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Over 90 days ago


Warming the Bed
I'm not wasting my energy typing any more responses to this topic because you're obviously not listening to what I'm saying.
Please remove my registration details because I won't be coming back to this narrow minded board.
Warming the Bed
Thanks markus, that's the type of behaviour that will get the thread locked! mad
Warming the Bed
Jags, you've absolutely no idea!
Yes, it does have the potential for a good topic as bikerguy said. You don't have to lock a thread or delete it to comply with the law - just show that you don't condone its activities. I've been on plenty of forums where highly illegal events are discussed.
I have up the illegal use of narcotics a long time ago and the use of viagra was then. My original question was just a query which I'm sure others would have found interesting. Having been a drug abuser in the past I can see what they do to people and now I don't condone their use either. It feels that by closing a topic off for discussion (especially one that's so closely linked to sex) it's like ignoring it and pretending it doesn't happen.
How can you educate people that way? You can't. Period.
FredFlintstone, I never even had the chance to post a reply to the question of whether it was prescribed or not!
Warming the Bed
I really can't believe the narrow-mindedness of you lot on this board! Firstly, I don't believe that the link which was placed at the end of my original message gave me any of the answers I was looking for.
Did I say I was going to use it again? No I didn't and I'm not going to either.
How can you expect anyone to get a real understanding when the dictators lock the threads thus not allowing anyone to add anything else? Surely there are people out there who have questions that need answering?
If you want to demonstrate your awesome power and lock this thread or even wave your wand and make it disappear then feel free but for those who will get to read this message before anything happens to it will see exactly how you run things.
As for me, I'm heading off to another forum so you might as well cancel my registration.
Warming the Bed
...What's percentage of the populace on average does viagra not work?
I've the strongest (I think 200mg) and absolutely nothing!
No alcohol was consumed at the time as back then I didn't drink alcohol.
Moderators Message
The answers given to your question can be read by following the link below. There was a question raised as to whether your use of Viagra was on prescription and a request made to lock the thread pending an answer.

Warming the Bed
I agree. Speaking as a single chap it made me think what it must be like on from the other end.
Well said.
Warming the Bed
Hi all,
I've finally got back from working in the Midlands for the week. I heard on the news about the supposed terrorists being arrested in Dudley and Walsall the day after we arrived. These were the two places I was working the most. I couldn't help but woder if anything was going to kick off whilst I was there.
The hotel was great although I'd prefer it if it wasn't so posh. A french bloke behind the reception desk. The highlight would probably have to be the real French waitress... :twisted:
On our last night we were supposed to head off into town and get smashed in the clubs but decided to stay in the hotel when we found out a local hospital was having a private function for their nurses which we were allowed to attend. Just imagine, a room of about seventy nurses... :twisted: :twisted:
Warming the Bed
I think I bite too easily!
omg, don't get me started on the chocolate! I think I'm going to pop down to the shop and get some! Ouch :shock:
Warming the Bed
I can now see those pictures. All I've got to do is reboot and disable one app after another until I find which one was blocking...
kat>> I volunteered because the hotel is supposed to be real great but now beginning to regret it a little because of feedbacks I've received about the area from friends!
Warming the Bed
Kat>> I didn't upset anyone, I had a load of work to get done and never had any internet play time sad
When I get back from Birmingham I should get my play time back!
Warming the Bed
Hi Mark,
My system:
Windows XP Professional SP1
Internet Explorer -1633
AMD Athlon XP at
1024Mb DDR 266 RAM
nVidia GForce 4 (440MX)
Creative Audigy Platinum 2 eX
I'm not sure if you want this much info but here it is just in case:
Canon Canoscan N640P scanner
Epson Stylus C82 printer
Olympus C350-Zoom digital camera
Software I'm running:
History Kill 2003
Zone Alarm Pro v4 firewall
Norton Antivirus 2003
Norton Ghost
No, I can't see the image in that thread and yes, I do have "Show pictures" enabled. I've had to post the reply here because for some weird reason I can't seem to add anything onto the original thread sad
Thanks for your response smile
Warming the Bed
Hi all,
I've not been here long but already I've had to take a week out (I think it was a week!?) and I'm off working away in Birmingham over the next week.
Can anyone tell me what Dudley in Birmingham is like? I've never been there before and have absolutely no idea what to expect. For obvious reasons I can't say what I do but I can say I work in IT and come into contact with a LOT of public.
Any good places to visit? What is there that can be recommended?
Warming the Bed
Absolutely amazing pictures... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Warming the Bed
I've explained this once or twice already so I'll be brief to save typing it again...
Been browsing the photo ads - no photos appear - firewall and antivirus disabled - still no pictures - help?
btw, yes, I have read the FAQ and was of no help
Warming the Bed
I can't get on here as often as it seems a lot of you lot can so by the time I can the threads seem a little old :cry:
I'm jumping in where I think I can though wink
Warming the Bed
Never believe what you read in the papers...
...not even the date confused
Warming the Bed
Just imagine naked TWISTER! :twisted:
It'd add a whole new angle to "swinging"...
Warming the Bed
Last night I got in bed to get some kip and as per usual I put the TV on to fall asleep to. After growing up near noisy places (next to pubs, main roads etc.) I now find it takes me longer to get to sleep with silence.
I caught a programme on cable salled "Sex Sense." I think it was Discovery Health but I'm not too sure. I found the programme so interesting I ended up watching the entire thing and overslept the next morning as a result.
The programme makers carried out a survey at an American university where an attractive woman asked various men one of three questions...
Q: I've seen you around the campus and find you very attractive, would you...
1. like to go out on a date?
2. like to come back to my room?
3. like to have sex with me?
Male answers of YES:
1. 50%
2. Seventy something %
3. Ninety something %
Then they sent a male student out and asked the same questions to the females and here's their answers to YES:
1. 50%
2. Somewhere between 10 and 20%
3. 0%
Question 1 gave the same results where the other questions wielded inverted results.
I can post more information about the programme that came up if anyone's interested but I'm not sure it's relevant to this topic.
Warming the Bed
As far as I know DP is Double Penetration and haven't heard it mean anything else.
Warming the Bed
I can just picture it now...
Every time the women go to take a shot somehow it takes a lot longer to take it... :twisted:
Warming the Bed
Ouch! The thoughts of a bruise there is nasty.
Then again, there's the story of a little op I could share with you all if interested? :shock:
Warming the Bed
Here's my little contribution...
A couple weeks ago I was at a friend's house laying their lino. The pattern on it was just that of planks of wood - nothing symmetrical.
My friend then made an interesting comment. She thought it strange that since men get off more on visual stimulants and women mostly on imagination, that its usually the women who see "faces" in wallpaper or a Van Gogh in the dust stains on the back of a TV set... :idea:
Seems funny how the rolls seems to have switched round.
Just out of interest regarding jomu's post, the only three listed for male fantasies that I would agree with are the outdoor thing, bedroom eyes and king-size sex.
Warming the Bed
After reading your latest reply I suddenly realised just how many of my female friends at some point in a long & serious conversation change the subject to sex... :shock:
All walks of life - university students, housewives, divorcees etc.
About 8 or 10 years ago I shared a house with five women aged 18-22 - I was the only male. Some evenings some of us sat in the lounge having a natter just to pass the time, some times there was a large amount of alcohol present because everyone was getting ready for a night on the town. I remember there being a pattern. No-one would bring the topic of sex up until it was started by two of the girls. Once it had been started it was the only topic until our taxis turned up...!
Warming the Bed
Any idea why I can't see them? All I get is a blank white space!
Warming the Bed
Yes, I will hang around, I like it here 8)
KitKat, yes, I definitely am sure about that statement. I know like with some fantasies they're best kept fantasies for whatever reason but this is one thing I'm certain about.
I did mean dream as in make it a reality.
I believe I am pretty sure where I am, so yes, it would be a case of finding a direction to go in. I consider myself to be very open minded but I do have my limits. There are some things I know have no effect on me and some things that do.
Warming the Bed
Just thought I'd add a little bit here...
If you don't mind paying for software, this is what I use for security:
Zone Alarm Pro Firewall but probably the best choice
Norton Antivirus 2004 from Symantec
HistoryKill 2003 Probably the best and highly configurable popup blocker and Explorer history eliminator
Warming the Bed
About a year ago I was in an open relationship. This was because we had complete trust in each other and knew that the other person would stay with them (me & her). We occasionally engaged in threesomes and found this very enjoyable and posed no risk to our relationship. Unfortunately, we separated. The main reason being she has to soon return to her native country sad
I have a couple very close female friends and after a couple deep conversations with them (like we often do) over the past few weeks we've come to the conclusion that men find it easier to deparate the physical loving feelings of sex than women do. For men it's all external as for women it's internal - being penetrated (if this makes any sense! confused ) which is why women when in a relationship find it more difficult to swing.
Out of all my past relationships I've found most of the women would never dream of having sex with another man. For me, personally I find it a great turn-on watching my partner have sex with another man and afterwards joining in. At this point I feel I must add that I'm completely 100% heterosexual ;)
Yes, I'm going to be honest and say it is about sex but with more variety. Everyone is different and everyone enjoys different things. For example, one ex of mine was into some things I wasn't so she was able to enjoy what she liked with someone else - anal sex (although I admit to having never tried it myself)
H, I would have to agree with you completely, it is a lifestyle.
Many thanks to you both for a friendly reply smile
Warming the Bed
I seem to have joined this board a little too late ;)