Get Well Soon Foxy hon
Kisses and gentle hugs
you were asked POLITLY not to post URL's the other person concerned should of known this too, and spoken to you in a pvt, she has said sorry, so why cant you? But you had to come back with lots of lip.
poor ol single guy with a chip on his shoulder? Yes you do have a prob with authority, if you dont like the rules, then why come into chat
aka Takhisis
is it too late for me to put my name down???
will bringing one other...............
ta very much
Steveg, what do you mean cyber sigh????
look, as i said in my note, i will be staying with Yorks_Dave, i would of thought, he'd let you know...........but if its a prob, fine
cya later
I prefer either LONG or NONE :P
i have a thing for 80's rocker types, but also for ya Grant Mitchel :P :twisted:
so Waddy, its entirly up to you honey