I've finished packing! :happy:
One more sleep to go!
Quote by Morjam
I can't plan that far ahead, because of work. All I would like to know, or have as an indication, is whether or not Munchies are usually planned so far in advance as this one is; because by the time I get to know if I can make a Munchie (I appreciate that I would need to be accepted 1st), would it not be full? If you were asking about August, I could probably pin down that far ahead, but November! No way!
The response I'm expecting is essentially one of the following; "Yes we do, sorry",or "No we don't, this is unusual", or "Well, it varies, so sometimes yes, sometimes no, on this occasion yes."
If "yes...", I'll never make it to one, if "No..." then I probably would make a future one, if "...it varies..." then I might get to some! I hope you see why I am asking; I would rather know now than waste time later, yours and mine.
Quote by Lil_Bunny
just gonna drive till we find somewhere nice, peaceful and preferablt near a pub
Quote by KitKat
I personally make it a rule never to post in someones hello thread unless I can ask a question that I will feel they will be comfortable asking and offers them the opportunity to have a conversation.
Quote by KitKat
I believe it starts the moment someone walks through the door. Rather than respond with the ritual "Hi, sit down and join in the banter we are all mad in here forget your real life" Respond by taking an interest in the person and asking questions. Not A/S/L what are you in to- I don't believe anyone should be asked for that information, Sensible social questions based on their post.
This gets people into the right frame of mind from the start, makes for a more interesting introduction, and, most importantly, gives people the opportuinity to get themselves known without the stresses of diving into miriads of threads.