Thank you thank you, and sorry we were so pathetic staying sat in the corner all night just watching - one other munch virgin couple came over and sat and chatted with us for half the evening so we didn't feel like total gooseberries. LOL
I can't believe how many people were there it was totally overwhelming - literally.
I hope you had a great birthday Kaz and sorry say hello last night, you looked very much in demand. {blowing you a late birthday kiss}
I could eat a floury bap about now.
Just got to be careful you dont end up with a bun in the oven, playing with flower.
As for the original question... blindfolds = a big no-no here.
I have a very avarage 6" and my wife says its absolutely perfect, so yet women probably do lie about it. ;)
She's had big ones and small ones in the past and says average is average for a reason, because nature has decided that is the best size. Its evolution in action, and anything too far out of the average is a genetic aboration. LOL LOL LOL
If you havent read the Discworld books they are top - especially if you like silly humour.
I thought it was only one week to Half Blood Prince, its out on the 16th (next Sat) isnt it?
I stopped wearing underwear when I got a job in a really hot warehouse a few years ago, as it was totally unbearable and need to let me bits breathe. lol
Not really gone back to it since then. Its suprised a few people I guess but its just how it is for me now and I dont really think about it.
The male version of BBW is supposed to be BHM - Big Handsome Man.
I'm manager of a BBW group on MSN and its all about trying to get people to see themselves positively, not about trying to change the world or force opinions on anyone.
Dress size is another number like age or height or anything else and judgements on a person should not be made on that alone. Have you never seen The Prisoner... "I am not a number!"
If I had been so shallow as look for someone with a perfect body as described in the media, which DO try and shove their opinions down the throats of the masses, I would not now be married to the woman of my dreams.
I have seen such crushed spirits in my time, and its very sad. I just want to help people see the good in themselves and that they can be sexy and lovable and lusted after and respected for themselves.
Sorry for going off on one.
You have to use your extra boosts at the right time and try to land on the right women too. lol
I haven't played it for a few days now but my best is about 5,900m.
You dont have to go anywhere, I will bring it here to you. ;)