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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 61
0 miles · Greater London


Quote by Samndave
it wont let me join as it says my e-mail addy no good, so cant really be all that if you have to have the IN email address to be a memeber.... biggrin

I had the same problem, at first, because I was tryin to enter from my 'regular' blueyonder account, but then I tried my ...@companyname... account and that worked. It's soemthing to do with them only supporting 'professional' e-mail accounts and . Try another e-mail account, especially if you've got a work one.
It's a little more... hm... sophisticated?... mature?... than myspace.
but it's certainly more fun with the various ways of being 'interactive' with your friends...
Personally, I'm only troubled by the "I wouldn't be happy for her to go elswhere for sex..." part. Like most of th eothers. I'm not judgemental, and everyone's situation is different, and, yes, there are times when you have to 'talk to strangers' before you can talk to your partner, but there's no escaping the fact that me doing something whilst not 'allowing' my partner to do it is hypocritical. Whether you decide to tal to your partner or not, this is something you need to sort out in your head; and I do believe that sorting that out will lead to sorting a few of the other issues, too.
Good luck.
Quote by Lost
Took it upon ourselves to take the 'unholy trinity' for a drive to and around London centre this Sunday afternoon.

How very right you are. I soooo love London! It's fab! It's excititng! It's sexy!
Quote by hornyannmarie
Silverleigh is a Naturist Health Spa & Hotel in Kent Amarcord hun

Aaaah. Ta very much. Must look inot that. I love naturism even when there's no kink involved. wink
Quote by Kevnorth
We are a mid 40's couple planning a trip to Silverleigh

What the **** is Silverleigh? Where is it? Info, please. Ta.... dunno
Oh, and I've heard that dreaming that you're falling usually happens because you're hungry. !?
But, what I do know for a fact, eating cheese before bedtime gives you the best dreams! Weeehey!!!! :bounce:
Quote by MrsFC
What does it mean when you very rarely dream confused
I used to dream loads when I was younger, but now it rarely happens..............and when it does......... rolleyes I have this wake up call in my head telling me to GET UP !!!! usually cos I'm gonna be late for work :roll:

It doesn't mean anything. Some people do, some people don't, most people just go through phases when they dream and phases when they don't. Some scientists bepieve that we ALL reach REM sleep (i.e. dream), but we don't all have the memory or even that sensation in the morning ; 'I dreamt something last night, but I don';t rememebr what it was'
There seems to be a tendency for creative people and those with more vivid imagination to dream more than others. This has not been proven beyond a doubt, but keeps coming up as a rend.
In any case, it never, ever means what you think it might mean. Normally, it's just the brain re-processing recent information (things you've seen or done) or things you're worried about - hence anxiety drea,s.
(Er, did I just go off on one. Sorry, everyone, Im in the middle of some dream research because of work) :color:
Quote by Amarcord

far better than harry potter anyday........ lol

Erm, I meant HIS DARK MATERIALS (didn't realise we're up to page 9, damn it)
Personally, I am still going through a major Muarkami phase. Weird and genius in equal measures. Totally rocks. Especially Kafka on the Shore. worship
Quote by poshkate
far better than harry potter anyday........ lol

Thank You! Thank You! THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!! I've been saying this for aaaages, will anyone listen? banghead
Quote by blueandpink
Why are so many people embarrased to say NO to people? pink x

You're right to be pissed off. Absolutely!
However, I'd like to suggest 2 possible reasons. For one - the English middle classes (warning, a gross generalisation coming up innocent ) tend to be very polite, but I've noticed over the years that this politeness often leads to rudeness - they don't want to say no because they don't want to seem rude, or offend or hurt you, so they just back off (making themselves twice as rude, in the process). :doh:
Unfortunately, there is also the opposite reason - because of all the anonimity in swinging, some people feel unobliged to be polite ("it's not like I'm ever gonna meet them, again" - is not an uncommon phrase, is it?). In other words, they bottle out in the last minute for whatever personal reason they may have, ("oh, you mean we actually have to do it?") and then they just walk away, because you don't know where they live and they won't see you at the school drop off, tomorrw morning. :fuckinghell:
Quote by winchwench
Is there anyone else who doesn't like them? Or is he unique? Come to think of it, is there anyone with any other commonly loved dislikes? (did that make sense?)

What a top question!!!!! worship
Right - I much prefer giving thna receiving, (which no one seems to mind, luckily).
1. I am generally a giver, so lying back I can't just think of Egland, I'm thinking oh, no, am I taing too long, is she tired yet, should have come by now
2. I am sensitive, I need it to be sloppy-slippy wet and I don't like teeth
3. 'body remembers pain', when I was a kid, I had measles that went onto my testicles, so I'm subconsciously sensitive to poeple handling my balls and things
4. er, no, I think, that's about it.
Having said that, some girls are so cool at it that even I love it. There was one in particular, Richmond car park, top level, staircase, mmmmmmm...... :smug:
Quote by bicuriousuncut
thinking of putting a vid on my profile not wanting to put face on, any tips for how i can make it sexy yet fun

Would you like me to do it for you? Video work is part of my profession, so I can make you a sexy video (yes, yes, without making any swinigng demands on you) without ever showing your face.
Aletrnatively, Zoror rocks!
Quote by phil_osopher
rolleyes Who'd have thought there'd be any judgemental people on SH, eh?

Phil is right! The anus idea doesn't appeal, far enough, but I've certainly felched and snowballed, it's the kidn of thing that you do in the moment, no good thinking about it now with a keyboard in your hands. :giggle:
Quote by louise_and_joe
Ive got a question regarding fantasy's.
We all have fantasy's, im sure but do you think its a good idea to act out all your fantasy's or keep a few hidden away just as fantasy's.
I have one or two that might be considered a little extreme :shock: and apart from Joe have only told one other person here what they are.
Although I think about them sometimes, I wonder if I might shock myself by arranging to act them out.
What I would call mild fantasy's, I have acted upon and really enjoyed :thumbup:
The extreme ones, I dont know about. I might put myself off for life :giggle:
So, act them out, or not?
Louise xx
Ps I cant tell you what they are, I have a reputation to protect lol

Ah, but you see, if you DID tell me what they were, I'd be able to tell you whether you should make them happen or not. wink
Seriously though, as long as no one is getting hurt, what is the harm in trying them out. After all, you will either love having the memory of it for years to come, or your brain will jsut move on and make up a new one. I think you win either way. Personally, thefew of my fatasiez that I have realised, I still love, and the few that haven't - I can't wait to. mmmmmmmm
hang on a minute, some people DON'T kiss!?!? :doh:
But how can you have sensual or even purely sexual fun without it?
And sure, I've too been disappointed by bad kissers, but then I just carry on kissing everything else. :lickface:
Seriously though,a good snog is almost a complete sex. I love it. LOVE IT!
Quote by reddevil297
Does anyone know where there are any? We have never even seen one! A turn on thinking about it, but we dont know where there are any!!

Yes, yes, yes, if anyone knows of any in/around London, tell us, PLEEEEASE!!!!!!! :bounce:
Well, anyway, I still recommend dance lessons, and you can quote me on that. :smug:
Quote by Missy
Now I've just buggered it up too!! rolleyes :lol2:

Ah, so that's what a moderator does - screws things up to make idiots like me feel ess bad. Fab! :rose:
Quote by Amarcord
PS Frecklebird, help please (yet again) - how do I quote in a rectangle, the way everyone seems to do? dunno

Oh hang on, I've done it. But how did I do it? :doh:
Quote by Freckledbird
Get out more. Join groups which interest you, that's the way to meet people you'll possibly get on with.

I agree and suggest dance classes - salsa, tango, ballroom, whatever suits her. Thsi way she'll be having fun and won't feel the pressure that she's 'on the market', that she has to 'impress' or 'pull' or whatever. She'll just be having a laugh, and as soon as she starts having a laugh, people/men will start to notice her. It is true that men run from women who seem 'desperate' and 'needy' (it probably works the other way around). We are all generally drawn to people who seem at ease with themselves, we instinctively seek some of their joy to rub off on us and take us in.
PS Frecklebird, help please (yet again) - how do I quote in a rectangle, the way everyone seems to do? dunno
Check out Atomised by Michel Houellebecq, there is big section about goings on at Cap d'Agde. It is a weird book, I loved it personally, but it's not to everyone's taste, dunno Still the sex sections (many of them) are soooo graphic.....
We went during the day, with kids, so it was just a nudist beach to us, and the funniest thing was going to the shop by the beach where you by a lilo or a crop, and beach towel with your dildo. rotflmao

Additionally, how much *more* sexy is a threesome when three people are actively involved in the nibbling, giggling, writhing, slippery tangle of limbs and pink-bits! cool
How suckingly, lickably, gulpingly true!
we did it on the plane- never knew that sex can be suvh a turn on and so funny at the same time. NY - Lonodn flight, late night, kids asleep, we just finished a small bottle of Lanson, so Sweet suggests joining the club. I got a hard on before I even got out of my seat. When we got in, I realsied just how damn small those toilets are. I had raging hard on, Sweet was dripping wet, doggy was the nly option (fine, by me) but then seh presses the stweardess buzzer, by mistkae. I am pterfified as the kind BA woman knowcks on our door, I've got my cock deep inside her, and my hand over her mouth so she doesn't laugh out loud as I appologise to the stewardess.. it was the most wonderfully hot/funny/bizarre sex I've had. (Got ou faterwards, looking very sheepish, making sure I don't catch any of the crew's looks. :giggle:
I go with the 'times, they're a changing' theory. We've always been fascinated by cocks but we needed an 'excuse' to indulge them - prisons, the army, boarding schools. Today, having spent good 30, 40 years 'finding out' and accepting it as a fact that most women (all?) are bi-sexual to a smaller or greater degree, and since the gay community has managed to establish themselves as 'cool and creative', that we finally feel okay about accepting that, perhaps, most (all?) men are bisexual, too. Surprise, surprise.
Interestingly, where I grew up (sout Europe), we used to endlessly debate how 'the screwer' is not gay, only the 'screwee' hump and it is thus okay to fuck someone in th eposterior, as long as yyou don't let him do the same to you. rotflmao :rotflmao:
As fort me, I've always been bi, but it did take me years to acknolwedge it and a few more years still to start indulging it. So you coud say I've started as 95% heterosexual and have come down to.... dunno ...67%, maybe even % blast
Quote by Philfuller
I'm interested in 'the tubes grew back' case ...

The first time he found out the scary, messy, way, yes, but the second - I don't know. Good point. Must ask him.
Apparently, the difference is between 'just making a cut' and taking a whole chunk of the tubes out, so the remaining ends simply can't 'meet' and grow together. The latter is what my surgeoin did.

There's this one worship
Frecklebird, this is the second time you're helping me in emoticon need. Ta, oh so very nicely. :rose:
Quote by Dawnie

Why is not a bad question, I think. It is a big decision.
In my(our) case - we have two kids, I love them but i know I'll never want more (even in the unlikely event of re-marrying, etc etc). So once I knew that for sure, it was the question of Sweet getting fed up of taking the Pill for years and years.
So, I kind of did it for her, really, but also for msyelf - I liked knowing that it can never, under any circumstances, happpen 'by mistake'. With anyone.
Quote by paolo31
hi all ,so what do ya think about vasectomies?good or bad ?

I had it done about five, six years ago. Never felt any problem, once the initial (mild) discomfort went away. The actual operation was a bit weird - local anaesthetic meant I was aware of some tugging and pulling 'down there' but there was no pain.
A friend of mine had to have it done three times !!! because the tubes grew back, but A) that's extremely rare, B) my surgeon said 'the way I do it, they can't ever grow back, ever, so don't think of it as a temporary solution'.
I was happy with that.
Quote by jaymar
I give blood regularly and it's important I remain healthy so always safe sex for moi! lol

I knew safe-sex also has an altruistic angle to it, but this is taking it to another level. (they don't seem to have a bowing emoticon, so this is me bowing, jaymar, emoticonless)
As for the one-hand-bra-undo trick - wow, I thought EVERYONE knew that. Cool, let me nick the deli counter tingymijyg from Sainsbury and I'll be happy to start demonstrating. :hunk:
Friday night, after tango, in a car, hopefully out of the sight of a security camera. (but if we weren't, maybe I could ask them for a copy of the tape)
Aparently, I (also) impressed her with my one-step bra unbuttoning technique. She is a faaaab kisser, and has got lovely nipples. (I looove nice nipples.)
What about you? And why are you asking?