeze, a rub, a tug on one’s hair, or gentle brush through someone’s pubic hair, or two, three bodies just leaning against one another, connecting with the full length...
I realise we’ve let go of each other when she starts bringing hands to touch me, and I feel-find others in the darkness and guide them to Her’s skin so we touch her together, their hand and mine on her neck, back, breasts, legs, eyelids, lips, bottom, labia – everywhere. In turn, we explore those that are exploring us. All are relaxed and gentle and inquisitive and all around us. We feel lips on our skin and we kiss others, not always on the mouth, everywhere just as, we all touch one another’s sex, everyone kisses everyone, women and men, no difference, no fear, no rejection... The room breathes sensuality. And it goes on forever. It is the very definition of divine as we’re all clearly in another state of sensitivity. No one speaks, the whispers are just gentle, inarticulate mumbles and moans of pleasure and appreciation, of delight at the sharing and being....
Quote by Huxley Pig
Nearly Film Title Five

Point reak?
Blast of the Mohicans ?
Huxley Pig, are you a genius? That's fab! javascript:emoticon('cool')
Oh, and - excuse idiots - how do I use an emoticon without the silly 'java emoticon' message and the brakets?
Quote by Lost

But i really dont think i could sit and watch to gay guys going at it. Am i prone once again to a double standard ?

This is what I think - no1 is obvious - if you really feel strongly about it then don't do it, and Mrs Lost will just have to see it all in her dirty little mind every time she feels her little fingers... you get the drift. javascript:emoticon(':P')
HOWEVER! There is No2. - who said the 'gay guys' have tobe gay guys? Why not invite a couple of bi-guys for a little party - start off with Mrs. Lost having her oh-so-lucky day with all three of you first - all very straight and fabulous and excititng, and THEN, like a desert, if you will - she gets the two bi-guys to play with each other as well. At this point, you will be as turned on as everyone else and you'll probably realise that there's really nothing to it, OR, even if you do still feel as you did before, the game stops but no one minds because you all had fun :emoticon('cool') What do you think- can you see that work for you?
Good luck, either way.
Okay, the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was easy, as is Shakespeare in Love, the desert makes me think Sheltering Sky, but that's too obvious and it doesn't explain the fridge. Maybe 'Heat'? Hm... The pencil is the one that bothers me. Damn! I'll get back to you on that one.
cool game, Silk and Big G

Hi My partner and I want to go to a fetish club,
Try Torture Garden (london) - we love it, it's fabulous!!!! Some friend of ours prefer Club R.U.B. though (also london) - they say that it's much friendlier because it is much smaller. May well be, but TG rocks - the costumes are fab, the atmosphere is great and all 'levels' are made welcome.
Good luck.
Hi Mo-paul - what really worked for us is to have a simple rule - at any point in the proceedings, no matter how early on or how far we've got to, either of us can say "I want to go home now". And we'd go, no pressure, excuses, or explanations required. No matter how much the other one is enjoying themselves. We just go. As it happens, we've never had to call up each other on that rule, but it still stands and it's rock solid. Basically, it's good to walk into a room knowing that - it's okay, I can change my mind, my partner is with me.
Good luck - you'll have heaps of fun, I'm sure of it.
Right bluenandpink, may I continue? (No, I didn't go off to play with myself, actually, there was somethinge else I needed to sort out.)
Well, anyway, after the phone-threesome in the garden, we just had to meet D. A date was booked in a very nice Soho bar (London) and we went with only one rule (this is our one and only rule, generally) - at any point in the evening, no matter how early or far we've got to, either of us can say "I want to go home now". That's it, no questions asked, no pressure or excuses. Little did we know that there will be no need, no need whatsoever to press that button. D. was nice, smart, charming and very relaxed. After a few drinks, when he went to the loo, Sweet and I agreed that we've got to take him home.
(This is it, now - the best bit). D. is delighted at the offer and we chat and giggle all the way to the car. Then I offer, as I'm driving, why doesn't Sweet get in the back with D, to keep him company. And sshe does. They were kissing by the time I turned the first corner, they were unbuttoning each other by the time I reched Picadilly, Sweet had D's Mr. Happy in her mouth by Hyde Park Corner, and they were in 69, yes, folks, they were in 69 on the back seats of our car, just as I stopped at one of the many traffic lights on High Sreet Ken. So this is what the words 'feverish excitement' were invented for! Bring it on! And where do I look first - at the rearview mirror or at the couple on the bus in the lane next to me who clearly did see, oh, they so clearly did see my Sweet and D in the back of our car. Fantastic!
And so what if we don't have an automatic, I can send my hand back for a little feel in betwee changing gears.....
Anyway, the rest of the night was just as fabulous. My Sweet with two men! D. was the perfect gentleman and... boy did he have stayig power. I exploded a few times (and was so excited that I managed to get back up pretty swiftly - that's pretty fab, already), but D. just stayed on and on and on.... And guess what, he is bi. In fact, we share the same view - if three people are making love, then let three people make love, what's the point of holding back? A kiss is a kiss, a pair of lips, a pair of lips, a tongue a tongue......
We still remember that night oh-so-very-fondly.... mmmmmmmmm

Thank you for the invitation, dear. I love talking about sex and will gladly share... well, everything basically. Here's our very first swinging experience.
Not that long ago, we finally decided to turn raunchy talk into action and find ourselves a guy. I know I'm supposed to dream about having it with two ladies, but ... anyway. Joined a site, chose a man, exchanged a few e-mails, with every step D. looks more and more like a good find.
Still, it's our first time, Sweet is still a tad nervous, which is fair enough, so we strat exchanging texts. D. comes through, again - he really seems both very nice and very raunchy. And dare I say, I'm starting to sense that he may well be a bit bisexual, too. Wow!
What made it really click was the night when Sweet and I got very raunchy, in the garden, and when in the heat of the texting to D. I decided - why not just talk to him? So I callled, and hurraah! - D. sounds very nice too (voice, very important!). So after a wee while (I'm kinda proud of this) I pass the phone to Sweet and whilst she's allowing herself to be charned by D (we're all pretty turned on by this point) she's also very happily allowing herself to be played with by me. So now Sweet is having to explain to D. what I'm doing and how it feels. (I was doing a lot, and it felt FABBB!!!!)
Damn, I'm getting all excited just typing about it. And this is only the beginning, I'm yet to come to the actual experience (or 'meet' as people seem to call it)....
Er, can I come back in a moment?
Ta, everyone....
PS (I hope this works, it's my first ever posting on this sight.)