I haven't been to any Radlett parties...but having been to several clubs and a few house-parties I would say that as long as you have your boundaries set (ie: what you both will and won't do with other people) then you will be just fine...
In the meantime join in the Forums and maybe even get to a Munch or Social where you'll meet other Swingers in a safe no-play environment...
I still need someone to share with if anyone fancies it (on a no-expectations basis of course)...or if anyone has any spare floor then I don't mind kipping on the floor as long as I can borrow a pillow..LoL
If you could PM me if you have a spare bed or piece of floor I'd appreciate it!!
I'm confirming as far as I can do....but it really depends on what is happening workwise for me...sorry I can't be more definite...but I will certainly try to come along...
I used to work at the Dorchester Hotel in London and saw the following:
Nicholas Cage
George Clooney
Alicia Silverstone
Arnold Swarcheneggar (spelling)
Nelson Mandela
I have also seen Tom Jones walking down the street surrounded by Bodyguards and bejewelled women..LoL...and have also seen Christopher Lambert, but I was young and didnt know who he was.
Also went (was in the crowd) for Phantom Menace and saw Ewan McGregor and Samuel L Jackson and Jonathan Ross...
But actually, the person I remember the most fondly and really enjoyed speaking with was Roy Castle, I went to a Church Service where he was playing the Trumpet and I asked him for his autograph, I was shaking....LoL...but he was sooooo nice...
Yay I have booked my room!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm really looking forward to this one now..!!
Congrats you two....that's great news!! :bounce:
why should it matter how many men someone has slept with?
As long as you're having fun then what's the problem...
You really need to PM a Mod and ask them....I'm sure they will be happy to tell you....
Munches are absolutely fab!! I love coming to a Munch and chilling out and relaxing with people that I a) already know and b) want to meet but haven't had the chance yet....
It's a good chance to have a laugh and get a few snogs....
Great post MikeC hun :thumbup:
I personally would not swing with someone that was pissed as a fart....but would with someone that was slightly merry....
I personally DO get very horny when drunk.....but I'm not sure I would be any good at shagging while really pissed....although I DO rather like being touched or stroked as my skin feels more sensitive and I feel more sensual....
I quite like the idea of a specialist Socials.....I mean, why not? I think as long as people aren't too strict on who they see there.....that means everyone is theoretically welcome but there would be an overwhelming majority of *Inset Specialist People here*.....
Maybe I should go and look at the BBW Social again :rascal:
My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.....
I met Newt several times and always thought she was a lovely lady....I remember her making me so welcome at your house....
She will be sincerely missed.....
The first time I properly snogged a woman was really horny.....I wanted to do more than that, but didn't quite know whether I could and whether I would please her or not....
I think if you want to go for it then go for it, but just tell the woman that you have never done it before....and that you want to go slowly.....and just find out what you like and what you don't like....
Well I would feel a little strange about shagging an 18 year old (I'm 29)....but if he was mature and open to a ummm open relationship....then why not?
Stuart and Tanina hunnies.....could you let me know roughly when pre-munch drinkies will start?
Just that my Coach gets in at ....and I will probably be able to make it shortly after that I should think.....but it's fine if you're meeting until about 2pm or something....
Can't wait!! :bounce:
If it were me....personally....I would chat to my best mate and explain that I didn't want to ruin the friendship by introducing sex....but that's just me cause I can't let anything go unmentioned...LoL.
But it might be a good idea to just let it lie and see what he says to you....
The best thing to do is just have a drink at the local pub....just chat about normal sort of things.....get easy with each other and then maybe suggest that he comes back to yours....
When you get back to yours you can either suggest going straight upstairs (although that might be a little scary for him) or get a bottle of wine out and some nibbles and start by kissing and light stuff before you go for the heavy stuff....
The one thing I would say is take back the power.....dont let him have control over you or your emotions.....
This must be really hard for you...and i second what has been said, you must take this to the Police if he persists in stalking you....
Let us know how it goes!!