Now Mr Blair you may have your party whip
...but I have ones crop...
now assume the position !
Cant go but would love to see any photos!
Well I would think of it this way.
A harmless peck on the cheek whilst sayg hello or goodbye is polite.
A full on tongue wrestle with a complete stranger :shock:
who has and wants no emotional ties with you is a bit much.
I always believe its the woman that should initiate full on kissing but
I should start everything else :twisted:
Thanks for the tip Mark 8) If I have any probs with my OS I'll look into it further
Petelhk if you ever set up a business you'll quickly realise word of mouth recommendations is the best and cheapest form of advertising :P
You would think they would ring a last orders bell or would turn the lights up when they are close to calling it a day. Chucking people out mid thrust isnt going to win them any new custom.
Thanks for your reply Mark...No I hadnt actually built an avatar yet, I just wanted some pointers really... I didnt want to spend 2hrs+? creating something thats incompatible with this site
I totally agree with you, there should be some sort of formal database where people can verify the identity of the person they are meeting. Although we all like our privacy at times maybe there are certain details we can give out. IE car registration, colour, make and model. Email address. Post Code. Gen description of self height, hair colour, etc
May be this database should have some sort of alert system too. IE when a lone woman has agreed a meeting she can leave details of the meet with the database and also a date and time when she will check back in. Once she has returned from the meet she will confirm she is safe and well to the database and the meet will then be closed on the system. If she doesnt check back in an alert is given by text msg to her mobile phone asking her to confirm she is safe. If the alert isnt responded to within say 15mins then the details of the meet could then be forwarded to a chosen friend or the police.
What do you think?