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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 54
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I don't "get" twitter tbh although I find Fookface a great way to keep in touch with family, friends and social groups.
Shit choice, but I have yet to see any film that is half as good as an excellent book.
Fook me. I have made a note never to doubt mids word lest he turns up with an atlas.
Quote by MidsCouple24
..... perhaps you should put it on your list of venues for SH socials ;)

Organise it Mids, folk will come I am sure.
We lurve clubs for all the reasons cited earlier.
I can be a jovial fellow.
A wise chap once had to remind me that the world of people is made up of bouncing rubber balls and china plates.
The bouncing rubber balls can do a lot of damage when they forget about the china plates.
Playing a prank on people you don't know is irresponsible.
These numbers are interesting.
Since 1960, about 5000 people have been killed in the USA by terrorists.
This is roughly the same number killed in the USA each WEEK by vehicles.
I think we are far too accepting of the road death toll.
The solutions are not obvious or simple and the blame does not lie with any particular group of road users.
When I read comments by people whose opinion I value to the effect that "we all speed" it makes me very sad. Society needs a cultural shift, people are more valuable than liberty sometimes.
I am sorry to learn that.
My best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.
A top night out. Thanks Try n the team. Lovely to see so many new friends and old. The atmosphere was delightfully warm, welcoming and fun.
I think the difference is that Deer culling is proven to be necessary whereas the slaughter of badgers to prevent bovine TB is not. In so far as these things can be "proven" of course.
I think, within our life times, most cities will go the Cambridge route and beyond.
I saw it, reminded me of the bad old days, and one or two horrific incidents I witnessed.
Anything that serves to highlight the truth about road use and the carnage we currently accept is a good thing.
I am all in favour of change to improve safety.
Quote by Bluefish2009
It could equally be a mistake to ignore it, with out further research, some thing I fully support for those suffering farmers

Funnily enough I have just finished working for a week on my brothers mixed farm. He recently had one of his store cattle slaughtered as a result of a failed TB test which it turned out was a false positive.
He was compensated by DEFRA just as he would have been if it had been TB infected.
He doesn't regard the compensation as unfair.
I have to say I am glad I will probably never have to apply for a license to transport pigs again mind.
We are in a similar position Smooth in wild woolly north wales. 8 meg max we get about 4-7 depending on demand. Add insult to injury by charging us a £10 a month "rural exchange" surcharge. No cable option of course.
That said until I nagged and nagged and nagged we were getting less than 2. I usd the BT speed checker to find out what BT could promise so I had summat to argue about.
Good luck.
Quote by Ste-n-Kez
Hi all, I feel like the very poor relation!!!!
For quite a while now the speed that my computer will operate at has been a sore point. There may be some issues with the speed of my computer which is being looked into by a local computer shop.
However after reading the above it seems that my download speeds are absolute crap compared to some. I've just done a 'Speedtest' and the results are taken at on Tuesday 4th December; Download mb/s and upload
I have done a test with Talktalk and they tell me that the line is capable of handling approx They say that 70% of that capacity is satisfactory. Apparently I am about 4km from the nearest exchange and that is part of the slow speed. Frequently all I seem to be doing is waiting for the computer to do something, not to mention trying to change a page or going to another site and being told "this page cannot be displayed". Click immediately again and no problem.
I have been offered a fibre upgrade at a cost of £50 and I think it was an extra £10 a month after.
So the final question is whether I should put up with it or go to another provider if they can guarantee a faster speed? I'm not looking for a whizz bang speed but it would be wonderful not to sit here twiddling my thumbs for anywhere up to a minute while it sorts itself out.
What would be an average speed? All opinions will be very much appreciated.
Smooth1, Bridgend, South Wales

Hi Smooth,
In answer to your question "should put up with it or go to another provider" The answer is no, it won't make any difference to your speed because the service will still be via your 4km phone line. Your options ate to upgrade to fibre upgrade or consider a dongle. I would go for the fibre tbh.
It is a mistake to assume that a correlation (which is what your graph shows) demonstrates cause and effect. It simply doesn't.
Quote by Bluefish2009
The action by the RSPCA means only three things to me.
They believe deer culling is necessary and justified. They do not believe. the culling of badger is necessary or justified. They are therefore worth listening to as they are prepared to form an opinion based on the evidence available and put their money where their mouth is.
That said I have never been a fan of the RSPCA.

So is any one who is prepared to put the money where there mouth is worth listening to?
ot sure all the evedance agrees
Quote by Bluefish2009

?Year Significance
1920s The Government develops the tuberculin skin test to enable the routine testing of cattle for bTB.
1935 Pasteurisation of milk largely protects humans from bTB.
1935 - 1937 Ministry of Agriculture first introduced the Tuberculosis – Attested Herd Scheme.
1950s Compulsory TB testing introduced – which progressively reduced the number of reactors.
1960 All cattle in the UK tested at least once and all reactors removed.
1970s South West is identified as having a higher rate of incidence. TB first discovered in Badgers in 1971.
1973 Badgers Act first introduced to protect badgers against baiting.
1975 - 1981 Strategic culling using gassing started. Thornbury badger clearance trial eliminated TB in cattle herds for 10 years.
1980 - 1982 1980 Temporary halt to culling during Zuckerman Report No culling. 1981 Gassing stopped.
1982 -1986 Clean ring policy. 1986 Dunnet Report - clean ring policy stopped and replaced by partial trapping policy / interim strategy.
1987 Outbreaks begin a year on year rise which has continued until the present day.
1992 The Protection of Badgers Act introduced.
?1996 - 1997 Krebs Review – in 1997 culling suspended.
1998 Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) (a.k.a. Krebs Trial) started, run by ISG.
2001 Tuberculin testing suspended due to Foot & Mouth disease (FMD).
2003 ISG/Krebs – reactive component stopped.
?1996 - 1997 Krebs Review – in 1997 culling suspended.
1998 Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) (a.k.a. Krebs Trial) started, run by ISG.
2001 Tuberculin testing suspended due to Foot & Mouth disease (FMD).
2003 ISG/Krebs – reactive component stopped.
Yers nystagmus renders the illusion moot too.
Quote by foxylady2209
I suffer from an eye condition called Amblyopia. It means I have no binocular vision. Downsides include having to use relative movemtn for depth perception and never, ever, being able to see anything on a Magic Eye picture.
Upsides include, I will still have depth perception if I lose one of my eyes and being able to spot optical illusions like this in about half a second falt. That is also a downside as it makes it pretty boring.
I was canvassing door to door when BNP were "doing well".
I KNOW that the UKIP agenda meets the needs of the BNP occasional voters I met and discussed political issues with at that time.
And star, please refrain from implying I have posted stuff that I haven't.
What is all this bollocks about smoking and benefits? UKIP are a one trick maybe two trick pony. The one trick is being anti europe. The two trick is being anti immigration.
Their appeal is to the tory far right voters and the self proclaimed "I am not a racist but..." brigade.
The action by the RSPCA means only three things to me.
They believe deer culling is necessary and justified. They do not believe. the culling of badger is necessary or justified. They are therefore worth listening to as they are prepared to form an opinion based on the evidence available and put their money where their mouth is.
That said I have never been a fan of the RSPCA.
UKIP ought to do well at the next GE I think, measured as a percentage of poll.
They appeal to the various disaffected groups of voters.
However due to the ridiculous flaws in our existing electoral process it is unlikely that this will translate into seats. Sad really we could do with some new thoughts and faces.
Quote by starlightcouple
a year? Don't think so.

The article you cite makes it clear that fostering three children could easily result in an incoming payment of £2000 a month if not more. It also highlights the need for foster carers to be rewarded sufficiently for them to consider care to be an alternative to employment.
Have the results of the enquiry been published?
Oh so it is still all conjecture then.
Having said that, I thought multiculturalism was alive and well and had been practised successfully in the UK for hundreds of years.
Yeah ya do.
I am still a bit confused about the Harley reference but will let it ride.